Source code for opsvis

# OpenSeesPy visualization module

# Copyright (C) 2020 Seweryn Kokot
# Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
# Opole University of Technology, Poland
# ver. 0.95, 2020 September
# License: GNU GPL version 3

# plot_fiber_section is inspired by plotSection matlab function
# written by D. Vamvatsikos available at
# (

# Notes:

# 1. matplotlib's plt.axis('equal') does not work for 3d plots
#    therefore right angles are not guaranteed to be 90 degrees on the
#    plots

import openseespy.opensees as ops  # installed from pip
# import opensees as ops  # local compilation
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Polygon, Wedge
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import matplotlib.tri as tri

# default settings

# fmt: format string setting color, marker and linestyle
# check documentation on matplotlib's plot

# continuous interpolated shape line
fmt_interp = 'b-'  # blue solid line, no markers

# element end nodes
fmt_nodes = 'rs'  # red square markers, no line

# deformed model
fmt_defo = 'b-'  # green dashed line, no markers

# undeformed model
fmt_undefo = 'g:'  # green dotted line, no markers

# section forces
fmt_secforce = 'b-'  # blue solid line

# figure left right bottom top offsets
fig_lbrt = (.04, .04, .96, .96)

# azimuth and elevation in degrees
az_el = (-60., 30.)

# figure width and height in centimeters
fig_wi_he = (16., 10.)

class EleClassTag:
    """ELE_TAG constants defined in SRC/classTags.h"""
    truss = 12
    CorotTruss = 14
    ZeroLength = 19
    ZeroLengthSection = 20
    ElasticBeam2d = 3
    ElasticBeam3d = 5
    DispBeamColumn2d = 62
    DispBeamColumn3d = 64
    ForceBeamColumn2d = 73
    ForceBeamColumn3d = 74
    tri3n = 33
    tri6n = 209
    quad4n = 31
    quad9n = 207
    quad8n = 208
    SSPquad = 119
    EnhancedQuad = 59
    brick20n = 49
    brick8n = 56
    SSPbrick = 121

class LoadTag:
    """LOAD_TAG constants defined in SRC/classTags.h"""
    Beam2dUniformLoad = 3
    Beam2dUniformLoad_ndata = 2

    Beam2dPointLoad = 4
    Beam2dPointLoad_ndata = 3

    Beam3dUniformLoad = 5
    Beam3dPointLoad = 6
    BrickSelfWeight = 7
    Beam2dTempLoad = 8
    SurfaceLoader = 9
    SelfWeight = 10
    Beam2dThermalAction = 11
    Beam2dPartialUniformLoad = 12
    Beam2dPartialUniformLoad_ndata = 6

    Beam3dPartialUniformLoad = 121
    Beam3dThermalAction = 13
    ShellThermalAction = 14
    NodalThermalAction = 15
    ThermalActionWrapper = 16
    LysmerVelocityLoader = 17

def _plot_model_2d(node_labels, element_labels, offset_nd_label, axis_off,
                   fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, lw):

    fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he
    fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54))
    fig.subplots_adjust(left=.08, bottom=.08, right=.985, top=.94)

    max_x_crd, max_y_crd, max_crd = -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf

    node_tags = ops.getNodeTags()
    ele_tags = ops.getEleTags()

    nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0]

    # truss and beam/frame elements plot_model
    if nen == 2:

        for node_tag in node_tags:
            x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
            y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
            if x_crd > max_x_crd:
                max_x_crd = x_crd
            if y_crd > max_y_crd:
                max_y_crd = y_crd

        max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd])
        _offset = 0.005 * max_crd

        for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
            nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element node1-node2, x,  y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]])
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]])

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ex)/nen
            yt = sum(ey)/nen

            plt.plot(ex, ey, 'bo-')

            if element_labels:
                if ex[1]-ex[0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y = _offset, 0.0
                elif ey[1]-ey[0] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y = 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y = 0.03, 0.03

                plt.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha,

        if node_labels:
            for node_tag in node_tags:
                if not offset_nd_label == 'above':
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = _offset, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'

                         f'{node_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='blue')

        # plt.axis('equal')

    # 2d triangular (tri31) elements plot_model
    elif nen == 3:

        for node_tag in node_tags:
            x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
            y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
            if x_crd > max_x_crd:
                max_x_crd = x_crd
            if y_crd > max_y_crd:
                max_y_crd = y_crd

        max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd])
        _offset = 0.005 * max_crd
        _offnl = 0.003 * max_crd

        for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
            nd1, nd2, nd3 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element x, y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ex)/nen
            yt = sum(ey)/nen

            plt.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), 'bo-', ms=2)

            if element_labels:
                va = 'center'
                ha = 'center'
                plt.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        if node_labels:
            for node_tag in node_tags:
                if not offset_nd_label == 'above':
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = _offnl, _offnl
                    va = 'bottom'
                    # va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = 0.0, _offnl
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'

                         f'{node_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='blue')

    # 2d quadrilateral (quad) elements plot_model
    elif nen == 4:

        for node_tag in node_tags:
            x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
            y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
            if x_crd > max_x_crd:
                max_x_crd = x_crd
            if y_crd > max_y_crd:
                max_y_crd = y_crd

        max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd])
        _offset = 0.005 * max_crd
        _offnl = 0.003 * max_crd

        for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
            nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element x, y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ex)/nen
            yt = sum(ey)/nen

            # plt.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), 'bo-')
            plt.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), 'b-', lw=lw,

            if element_labels:
                va = 'center'
                ha = 'center'
                plt.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        if node_labels:
            for node_tag in node_tags:
                if not offset_nd_label == 'above':
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = _offnl, _offnl
                    va = 'bottom'
                    # va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = 0.0, _offnl
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'

                         f'{node_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='blue')


    # 2d quadrilateral (quad8n) elements plot_model
    elif nen == 8:

        for node_tag in node_tags:
            x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
            y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
            if x_crd > max_x_crd:
                max_x_crd = x_crd
            if y_crd > max_y_crd:
                max_y_crd = y_crd

        max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd])
        _offset = 0.005 * max_crd
        _offnl = 0.003 * max_crd

        for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
            nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element x, y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ex)/nen
            yt = sum(ey)/nen

            # plt.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), 'bo-')
            plt.plot(np.append(ex[:4], ex[0]), np.append(ey[:4], ey[0]), 'b-',
                     lw=lw, ms=2)

            if element_labels:
                va = 'center'
                ha = 'center'
                plt.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        if node_labels:
            for node_tag in node_tags:
                if not offset_nd_label == 'above':
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = _offnl, _offnl
                    va = 'bottom'
                    # va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = 0.0, _offnl
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'

                         f'{node_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='blue')


    # 2d quadrilateral (quad9n) elements plot_model
    elif nen == 9:

        for node_tag in node_tags:
            x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
            y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
            if x_crd > max_x_crd:
                max_x_crd = x_crd
            if y_crd > max_y_crd:
                max_y_crd = y_crd

        max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd])
        _offset = 0.005 * max_crd
        _offnl = 0.003 * max_crd

        for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
            nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8, nd9 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element x, y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ex)/nen
            yt = sum(ey)/nen

            plt.plot([ex[0], ex[4], ex[1], ex[5], ex[2], ex[6],
                      ex[3], ex[7], ex[0]],
                     [ey[0], ey[4], ey[1], ey[5], ey[2], ey[6],
                      ey[3], ey[7], ey[0]], 'b.-',
                     lw=lw, ms=2, mfc='g', mec='g')
            plt.scatter([ex[8]], [ey[8]], s=2, color='g')

            if element_labels:
                va = 'center'
                ha = 'center'
                plt.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        if node_labels:
            for node_tag in node_tags:
                if not offset_nd_label == 'above':
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = _offnl, _offnl
                    va = 'bottom'
                    # va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = 0.0, _offnl
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'

                         f'{node_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='blue')


    # 2d triangle (tri6n) elements plot_model
    elif nen == 6:

        for node_tag in node_tags:
            x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
            y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
            if x_crd > max_x_crd:
                max_x_crd = x_crd
            if y_crd > max_y_crd:
                max_y_crd = y_crd

        max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd])
        _offset = 0.005 * max_crd
        _offnl = 0.003 * max_crd

        for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
            nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element x, y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ex)/nen
            yt = sum(ey)/nen

            # plt.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), 'bo-')
            plt.plot(np.append(ex[:3], ex[0]), np.append(ey[:3], ey[0]), 'b-',
                     lw=lw, ms=2)

            if element_labels:
                va = 'center'
                ha = 'center'
                plt.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        if node_labels:
            for node_tag in node_tags:
                if not offset_nd_label == 'above':
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = _offnl, _offnl
                    va = 'bottom'
                    # va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = 0.0, _offnl
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'

                         f'{node_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='blue')


def _plot_model_3d(node_labels, element_labels, offset_nd_label, axis_off,
                   az_el, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, lw):

    node_tags = ops.getNodeTags()
    ele_tags = ops.getEleTags()

    azim, elev = az_el

    fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he
    fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54))
    fig.subplots_adjust(left=.08, bottom=.08, right=.985, top=.94)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(111,


    ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=elev)

    max_x_crd, max_y_crd, max_z_crd, max_crd = -np.inf, -np.inf, \
        -np.inf, -np.inf

    nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0]

    # truss and beam/frame elements
    if nen == 2:
        for node_tag in node_tags:
            x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
            y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
            z_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]
            if x_crd > max_x_crd:
                max_x_crd = x_crd
            if y_crd > max_y_crd:
                max_y_crd = y_crd
            if z_crd > max_z_crd:
                max_z_crd = z_crd

        if offset_nd_label == 0 or offset_nd_label == 0.:
            _offset = 0.
            max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd, max_z_crd])
            _offset = 0.005 * max_crd

        for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
            nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element node1-node2, x,  y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]])
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]])
            ez = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[2]])

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ex)/nen
            yt = sum(ey)/nen
            zt = sum(ez)/nen

            ax.plot(ex, ey, ez, 'b.-')

            # fixme: placement of node_tag labels
            if element_labels:
                if ex[1]-ex[0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ey[1]-ey[0] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ez[1]-ez[0] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        if node_labels:
            for node_tag in node_tags:
                        f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

    # quad in 3d
    elif nen == 4:
        for node_tag in node_tags:
            x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
            y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
            z_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]
            if x_crd > max_x_crd:
                max_x_crd = x_crd
            if y_crd > max_y_crd:
                max_y_crd = y_crd
            if z_crd > max_z_crd:
                max_z_crd = z_crd

            # ax.plot([x_crd], [y_crd], [z_crd], 'ro')

        max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd, max_z_crd])
        _offset = 0.002 * max_crd

        for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
            nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element node1-node2, x,  y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],
            ez = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[2],

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ex)/nen
            yt = sum(ey)/nen
            zt = sum(ez)/nen

            ax.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]),
                    np.append(ey, ey[0]),
                    np.append(ez, ez[0]), 'b.-')

            # fixme: placement of node_tag labels
            if element_labels:
                if ex[1]-ex[0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ey[1]-ey[0] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ez[1]-ez[0] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        if node_labels:
            for node_tag in node_tags:
                        f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

    # 8-node brick, 3d model
    elif nen == 8:
        for node_tag in node_tags:
            x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
            y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
            z_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]
            if x_crd > max_x_crd:
                max_x_crd = x_crd
            if y_crd > max_y_crd:
                max_y_crd = y_crd
            if z_crd > max_z_crd:
                max_z_crd = z_crd

            # ax.plot([x_crd], [y_crd], [z_crd], 'ro')

        max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd, max_z_crd])
        _offset = 0.005 * max_crd

        for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
            nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element node1-node2, x,  y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],
            ez = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[2],

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ex)/nen
            yt = sum(ey)/nen
            zt = sum(ez)/nen

            ax.plot(np.append(ex[0:4], ex[0]),
                    np.append(ey[0:4], ey[0]),
                    np.append(ez[0:4], ez[0]), 'b.-')
            ax.plot(np.append(ex[4:8], ex[4]),
                    np.append(ey[4:8], ey[4]),
                    np.append(ez[4:8], ez[4]), 'b.-')
            ax.plot([ex[0], ex[4]], [ey[0], ey[4]], [ez[0], ez[4]], 'b.-')
            ax.plot([ex[1], ex[5]], [ey[1], ey[5]], [ez[1], ez[5]], 'b.-')
            ax.plot([ex[2], ex[6]], [ey[2], ey[6]], [ez[2], ez[6]], 'b.-')
            ax.plot([ex[3], ex[7]], [ey[3], ey[7]], [ez[3], ez[7]], 'b.-')

            # fixme: placement of node_tag labels
            if element_labels:
                if ex[1]-ex[0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ey[1]-ey[0] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ez[1]-ez[0] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        if node_labels:
            for node_tag in node_tags:
                        f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

    # 20-node brick, 3d model
    elif nen == 20:
        for node_tag in node_tags:
            x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
            y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
            z_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]
            if x_crd > max_x_crd:
                max_x_crd = x_crd
            if y_crd > max_y_crd:
                max_y_crd = y_crd
            if z_crd > max_z_crd:
                max_z_crd = z_crd

            # ax.plot([x_crd], [y_crd], [z_crd], 'ro')

        max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd, max_z_crd])
        _offset = 0.005 * max_crd

        for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
            nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8, nd9, nd10, \
            nd11, nd12, nd13, nd14, nd15, nd16, nd17, nd18, nd19, nd20 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element node1-node2, x,  y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],
            ez = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[2],

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ex)/nen
            yt = sum(ey)/nen
            zt = sum(ez)/nen
            for j in range(2):
                plt.plot(ex[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4]],
                         ey[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4]],
                         ez[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4]],
                         'b.-', lw=lw, ms=2, mfc='g', mec='g')

            for j in range(4):
                plt.plot(ex[[j, 16+j, 4+j]],
                         ey[[j, 16+j, 4+j]],
                         ez[[j, 16+j, 4+j]], 'b.-',
                         lw=lw, ms=2, mfc='g', mec='g')

            # fixme: placement of node_tag labels
            if element_labels:
                if ex[1]-ex[0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ey[1]-ey[0] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ez[1]-ez[0] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        if node_labels:
            for node_tag in node_tags:
                        f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')


[docs]def plot_model(node_labels=1, element_labels=1, offset_nd_label=False, axis_off=0, az_el=az_el, fig_wi_he=fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt=fig_lbrt, lw=0.4): """Plot defined model of the structure. Args: node_labels (int): 1 - plot node labels, 0 - do not plot them; (default: 1) element_labels (int): 1 - plot element labels, 0 - do not plot them; (default: 1) offset_nd_label (bool): False - do not offset node labels from the actual node location. This option can enhance visibility. axis_off (int): 0 - turn off axes, 1 - display axes; (default: 0) az_el (tuple): contains azimuth and elevation for 3d plots. For 2d plots this parameter is neglected. fig_wi_he (tuple): contains width and height of the figure fig_lbrt (tuple): a tuple contating left, bottom, right and top offsets Usage: ``plot_model()`` - plot model with node and element labels. ``plot_model(node_labels=0, element_labels=0)`` - plot model without node element labels ``plot_model(fig_wi_he=(20., 14.))`` - plot model in a window 20 cm long, and 14 cm high. """ # az_el - azimut, elevation used for 3d plots only node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() ndim = np.shape(ops.nodeCoord(node_tags[0]))[0] if ndim == 2: _plot_model_2d(node_labels, element_labels, offset_nd_label, axis_off, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, lw) if axis_off: plt.axis('off') elif ndim == 3: _plot_model_3d(node_labels, element_labels, offset_nd_label, axis_off, az_el, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, lw) if axis_off: plt.axis('off') else: print(f'\nWarning! ndim: {ndim} not supported yet.')
# # call this from main py file for more control def _plot_defo_mode_2d(modeNo, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, fmt_nodes): ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] # truss and beam/frame elements if nen == 2: ndf = np.shape(ops.nodeDOFs(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0])[0]))[0] # truss element plot_defo if ndf == 2: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) if modeNo: eux = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[0], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[0]]) euy = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[1], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[1]]) else: eux = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[0]]) euy = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[1]]) # displaced element coordinates (scaled by sfac factor) edx = np.array([ex[0] + sfac*eux[0], ex[1] + sfac*eux[1]]) edy = np.array([ey[0] + sfac*euy[0], ey[1] + sfac*euy[1]]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(ex, ey, fmt_undefo) plt.plot(edx, edy, fmt_interp) # beam/frame element plot_defo elif ndf == 3: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)]) else: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeDisp(nd1), *ops.nodeDisp(nd2)]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(ex, ey, fmt_undefo) # interpolated displacement field if interpFlag: xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, ed, sfac, nep) plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, fmt_interp) # translations of ends if endDispFlag: xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, ed, sfac) plt.plot(xdi, ydi, fmt_nodes) plt.axis('equal') # # call this from main py file for more control # 2d triangular (tri31) elements plot_defo elif nen == 3: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2, nd3 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo)]) else: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeDisp(nd1), *ops.nodeDisp(nd2), *ops.nodeDisp(nd3)]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), fmt_undefo) # xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, ed, sfac, nep) # xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, ed, sfac) # # interpolated displacement field # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, 'b.-') # # translations of ends only # plt.plot(xdi, ydi, 'ro') # xc = [x, x[0, :]] # yc = [x, x[0, :]] # test it with one element x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 2, 4]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 3, 5]] # x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 2, 4, 6]] # y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 3, 5, 7]] plt.plot(np.append(x, x[0]), np.append(y, y[0]), fmt_defo) plt.axis('equal') # 2d quadrilateral (quad) elements plot_defo elif nen == 4: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[1]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo)]) else: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeDisp(nd1), *ops.nodeDisp(nd2), *ops.nodeDisp(nd3), *ops.nodeDisp(nd4)]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), fmt_undefo) # xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, ed, sfac, nep) # xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, ed, sfac) # # interpolated displacement field # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, 'b.-') # # translations of ends only # plt.plot(xdi, ydi, 'ro') # test it with one element x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 2, 4, 6]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 3, 5, 7]] plt.plot(np.append(x, x[0]), np.append(y, y[0]), fmt_defo) plt.axis('equal') # 2d quadrilateral (quad8n) elements plot_defo elif nen == 8: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd7)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd8)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd7)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd8)[1]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd5, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd6, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd7, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd8, modeNo)]) else: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeDisp(nd1), *ops.nodeDisp(nd2), *ops.nodeDisp(nd3), *ops.nodeDisp(nd4), *ops.nodeDisp(nd5), *ops.nodeDisp(nd6), *ops.nodeDisp(nd7), *ops.nodeDisp(nd8)]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot([ex[0], ex[4], ex[1], ex[5], ex[2], ex[6], ex[3], ex[7], ex[0]], [ey[0], ey[4], ey[1], ey[5], ey[2], ey[6], ey[3], ey[7], ey[0]], fmt_undefo) # xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, ed, sfac, nep) # xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, ed, sfac) # # interpolated displacement field # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, 'b.-') # # translations of ends only # plt.plot(xdi, ydi, 'ro') # test it with one element x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]] plt.plot([x[0], x[4], x[1], x[5], x[2], x[6], x[3], x[7], x[0]], [y[0], y[4], y[1], y[5], y[2], y[6], y[3], y[7], y[0]], fmt_defo) plt.axis('equal') # 2d quadrilateral (quad9n) elements plot_defo elif nen == 9: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8, nd9 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd7)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd8)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd9)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd7)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd8)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd9)[1]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd5, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd6, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd7, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd8, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd9, modeNo)]) else: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeDisp(nd1), *ops.nodeDisp(nd2), *ops.nodeDisp(nd3), *ops.nodeDisp(nd4), *ops.nodeDisp(nd5), *ops.nodeDisp(nd6), *ops.nodeDisp(nd7), *ops.nodeDisp(nd8), *ops.nodeDisp(nd9)]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(ex[[0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 0]], ey[[0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 0]], fmt_undefo) # xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, ed, sfac, nep) # xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, ed, sfac) # # interpolated displacement field # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, 'b.-') # # translations of ends only # plt.plot(xdi, ydi, 'ro') # test it with one element x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17]] plt.plot(x[[0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 0]], y[[0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 0]], fmt_defo) plt.plot([x[8]], [y[8]], 'b.-') plt.axis('equal') # 2d triangle (tri6n) elements plot_defo elif nen == 6: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[1]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd5, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd6, modeNo)]) else: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeDisp(nd1), *ops.nodeDisp(nd2), *ops.nodeDisp(nd3), *ops.nodeDisp(nd4), *ops.nodeDisp(nd5), *ops.nodeDisp(nd6)]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(ex[[0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 0]], ey[[0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 0]], fmt_undefo) # xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, ed, sfac, nep) # xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, ed, sfac) # # interpolated displacement field # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, 'b.-') # # translations of ends only # plt.plot(xdi, ydi, 'ro') # test it with one element x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]] plt.plot(x[[0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 0]], y[[0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 0]], fmt_defo) plt.axis('equal') # 2d 8-node quadratic elements # elif nen == 8: # x = ex+sfac*ed[:, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]] # y = ex+sfac*ed[:, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]] # t = -1 # n = 0 # for s in range(-1, 1.4, 0.4): # n += 1 # ... else: print(f'\nWarning! Elements not supported yet. nen: {nen}; must be: 2, 3, 4, 8.') # noqa: E501 def _plot_defo_mode_3d(modeNo, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, fmt_nodes, az_el, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt): ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() azim, elev = az_el fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=.08, bottom=.08, right=.985, top=.94) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, # ax.axis('equal') ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=elev) nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] # plot: truss and beam/frame elements in 3d if nen == 2: ndf = np.shape(ops.nodeDOFs(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0])[0]))[0] # plot: beam/frame element in 3d if ndf == 6: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) ez = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[2]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)]) else: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeDisp(nd1), *ops.nodeDisp(nd2)]) # eo = Eo[i, :] xloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'xlocal') yloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'ylocal') zloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'zlocal') g = np.vstack((xloc, yloc, zloc)) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(ex, ey, ez, fmt_undefo) # interpolated displacement field if interpFlag: xcd, ycd, zcd = beam_defo_interp_3d(ex, ey, ez, g, ed, sfac, nep) ax.plot(xcd, ycd, zcd, fmt_interp) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') # translations of ends if endDispFlag: xd, yd, zd = beam_disp_ends3d(ex, ey, ez, ed, sfac) ax.plot(xd, yd, zd, fmt_nodes) # plot: quad in 3d defo, but also shell which case more dofs elif nen == 4: ndf = np.shape(ops.nodeDOFs(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0])[0]))[0] # plot: shell in 3d if ndf == 6: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element node1-node2, x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[1]]) ez = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[2]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[:3], *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[:3], *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo)[:3], *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo)[:3]]) else: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[:3], *ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[:3], *ops.nodeDisp(nd3)[:3], *ops.nodeDisp(nd4)[:3]]) if unDefoFlag: ax.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), np.append(ez, ez[0]), fmt_undefo) x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 3, 6, 9]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 4, 7, 10]] z = ez+sfac*ed[[2, 5, 8, 11]] # ax.plot(np.append(x, x[0]), # np.append(y, y[0]), # np.append(z, z[0]), # 'b.-') # ax.axis('equal') pts = [[x[0], y[0], z[0]], [x[1], y[1], z[1]], [x[2], y[2], z[2]], [x[3], y[3], z[3]]] verts = [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3]]] ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection(verts, linewidths=1, edgecolors='k', alpha=.25)) ax.scatter(x, y, z, s=0) # 8-node brick, 3d defo elif nen == 8: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element node1-node2, x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd7)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd8)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd7)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd8)[1]]) ez = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd7)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd8)[2]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd5, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd6, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd7, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd8, modeNo)]) else: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeDisp(nd1), *ops.nodeDisp(nd2), *ops.nodeDisp(nd3), *ops.nodeDisp(nd4), *ops.nodeDisp(nd5), *ops.nodeDisp(nd6), *ops.nodeDisp(nd7), *ops.nodeDisp(nd8)]) if unDefoFlag: ax.plot(np.append(ex[0:4], ex[0]), np.append(ey[0:4], ey[0]), np.append(ez[0:4], ez[0]), fmt_undefo) ax.plot(np.append(ex[4:8], ex[4]), np.append(ey[4:8], ey[4]), np.append(ez[4:8], ez[4]), fmt_undefo) ax.plot([ex[0], ex[4]], [ey[0], ey[4]], [ez[0], ez[4]], fmt_undefo) ax.plot([ex[1], ex[5]], [ey[1], ey[5]], [ez[1], ez[5]], fmt_undefo) ax.plot([ex[2], ex[6]], [ey[2], ey[6]], [ez[2], ez[6]], fmt_undefo) ax.plot([ex[3], ex[7]], [ey[3], ey[7]], [ez[3], ez[7]], fmt_undefo) x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22]] z = ez+sfac*ed[[2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23]] ax.plot(np.append(x[:4], x[0]), np.append(y[:4], y[0]), np.append(z[:4], z[0]), 'b.-') ax.plot(np.append(x[4:8], x[4]), np.append(y[4:8], y[4]), np.append(z[4:8], z[4]), 'b.-') ax.plot([x[0], x[4]], [y[0], y[4]], [z[0], z[4]], 'b.-') ax.plot([x[1], x[5]], [y[1], y[5]], [z[1], z[5]], 'b.-') ax.plot([x[2], x[6]], [y[2], y[6]], [z[2], z[6]], 'b.-') ax.plot([x[3], x[7]], [y[3], y[7]], [z[3], z[7]], 'b.-') # 20-node brick20n, 3d defo elif nen == 20: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8, nd9, nd10, \ nd11, nd12, nd13, nd14, nd15, nd16, nd17, nd18, nd19, nd20 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element node1-node2, x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd7)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd8)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd9)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd10)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd11)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd12)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd13)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd14)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd15)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd16)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd17)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd18)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd19)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd20)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd7)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd8)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd9)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd10)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd11)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd12)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd13)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd14)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd15)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd16)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd17)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd18)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd19)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd20)[1]]) ez = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd5)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd6)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd7)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd8)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd9)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd10)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd11)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd12)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd13)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd14)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd15)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd16)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd17)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd18)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd19)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd20)[2]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd5, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd6, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd7, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd8, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd9, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd10, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd11, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd12, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd13, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd14, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd15, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd16, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd17, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd18, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd19, modeNo), *ops.nodeEigenvector(nd20, modeNo)]) else: ed = np.array([*ops.nodeDisp(nd1), *ops.nodeDisp(nd2), *ops.nodeDisp(nd3), *ops.nodeDisp(nd4), *ops.nodeDisp(nd5), *ops.nodeDisp(nd6), *ops.nodeDisp(nd7), *ops.nodeDisp(nd8), *ops.nodeDisp(nd9), *ops.nodeDisp(nd10), *ops.nodeDisp(nd11), *ops.nodeDisp(nd12), *ops.nodeDisp(nd13), *ops.nodeDisp(nd14), *ops.nodeDisp(nd15), *ops.nodeDisp(nd16), *ops.nodeDisp(nd17), *ops.nodeDisp(nd18), *ops.nodeDisp(nd19), *ops.nodeDisp(nd20)]) if unDefoFlag: for j in range(2): plt.plot(ex[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4]], ey[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4]], ez[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4]], fmt_undefo) for j in range(4): plt.plot(ex[[j, 16+j, 4+j]], ey[[j, 16+j, 4+j]], ez[[j, 16+j, 4+j]], fmt_undefo) # ax.plot(np.append(ex[0:4], ex[0]), # np.append(ey[0:4], ey[0]), # np.append(ez[0:4], ez[0]), fmt_undefo) # ax.plot(np.append(ex[4:8], ex[4]), # np.append(ey[4:8], ey[4]), # np.append(ez[4:8], ez[4]), fmt_undefo) # ax.plot([ex[0], ex[4]], # [ey[0], ey[4]], # [ez[0], ez[4]], fmt_undefo) # ax.plot([ex[1], ex[5]], # [ey[1], ey[5]], # [ez[1], ez[5]], fmt_undefo) # ax.plot([ex[2], ex[6]], # [ey[2], ey[6]], # [ez[2], ez[6]], fmt_undefo) # ax.plot([ex[3], ex[7]], # [ey[3], ey[7]], # [ez[3], ez[7]], fmt_undefo) x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58]] z = ez+sfac*ed[[2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47, 50, 53, 56, 59]] for j in range(2): plt.plot(x[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4]], y[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4]], z[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4]], 'b.-', lw=0.4, ms=2, mfc='g', mec='g') for j in range(4): plt.plot(x[[j, 16+j, 4+j]], y[[j, 16+j, 4+j]], z[[j, 16+j, 4+j]], 'b.-', lw=0.4, ms=2, mfc='g', mec='g') # ax.plot(np.append(x[:4], x[0]), # np.append(y[:4], y[0]), # np.append(z[:4], z[0]), # 'b.-') # ax.plot(np.append(x[4:8], x[4]), # np.append(y[4:8], y[4]), # np.append(z[4:8], z[4]), # 'b.-') # ax.plot([x[0], x[4]], # [y[0], y[4]], # [z[0], z[4]], 'b.-') # ax.plot([x[1], x[5]], # [y[1], y[5]], # [z[1], z[5]], 'b.-') # ax.plot([x[2], x[6]], # [y[2], y[6]], # [z[2], z[6]], 'b.-') # ax.plot([x[3], x[7]], # [y[3], y[7]], # [z[3], z[7]], 'b.-') ax.set_box_aspect((np.ptp(ax.get_xlim3d()), np.ptp(ax.get_ylim3d()), np.ptp(ax.get_zlim3d())))
[docs]def plot_defo(sfac=False, nep=17, unDefoFlag=1, fmt_defo=fmt_defo, fmt_undefo=fmt_undefo, interpFlag=1, endDispFlag=0, fmt_interp=fmt_interp, fmt_nodes=fmt_nodes, Eo=0, az_el=az_el, fig_wi_he=fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt=fig_lbrt): """Plot deformed shape of the structure. Args: sfac (float): scale factor to increase/decrease displacements obtained from FE analysis. If not specified (False), sfac is automatically calculated based on the maximum overall displacement and this maximum displacement is plotted as 20 percent (hordcoded) of the maximum model dimension. interpFlag (int): 1 - use interpolated deformation using shape function, 0 - do not use interpolation, just show displaced element nodes (default is 1) nep (int): number of evaluation points for shape function interpolation (default: 17) Returns: sfac (float): the automatically calculated scale factor can be returned. Usage: ``sfac = plot_defo()`` - plot deformed shape with default parameters and automatically calcutated scale factor. ``plot_defo(interpFlag=0)`` - plot simplified deformation by displacing the nodes connected with straight lines (shape function interpolation) ``plot_defo(sfac=1.5)`` - plot with specified scale factor ``plot_defo(unDefoFlag=0, endDispFlag=0)`` - plot without showing undeformed (original) mesh and without showing markers at the element ends. """ node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() # calculate sfac min_x, min_y, min_z = np.inf, np.inf, np.inf max_x, max_y, max_z = -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf max_ux, max_uy, max_uz = -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf ratio = 0.1 ndim = np.shape(ops.nodeCoord(node_tags[0]))[0] if ndim == 2: if not sfac: for node_tag in node_tags: x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0] y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1] ux = ops.nodeDisp(node_tag)[0] uy = ops.nodeDisp(node_tag)[1] min_x = min(min_x, x_crd) min_y = min(min_y, y_crd) max_x = max(max_x, x_crd) max_y = max(max_y, y_crd) max_ux = max(max_ux, np.abs(ux)) max_uy = max(max_uy, np.abs(uy)) dxmax = max_x - min_x dymax = max_y - min_y dlmax = max(dxmax, dymax) edmax = max(max_ux, max_uy) sfac = ratio * dlmax/edmax if sfac > 1000.: print("""\nWarning!\nsfac is quite large - perhaps try to specify \ sfac value yourself. This usually happens when translational DOFs are too small\n\n""") _plot_defo_mode_2d(0, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, fmt_nodes) elif ndim == 3: if not sfac: for node_tag in node_tags: x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0] y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1] z_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2] ux = ops.nodeDisp(node_tag)[0] uy = ops.nodeDisp(node_tag)[1] uz = ops.nodeDisp(node_tag)[2] min_x = min(min_x, x_crd) min_y = min(min_y, y_crd) min_z = min(min_z, z_crd) max_x = max(max_x, x_crd) max_y = max(max_y, y_crd) max_z = max(max_z, z_crd) max_ux = max(max_ux, np.abs(ux)) max_uy = max(max_uy, np.abs(uy)) max_uz = max(max_uz, np.abs(uz)) dxmax = max_x - min_x dymax = max_y - min_y dzmax = max_z - min_z dlmax = max(dxmax, dymax, dzmax) edmax = max(max_ux, max_uy, max_uz) sfac = ratio * dlmax/edmax _plot_defo_mode_3d(0, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, fmt_nodes, az_el, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt) else: print(f'\nWarning! ndim: {ndim} not supported yet.') return sfac
def _anim_mode_2d(modeNo, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, fmt_nodes, fig_wi_he, xlim, ylim, lw): fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] # truss and beam/frame elements if nen == 2: ndf = np.shape(ops.nodeDOFs(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0])[0]))[0] # truss element if ndf == 2: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) if modeNo: eux = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[0], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[0]]) euy = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[1], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[1]]) else: eux = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[0]]) euy = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[1]]) # displaced element coordinates (scaled by sfac factor) edx = np.array([ex[0] + sfac*eux[0], ex[1] + sfac*eux[1]]) edy = np.array([ey[0] + sfac*euy[0], ey[1] + sfac*euy[1]]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(ex, ey, fmt_undefo) plt.plot(edx, edy, fmt_interp) # beam/frame element anim eigen elif ndf == 3: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54)) ax.axis('equal') ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) nel = len(ele_tags) Ex = np.zeros((nel, 2)) Ey = np.zeros((nel, 2)) Ed = np.zeros((nel, 6)) # time vector for one cycle (period) n_cycles = 10 n_frames = n_cycles * 32 + 1 t = np.linspace(0., n_cycles*2*np.pi, n_frames) lines = [] for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates Ex[i, :] = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) Ey[i, :] = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) Ed[i, :] = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[0], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[1], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[2], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[0], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[1], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[2]]) lines.append(ax.plot([], [], fmt_nodes, lw=lw)[0]) def init(): for j, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): lines[j].set_data([], []) return lines def animate(i): for j, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): if interpFlag: xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(Ex[j, :], Ey[j, :], Ed[j, :], sfac*np.sin(t[i]), nep) lines[j].set_data(xcdi, ycdi) else: xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(Ex[j, :], Ey[j, :], Ed[j, :], sfac*np.cos(t[i])) lines[j].set_data(xdi, ydi) # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, fmt_interp) return lines anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=n_frames, interval=50, blit=True, repeat=False) # plt.axis('equal') # # call this from main py file for more control # 2d triangular elements - todo # elif nen == 3: # x = ex+sfac*ed[:, [0, 2, 4]] # y = ex+sfac*ed[:, [1, 3, 5]] # xc = [x, x[0, :]] # yc = [x, x[0, :]] # 2d quadrilateral (quad) elements elif nen == 4: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[1]]) if modeNo: ed = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[0], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[1], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[0], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[1], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo)[0], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo)[1], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo)[0], ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo)[1]]) else: ed = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd3)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd3)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd4)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd4)[1]]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), fmt_undefo) # xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, ed, sfac, nep) # xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, ed, sfac) # # interpolated displacement field # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, 'b.-') # # translations of ends only # plt.plot(xdi, ydi, 'ro') # test it with one element x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 2, 4, 6]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 3, 5, 7]] plt.plot(np.append(x, x[0]), np.append(y, y[0]), 'b.-') plt.axis('equal') # 2d 8-node quadratic elements # elif nen == 8: # x = ex+sfac*ed[:, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]] # y = ex+sfac*ed[:, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]] # t = -1 # n = 0 # for s in range(-1, 1.4, 0.4): # n += 1 # ... else: print(f'\nWarning! Elements not supported yet. nen: {nen}; must be: 2, 3, 4, 8.') # noqa: E501 return anim
[docs]def anim_mode(modeNo, sfac=False, nep=17, unDefoFlag=1, fmt_defo=fmt_defo, fmt_undefo=fmt_undefo, interpFlag=1, endDispFlag=1, fmt_interp=fmt_interp, fmt_nodes='b-', Eo=0, az_el=az_el, fig_wi_he=fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt=fig_lbrt, xlim=[0, 1], ylim=[0, 1], lw=3.): """Make animation of a mode shape obtained from eigenvalue solution. Args: modeNo (int): indicates which mode shape to animate. sfac (float): scale factor nep (integer): number of evaluation points inside the element and including both element ends unDefoFlag (integer): 1 - plot the undeformed model (mesh), 0 - do not plot the mesh interpFlag (integer): 1 - interpolate deformation inside element, 0 - no interpolation endDispFlag (integer): 1 - plot marks at element ends, 0 - no marks fmt_interp (string): format line string for interpolated (continuous) deformated shape. The format contains information on line color, style and marks as in the standard matplotlib plot function. fmt_nodes (string): format string for the marks of element ends az_el (tuple): a tuple containing the azimuth and elevation fig_lbrt (tuple): a tuple contating left, bottom, right and top offsets fig_wi_he (tuple): contains width and height of the figure Examples: sfac_a = 100. Eds = np.zeros((n_steps, nel, 6)) timeV = np.zeros(n_steps) for step in range(n_steps): ops.analyze(1, dt) timeV[step] = ops.getTime() # collect disp for element nodes for el_i, ele_tag in enumerate(el_tags): nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # uAll[step, inode, 0] = ops.nodeDisp() Eds[step, el_i, :] = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[2], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[2]]) fw = 20. fh = 1.2 * 4./6. * fw anim = opsv.anim_defo(Eds, timeV, sfac_a, interpFlag=1, xlim=[-1, 7], ylim=[-1, 5], fig_wi_he=(fw, fh)) Notes: See also: anim_mode() """ node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() # calculate sfac # min_x, min_y, min_z = np.inf, np.inf, np.inf # max_x, max_y, max_z = -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf # max_ux, max_uy, max_uz = -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf min_x, min_y = np.inf, np.inf max_x, max_y = -np.inf, -np.inf max_ux, max_uy = -np.inf, -np.inf ratio = 0.1 ndim = np.shape(ops.nodeCoord(node_tags[0]))[0] if ndim == 2: if not sfac: for node_tag in node_tags: x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0] y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1] ux = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[0] uy = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[1] min_x = min(min_x, x_crd) min_y = min(min_y, y_crd) max_x = max(max_x, x_crd) max_y = max(max_y, y_crd) max_ux = max(max_ux, np.abs(ux)) max_uy = max(max_uy, np.abs(uy)) dxmax = max_x - min_x dymax = max_y - min_y dlmax = max(dxmax, dymax) edmax = max(max_ux, max_uy) sfac = ratio * dlmax/edmax anim = _anim_mode_2d(modeNo, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, fmt_nodes, fig_wi_he, xlim, ylim, lw) # elif ndim == 3: # if not sfac: # for node_tag in node_tags: # x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0] # y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1] # z_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2] # ux = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[0] # uy = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[1] # uz = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[2] # min_x = min(min_x, x_crd) # min_y = min(min_y, y_crd) # min_z = min(min_z, z_crd) # max_x = max(max_x, x_crd) # max_y = max(max_y, y_crd) # max_z = max(max_z, z_crd) # max_ux = max(max_ux, np.abs(ux)) # max_uy = max(max_uy, np.abs(uy)) # max_uz = max(max_uz, np.abs(uz)) # dxmax = max_x - min_x # dymax = max_y - min_y # dzmax = max_z - min_z # dlmax = max(dxmax, dymax, dzmax) # edmax = max(max_ux, max_uy, max_uz) # sfac = ratio * dlmax/edmax # _plot_defo_mode_3d(modeNo, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, # fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, # fmt_nodes, Eo, az_el, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt) else: print(f'\nWarning! ndim: {ndim} not supported yet.') return anim
[docs]def plot_mode_shape(modeNo, sfac=False, nep=17, unDefoFlag=1, fmt_undefo=fmt_undefo, interpFlag=1, endDispFlag=1, fmt_interp=fmt_interp, fmt_nodes=fmt_nodes, Eo=0, az_el=az_el, fig_wi_he=fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt=fig_lbrt): """Plot mode shape of the structure obtained from eigenvalue analysis. Args: modeNo (int): indicates which mode shape to plot sfac (float): scale factor to increase/decrease displacements obtained from FE analysis. If not specified (False), sfac is automatically calculated based on the maximum overall displacement and this maximum displacement is plotted as 20 percent (hordcoded) of the maximum model dimension. interpFlag (int): 1 - use interpolated deformation using shape function, 0 - do not use interpolation, just show displaced element nodes (default is 1) nep (int): number of evaluation points for shape function interpolation (default: 17) Usage: ``plot_mode_shape(1)`` - plot the first mode shape with default parameters and automatically calcutated scale factor. ``plot_mode_shape(2, interpFlag=0)`` - plot the 2nd mode shape by displacing the nodes connected with straight lines (shape function interpolation) ``plot_mode_shape(3, sfac=1.5)`` - plot the 3rd mode shape with specified scale factor ``plot_mode_shape(4, unDefoFlag=0, endDispFlag=0)`` - plot the 4th mode shape without showing undeformed (original) mesh and without showing markers at the element ends. Examples: Notes: See also: """ node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() # calculate sfac min_x, min_y, min_z = np.inf, np.inf, np.inf max_x, max_y, max_z = -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf max_ux, max_uy, max_uz = -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf ratio = 0.1 ndim = np.shape(ops.nodeCoord(node_tags[0]))[0] if ndim == 2: if not sfac: for node_tag in node_tags: x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0] y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1] ux = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[0] uy = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[1] min_x = min(min_x, x_crd) min_y = min(min_y, y_crd) max_x = max(max_x, x_crd) max_y = max(max_y, y_crd) max_ux = max(max_ux, np.abs(ux)) max_uy = max(max_uy, np.abs(uy)) dxmax = max_x - min_x dymax = max_y - min_y dlmax = max(dxmax, dymax) edmax = max(max_ux, max_uy) sfac = ratio * dlmax/edmax _plot_defo_mode_2d(modeNo, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, fmt_nodes) elif ndim == 3: if not sfac: for node_tag in node_tags: x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0] y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1] z_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2] ux = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[0] uy = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[1] uz = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[2] min_x = min(min_x, x_crd) min_y = min(min_y, y_crd) min_z = min(min_z, z_crd) max_x = max(max_x, x_crd) max_y = max(max_y, y_crd) max_z = max(max_z, z_crd) max_ux = max(max_ux, np.abs(ux)) max_uy = max(max_uy, np.abs(uy)) max_uz = max(max_uz, np.abs(uz)) dxmax = max_x - min_x dymax = max_y - min_y dzmax = max_z - min_z dlmax = max(dxmax, dymax, dzmax) edmax = max(max_ux, max_uy, max_uz) sfac = ratio * dlmax/edmax _plot_defo_mode_3d(modeNo, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, fmt_nodes, az_el, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt) else: print(f'\nWarning! ndim: {ndim} not supported yet.')
def rot_transf_3d(ex, ey, ez, g): Lxyz = np.array([ex[1]-ex[0], ey[1]-ey[0], ez[1]-ez[0]]) L = np.sqrt(Lxyz @ Lxyz) z = np.zeros((3, 3)) G = np.block([[g, z, z, z], [z, g, z, z], [z, z, g, z], [z, z, z, g]]) return G, L def beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, u, sfac, nep=17): """ Interpolate element displacements at nep points. Parametrs: ex, ey : element x, y coordinates, u : element nodal displacements sfac : scale factor for deformation plot nep : number of evaluation points (including end nodes) Returns: crd_xc, crd_yc : x, y coordinates of interpolated (at nep points) beam deformation required for plot_defo() function """ Lxy = np.array([ex[1]-ex[0], ey[1]-ey[0]]) L = np.sqrt(Lxy @ Lxy) cosa, cosb = Lxy / L G = np.array([[cosa, cosb, 0., 0., 0., 0.], [-cosb, cosa, 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., cosa, cosb, 0.], [0., 0., 0., -cosb, cosa, 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) u_l = G @ u xl = np.linspace(0., L, num=nep) one = np.ones(xl.shape) # longitudinal deformation (1) N_a = np.column_stack((one - xl/L, xl/L)) u_ac = N_a @ np.array([u_l[0], u_l[3]]) # transverse deformation (2) N_t = np.column_stack((one - 3*xl**2/L**2 + 2*xl**3/L**3, xl - 2*xl**2/L + xl**3/L**2, 3*xl**2/L**2 - 2*xl**3/L**3, -xl**2/L + xl**3/L**2)) u_tc = N_t @ np.array([u_l[1], u_l[2], u_l[4], u_l[5]]) # for u_tci in u_tc: # combined two row vectors # 1-st vector longitudinal deformation (1) # 2-nd vector transverse deformation (2) u_atc = np.vstack((u_ac, u_tc)) # project longitudinal (u_ac) and transverse deformation # (local u and v) to (global u and v) G1 = np.array([[cosa, -cosb], [cosb, cosa]]) u_xyc = G1 @ u_atc # discretize element coordinates # first row = X + [0 dx 2dx ... 4-dx 4] # second row = Y + [0 dy 2dy ... 3-dy 3] xy_c = np.vstack((np.linspace(ex[0], ex[1], num=nep), np.linspace(ey[0], ey[1], num=nep))) # Continuous x, y displacement coordinates crd_xc = xy_c[0, :] + sfac * u_xyc[0, :] crd_yc = xy_c[1, :] + sfac * u_xyc[1, :] # latex_array(ecrd_xc) # latex_array(ecrd_yc) return crd_xc, crd_yc def beam_defo_interp_3d(ex, ey, ez, g, u, sfac, nep=17): """ 3d beam version of beam_defo_interp_2d. """ G, L = rot_transf_3d(ex, ey, ez, g) ul = G @ u _, crd_yc = beam_defo_interp_2d(np.array([0., L]), np.array([0., 0.]), np.array([ul[0], ul[1], ul[5], ul[6], ul[7], ul[11]]), sfac, nep) crd_xc, crd_zc = beam_defo_interp_2d(np.array([0., L]), np.array([0., 0.]), np.array([ul[0], ul[2], -ul[4], ul[6], ul[8], -ul[10]]), sfac, nep) xl = np.linspace(0., L, num=nep) crd_xc = crd_xc - xl crd_xyzc = np.vstack([crd_xc, crd_yc, crd_zc]) u_xyzc = np.transpose(g) @ crd_xyzc xyz_c = np.vstack((np.linspace(ex[0], ex[1], num=nep), np.linspace(ey[0], ey[1], num=nep), np.linspace(ez[0], ez[1], num=nep))) crd_xc = xyz_c[0, :] + u_xyzc[0, :] crd_yc = xyz_c[1, :] + u_xyzc[1, :] crd_zc = xyz_c[2, :] + u_xyzc[2, :] return crd_xc, crd_yc, crd_zc def beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, d, sfac): """ Calculate the element deformation at element ends only. """ # indx: 0 1 2 3 4 5 # Ed = ux1 uy1 ur1 ux2 uy2 ur2 exd = np.array([ex[0] + sfac*d[0], ex[1] + sfac*d[3]]) eyd = np.array([ey[0] + sfac*d[1], ey[1] + sfac*d[4]]) return exd, eyd def beam_disp_ends3d(ex, ey, ez, d, sfac): """ Calculate the element deformation at element ends only. """ # indx: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 # Ed = ux1 uy1 uz1 rx1 ry1 rz1 ux2 uy2 uz2 rx2 ry2 rz2 exd = np.array([ex[0] + sfac*d[0], ex[1] + sfac*d[6]]) eyd = np.array([ey[0] + sfac*d[1], ey[1] + sfac*d[7]]) ezd = np.array([ez[0] + sfac*d[2], ez[1] + sfac*d[8]]) return exd, eyd, ezd
[docs]def plot_fiber_section(fib_sec_list, fillflag=1, matcolor=['y', 'b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'k']): """Plot fiber cross-section. Args: fib_sec_list (list): list of lists in the format similar to the parameters for the section, layer, patch, fiber OpenSees commands fillflag (int): 1 - filled fibers with color specified in matcolor list, 0 - no color, only the outline of fibers matcolor (list): sequence of colors for various material tags assigned to fibers Examples: :: fib_sec_1 = [['section', 'Fiber', 1, '-GJ', 1.0e6], ['patch', 'quad', 1, 4, 1, 0.032, 0.317, -0.311, 0.067, -0.266, 0.005, 0.077, 0.254], # noqa: E501 ['patch', 'quad', 1, 1, 4, -0.075, 0.144, -0.114, 0.116, 0.075, -0.144, 0.114, -0.116], # noqa: E501 ['patch', 'quad', 1, 4, 1, 0.266, -0.005, -0.077, -0.254, -0.032, -0.317, 0.311, -0.067] # noqa: E501 ] opsv.fib_sec_list_to_cmds(fib_sec_1) matcolor = ['r', 'lightgrey', 'gold', 'w', 'w', 'w'] opsv.plot_fiber_section(fib_sec_1, matcolor=matcolor) plt.axis('equal') # plt.savefig('fibsec_rc.png') Notes: ``fib_sec_list`` can be reused by means of a python helper function ``opsvis.fib_sec_list_to_cmds(fib_sec_list_1)`` See also: ``opsvis.fib_sec_list_to_cmds()`` """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel('z') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.grid(False) for item in fib_sec_list: if item[0] == 'layer': matTag = item[2] if item[1] == 'straight': n_bars = item[3] As = item[4] Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz = item[5], item[6], item[7], item[8] r = np.sqrt(As / np.pi) Y = np.linspace(Iy, Jy, n_bars) Z = np.linspace(Iz, Jz, n_bars) for zi, yi in zip(Z, Y): bar = Circle((zi, yi), r, ec='k', fc='k', zorder=10) ax.add_patch(bar) if item[1] == 'circ': n_bars, As = item[3], item[4] yC, zC, arc_radius = item[5], item[6], item[7] if len(item) > 8: a0_deg, a1_deg = item[8], item[9] else: a0_deg, a1_deg = 0., 360. - 360./n_bars a0_rad, a1_rad = np.pi * a0_deg / 180., np.pi * a1_deg / 180. r_bar = np.sqrt(As / np.pi) thetas = np.linspace(a0_rad, a1_rad, n_bars) Y = yC + arc_radius * np.cos(thetas) Z = zC + arc_radius * np.sin(thetas) for zi, yi in zip(Z, Y): bar = Circle((zi, yi), r_bar, ec='k', fc='k', zorder=10) ax.add_patch(bar) if (item[0] == 'patch' and (item[1] == 'quad' or item[1] == 'quadr' or item[1] == 'rect')): matTag, nIJ, nJK = item[2], item[3], item[4] if item[1] == 'quad' or item[1] == 'quadr': Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz = item[5], item[6], item[7], item[8] Ky, Kz, Ly, Lz = item[9], item[10], item[11], item[12] if item[1] == 'rect': Iy, Iz, Ky, Kz = item[5], item[6], item[7], item[8] Jy, Jz, Ly, Lz = Ky, Iz, Iy, Kz # check for convexity (vector products) outIJxIK = (Jy-Iy)*(Kz-Iz) - (Ky-Iy)*(Jz-Iz) outIKxIL = (Ky-Iy)*(Lz-Iz) - (Ly-Iy)*(Kz-Iz) # check if I, J, L points are colinear outIJxIL = (Jy-Iy)*(Lz-Iz) - (Ly-Iy)*(Jz-Iz) # outJKxJL = (Ky-Jy)*(Lz-Jz) - (Ly-Jy)*(Kz-Jz) if outIJxIK <= 0 or outIKxIL <= 0 or outIJxIL <= 0: print('\nWarning! Patch quad is non-convex or counter-clockwise defined or has at least 3 colinear points in line') # noqa: E501 IJz, IJy = np.linspace(Iz, Jz, nIJ+1), np.linspace(Iy, Jy, nIJ+1) JKz, JKy = np.linspace(Jz, Kz, nJK+1), np.linspace(Jy, Ky, nJK+1) LKz, LKy = np.linspace(Lz, Kz, nIJ+1), np.linspace(Ly, Ky, nIJ+1) ILz, ILy = np.linspace(Iz, Lz, nJK+1), np.linspace(Iy, Ly, nJK+1) if fillflag: Z = np.zeros((nIJ+1, nJK+1)) Y = np.zeros((nIJ+1, nJK+1)) for j in range(nIJ+1): Z[j, :] = np.linspace(IJz[j], LKz[j], nJK+1) Y[j, :] = np.linspace(IJy[j], LKy[j], nJK+1) for j in range(nIJ): for k in range(nJK): zy = np.array([[Z[j, k], Y[j, k]], [Z[j, k+1], Y[j, k+1]], [Z[j+1, k+1], Y[j+1, k+1]], [Z[j+1, k], Y[j+1, k]]]) poly = Polygon(zy, True, ec='k', fc=matcolor[matTag-1]) ax.add_patch(poly) else: # horizontal lines for az, bz, ay, by in zip(IJz, LKz, IJy, LKy): plt.plot([az, bz], [ay, by], 'b-', zorder=1) # vertical lines for az, bz, ay, by in zip(JKz, ILz, JKy, ILy): plt.plot([az, bz], [ay, by], 'b-', zorder=1) if item[0] == 'patch' and item[1] == 'circ': matTag, nc, nr = item[2], item[3], item[4] yC, zC, ri, re = item[5], item[6], item[7], item[8] a0, a1 = item[9], item[10] dr = (re - ri) / nr dth = (a1 - a0) / nc for j in range(nr): rj = ri + j * dr rj1 = rj + dr for i in range(nc): thi = a0 + i * dth thi1 = thi + dth wedge = Wedge((zC, yC), rj1, thi, thi1, width=dr, ec='k', lw=1, fc=matcolor[matTag-1]) ax.add_patch(wedge) ax.axis('equal')
[docs]def fib_sec_list_to_cmds(fib_sec_list): """Reuses fib_sec_list to define fiber section in OpenSees. At present it is not possible to extract fiber section data from the OpenSees domain, this function is a workaround. The idea is to prepare data similar to the one the regular OpenSees commands (``section('Fiber', ...)``, ``fiber()``, ``patch()`` and/or ``layer()``) require. Args: fib_sec_list (list): is a list of fiber section data. First sub-list also defines the torsional stiffness (GJ). Warning: If you use this function, do not issue the regular OpenSees: section, Fiber, Patch or Layer commands. See also: ``opsvis.plot_fiber_section()`` """ for dat in fib_sec_list: if dat[0] == 'section': secTag, GJ = dat[2], dat[4] ops.section('Fiber', secTag, '-GJ', GJ) if dat[0] == 'layer': matTag = dat[2] if dat[1] == 'straight': n_bars = dat[3] As = dat[4] Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz = dat[5], dat[6], dat[7], dat[8] ops.layer('straight', matTag, n_bars, As, Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz) if dat[0] == 'patch': matTag = dat[2] nIJ = dat[3] nJK = dat[4] if dat[1] == 'quad' or dat[1] == 'quadr': Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz = dat[5], dat[6], dat[7], dat[8] Ky, Kz, Ly, Lz = dat[9], dat[10], dat[11], dat[12] ops.patch('quad', matTag, nIJ, nJK, Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz, Ky, Kz, Ly, Lz) if dat[1] == 'rect': Iy, Iz, Ky, Kz = dat[5], dat[6], dat[7], dat[8] Jy, Jz, Ly, Lz = Ky, Iz, Iy, Kz ops.patch('rect', matTag, nIJ, nJK, Iy, Iz, Ky, Kz)
def _anim_defo_2d(Eds, timeV, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, fmt_nodes, fig_wi_he, xlim, ylim): fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] # truss and beam/frame elements if nen == 2: ndf = np.shape(ops.nodeDOFs(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0])[0]))[0] # truss element if ndf == 2: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) eux = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[0]]) euy = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[1]]) # displaced element coordinates (scaled by sfac factor) edx = np.array([ex[0] + sfac*eux[0], ex[1] + sfac*eux[1]]) edy = np.array([ey[0] + sfac*euy[0], ey[1] + sfac*euy[1]]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(ex, ey, fmt_undefo) plt.plot(edx, edy, fmt_interp) # beam/frame element anim defo elif ndf == 3: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54)) ax.axis('equal') ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) # ax.grid() nel = len(ele_tags) Ex = np.zeros((nel, 2)) Ey = np.zeros((nel, 2)) # no of frames equal to time intervals n_frames, _, _ = np.shape(Eds) lines = [] # time_text = ax.set_title('') # does not work time_text = ax.text(.05, .95, '', transform=ax.transAxes) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates Ex[i, :] = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) Ey[i, :] = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) lines.append(ax.plot([], [], fmt_nodes, lw=3)[0]) def init(): for j, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): lines[j].set_data([], []) time_text.set_text('') return tuple(lines) + (time_text,) def animate(i): for j, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): if interpFlag: xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(Ex[j, :], Ey[j, :], Eds[i, j, :], sfac, nep) lines[j].set_data(xcdi, ycdi) else: xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(Ex[j, :], Ey[j, :], Eds[i, j, :], sfac) lines[j].set_data(xdi, ydi) # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, fmt_interp) # time_text.set_text(f'f') time_text.set_text(f'frame: {i+1}/{n_frames}, \ time: {timeV[i]:.3f} s') return tuple(lines) + (time_text,) anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=n_frames, interval=50, blit=True, repeat=False) # plt.axis('equal') # # call this from main py file for more control # 2d triangular elements # elif nen == 3: # x = ex+sfac*ed[:, [0, 2, 4]] # y = ex+sfac*ed[:, [1, 3, 5]] # xc = [x, x[0, :]] # yc = [x, x[0, :]] # 2d quadrilateral (quad) elements elif nen == 4: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[1]]) # if modeNo: # ed = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[0], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[1], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[0], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[1], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo)[0], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo)[1], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo)[0], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo)[1]]) # else: ed = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd3)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd3)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd4)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd4)[1]]) if unDefoFlag: plt.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), fmt_undefo) # xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, ed, sfac, nep) # xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, ed, sfac) # # interpolated displacement field # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, 'b.-') # # translations of ends only # plt.plot(xdi, ydi, 'ro') # test it with one element x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 2, 4, 6]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 3, 5, 7]] plt.plot(np.append(x, x[0]), np.append(y, y[0]), 'b.-') plt.axis('equal') # 2d 8-node quadratic elements # elif nen == 8: # x = ex+sfac*ed[:, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]] # y = ex+sfac*ed[:, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]] # t = -1 # n = 0 # for s in range(-1, 1.4, 0.4): # n += 1 # ... else: print(f'\nWarning! Elements not supported yet. nen: {nen}; must be: 2, 3, 4, 8.') # noqa: E501 return anim
[docs]def anim_defo(Eds, timeV, sfac, nep=17, unDefoFlag=1, fmt_defo=fmt_defo, fmt_undefo=fmt_undefo, interpFlag=1, endDispFlag=1, fmt_interp=fmt_interp, fmt_nodes='b-', az_el=az_el, fig_lbrt=fig_lbrt, fig_wi_he=fig_wi_he, xlim=[0, 1], ylim=[0, 1]): """Make animation of the deformed shape computed by transient analysis Args: Eds (ndarray): A 3d array (n_steps x n_eles x n_dof_per_element) containing the collected displacements per element for all time steps. timeV (1darray): vector of discretized time values sfac (float): scale factor nep (integer): number of evaluation points inside the element and including both element ends unDefoFlag (integer): 1 - plot the undeformed model (mesh), 0 - do not plot the mesh interpFlag (integer): 1 - interpolate deformation inside element, 0 - no interpolation endDispFlag (integer): 1 - plot marks at element ends, 0 - no marks fmt_interp (string): format line string for interpolated (continuous) deformated shape. The format contains information on line color, style and marks as in the standard matplotlib plot function. fmt_nodes (string): format string for the marks of element ends az_el (tuple): a tuple containing the azimuth and elevation fig_lbrt (tuple): a tuple contating left, bottom, right and top offsets fig_wi_he (tuple): contains width and height of the figure Examples: Notes: See also: """ node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() ndim = np.shape(ops.nodeCoord(node_tags[0]))[0] if ndim == 2: anim = _anim_defo_2d(Eds, timeV, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fmt_interp, fmt_nodes, fig_wi_he, xlim, ylim) else: print(f'\nWarning! ndim: {ndim} not supported yet.') return anim
# fix # def section_force_distribution_2d(ex, ey, pl, nep=2, # ele_load_data=['-beamUniform', 0., 0.]): def section_force_distribution_2d(ex, ey, pl, nep=2, ele_load_data=[['-beamUniform', 0., 0.]]): """ Calculate section forces (N, V, M) for an elastic 2D Euler-Bernoulli beam. Input: ex, ey - x, y element coordinates in global system nep - number of evaluation points, by default (2) at element ends ele_load_list - list of transverse and longitudinal element load syntax: [ele_load_type, Wy, Wx] For now only '-beamUniform' element load type is acceptable Output: s = [N V M]; shape: (nep,3) section forces at nep points along local x xl: coordinates of local x-axis; shape: (nep,) Use it with dia_sf to draw N, V, M diagrams. nep : int number of evaluation points, by default (2) at element ends If the element load is between the points then nep is increased by 1 or 2 TODO: add '-beamPoint' element load type """ Lxy = np.array([ex[1]-ex[0], ey[1]-ey[0]]) L = np.sqrt(Lxy @ Lxy) nlf = len(pl) xl = np.linspace(0., L, nep) one = np.ones(nep) for ele_load_data_i in ele_load_data: ele_load_type = ele_load_data_i[0] if nlf == 1: # trusses N_1 = pl[0] elif nlf == 6: # plane frames # N_1, V_1, M_1 = pl[0], pl[1], pl[2] N_1, V_1, M_1 = pl[:3] else: print('\nWarning! Not supported. Number of nodal forces: {nlf}') if ele_load_type == '-beamUniform': # raise ValueError # raise NameError n_ele_load_data = len(ele_load_data_i) if n_ele_load_data == 3: # eload_type, Wy, Wx = ele_load_data[0], ele_load_data[1], ele_load_data[2] Wy, Wx = ele_load_data_i[1], ele_load_data_i[2] if nlf == 6: s = np.zeros((nep, 3)) elif nlf == 1: s = np.zeros((nep, 1)) N = -1.*(N_1 * one + Wx * xl) if nlf == 6: V = V_1 * one + Wy * xl M = -M_1 * one + V_1 * xl + 0.5 * Wy * xl**2 s += np.column_stack((N, V, M)) elif nlf == 2: s += np.column_stack((N)) elif n_ele_load_data == 7: wta, waa, aL, bL, wtb, wab = ele_load_data_i[1:7] a, b = aL*L, bL*L bma = b - a if a in xl: pass else: xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a), a) nep += 1 if b in xl: pass else: xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(b), b) nep += 1 if nlf == 6: s = np.zeros((nep, 3)) elif nlf == 2: s = np.zeros((nep, 1)) indx = 0 for x in np.nditer(xl): xma = x - a wtx = wta + (wtb - wta) * xma / bma # xc = a + bma * (wtb + 2*wta) / (3 * (wta + wtb)) if wtx == 0: xc = 0. else: xc = a + xma * (wtx + 2*wta) / (3 * (wta + wtx)) Ax = 0.5 * (wtx+wta) * xma V1x = V_1 * x Axxc = Ax * xc if x < a: pass elif x >= a and x <= b: s[indx, 0] = -1.*(N_1 + (wab - waa) * x) s[indx, 1] = V_1 + Ax s[indx, 2] = -M_1 + V1x + Axxc elif x > b: pass indx += 1 if aL == 0 and bL == 0: N = -1.*(N_1 * one + wta * xl) V = V_1 * one + wta * xl else: N = 0 elif ele_load_type == '-beamPoint': Pt, aL, Pa = ele_load_data_i[1:4] a = aL*L if a in xl: # idx = xl.searchsorted(a) # np.concatenate((xl[:idx], [a], xl[idx:])) xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a+0.001), a+0.001) nep += 1 else: # idx = xl.searchsorted(a) # xl = np.concatenate((xl[:idx], [a], xl[idx:])) # idx = xl.searchsorted(a+0.001) # xl = np.concatenate((xl[:idx], [a+0.001], xl[idx:])) xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a), a) xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a+0.001), a+0.001) nep += 2 if nlf == 6: s = np.zeros((nep, 3)) elif nlf == 2: s = np.zeros((nep, 1)) indx = 0 for x in np.nditer(xl): if x <= a: s[indx, 0] = -1. * N_1 s[indx, 1] = V_1 s[indx, 2] = -M_1 + V_1 * x elif x > a: s[indx, 0] = -1. * (N_1 + Pa) s[indx, 1] = V_1 + Pt s[indx, 2] = -M_1 + V_1 * x + Pt * (x-a) indx += 1 # if eload_type == '-beamUniform': # else: return s, xl, nep def section_force_distribution_3d(ex, ey, ez, pl, nep=2, ele_load_data=['-beamUniform', 0., 0., 0.]): """ Calculate section forces (N, Vy, Vz, T, My, Mz) for an elastic 3d beam. Longer description Parameters ---------- ex : list x element coordinates ey : list y element coordinates ez : list z element coordinates pl : ndarray nep : int number of evaluation points, by default (2) at element ends ele_load_list : list list of transverse and longitudinal element load syntax: [ele_load_type, Wy, Wz, Wx] For now only '-beamUniform' element load type is acceptable. Returns ------- s : ndarray [N Vx Vy T My Mz]; shape: (nep,6) column vectors of section forces along local x-axis uvwfi : ndarray [u v w fi]; shape (nep,4) displacements at nep points along local x xl : ndarray coordinates of local x-axis; shape (nep,) nep : int number of evaluation points, by default (2) at element ends If the element load is between the points then nep is increased by 1 or 2 Notes ----- Todo: add '-beamPoint' element load type """ # eload_type = ele_load_data[0] Wy, Wz, Wx = ele_load_data[1], ele_load_data[2], ele_load_data[3] N1, Vy1, Vz1, T1, My1, Mz1 = pl[:6] Lxyz = np.array([ex[1]-ex[0], ey[1]-ey[0], ez[1]-ez[0]]) L = np.sqrt(Lxyz @ Lxyz) xl = np.linspace(0., L, nep) one = np.ones(nep) N = -1.*(N1*one + Wx*xl) Vy = Vy1*one + Wy*xl Vz = Vz1*one + Wz*xl T = -T1*one Mz = -Mz1*one + Vy1*xl + 0.5*Wy*xl**2 My = My1*one + Vz1*xl + 0.5*Wz*xl**2 s = np.column_stack((N, Vy, Vz, T, My, Mz)) return s, xl
[docs]def section_force_diagram_2d(sf_type, Ew, sfac=1., nep=17, fmt_secforce=fmt_secforce): """Display section forces diagram for 2d beam column model. This function plots a section forces diagram for 2d beam column elements with or without element loads. For now only '-beamUniform' constant transverse or axial element loads are supported. Args: sf_type (str): type of section force: 'N' - normal force, 'V' - shear force, 'M' - bending moments. Ew (dict): Ew Python dictionary contains information on non-zero element loads, therfore each item of the Python dictionary is in the form: 'ele_tag: ['-beamUniform', Wy, Wx]'. sfac (float): scale factor by wich the values of section forces are multiplied. nep (int): number of evaluation points including both end nodes (default: 17) fmt_secforce (str): format line string for section force distribution curve. The format contains information on line color, style and marks as in the standard matplotlib plot function. (default: fmt_secforce = 'b-' # blue solid line) Usage: :: Wy, Wx = -10.e+3, 0. Ew = {3: ['-beamUniform', Wy, Wx]} sfacM = 5.e-5 plt.figure() minVal, maxVal = opsv.section_force_diagram_2d('M', Ew, sfacM) plt.title('Bending moments') Todo: Add support for other element loads available in OpenSees: partial (trapezoidal) uniform element load, and 'beamPoint' element load. """ maxVal, minVal = -np.inf, np.inf ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() Ew = get_Ew_data_from_ops_domain() for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) Lxy = np.array([ex[1]-ex[0], ey[1]-ey[0]]) L = np.sqrt(Lxy @ Lxy) cosa, cosb = Lxy / L ele_class_tag = ops.getEleClassTags(ele_tag)[0] if ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.truss: axial_force = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'axialForce')[0] s = -axial_force * np.ones(nep) xl = np.linspace(0., L, nep) if axial_force > 0: va = 'top' fmt_color = 'b' fmt_secforce = 'b-' else: va = 'bottom' fmt_color = 'r' fmt_secforce = 'r-' else: # by default no element load eload_data = [['-beamUniform', 0., 0.]] if ele_tag in Ew: eload_data = Ew[ele_tag] pl = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'localForces') s_all, xl, nep = section_force_distribution_2d(ex, ey, pl, nep, eload_data) if sf_type == 'N' or sf_type == 'axial': s = s_all[:, 0] elif sf_type == 'V' or sf_type == 'shear' or sf_type == 'T': s = s_all[:, 1] elif sf_type == 'M' or sf_type == 'moment': s = s_all[:, 2] minVal = min(minVal, np.min(s)) maxVal = max(maxVal, np.max(s)) s = s*sfac s_0 = np.zeros((nep, 2)) s_0[0, :] = [ex[0], ey[0]] s_0[1:, 0] = s_0[0, 0] + xl[1:] * cosa s_0[1:, 1] = s_0[0, 1] + xl[1:] * cosb s_p = np.copy(s_0) # positive M are opposite to N and V if sf_type == 'M' or sf_type == 'moment': s *= -1. s_p[:, 0] -= s * cosb s_p[:, 1] += s * cosa plt.axis('equal') # section force curve plt.plot(s_p[:, 0], s_p[:, 1], fmt_secforce, solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', dash_joinstyle='round') # model plt.plot(ex, ey, 'k-', solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', dash_joinstyle='round') # reference perpendicular lines for i in np.arange(nep): plt.plot([s_0[i, 0], s_p[i, 0]], [s_0[i, 1], s_p[i, 1]], fmt_secforce, solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', dash_joinstyle='round') if ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.truss: ha = 'center' plt.text(s_p[int(nep/2), 0], s_p[int(nep/2), 1], f'{abs(axial_force):.1f}', va=va, ha=ha, color=fmt_color) return minVal, maxVal
[docs]def section_force_diagram_3d(sf_type, Ew, sfac=1., nep=17, fmt_secforce=fmt_secforce, dir_plt=0): """Display section forces diagram of a 3d beam column model. This function plots section forces diagrams for 3d beam column elements with or without element loads. For now only '-beamUniform' constant transverse or axial element loads are supported. Args: sf_type (str): type of section force: 'N' - normal force, 'Vy' or 'Vz' - shear force, 'My' or 'Mz' - bending moments, 'T' - torsional moment. Ew (dict): Ew Python dictionary contains information on non-zero element loads, therfore each item of the Python dictionary is in the form: 'ele_tag: ['-beamUniform', Wy, Wz, Wx]'. sfac (float): scale factor by wich the values of section forces are multiplied. nep (int): number of evaluation points including both end nodes (default: 17) fmt_secforce (str): format line string for section force distribution curve. The format contains information on line color, style and marks as in the standard matplotlib plot function. (default: fmt_secforce = 'b-' # blue solid line) dir_plt {0, 1, 2}: direction in which to plot the load effects: 0 (default) - as defined in the code for each load effect type 1 - in the y-axis (default for N, Vy, T, Mz) 2 - in the z-axis (default for Vz, My) Usage: :: Wy, Wz, Wx = -5., 0., 0. Ew = {3: ['-beamUniform', Wy, Wz, Wx]} sfacMz = 1.e-1 plt.figure() minY, maxY = opsv.section_force_diagram_3d('Mz', Ew, sfacMz) plt.title(f'Bending moments Mz, max = {maxY:.2f}, min = {minY:.2f}') Todo: Add support for other element loads available in OpenSees: partial (trapezoidal) uniform element load, and 'beamPoint' element load. """ maxVal, minVal = -np.inf, np.inf ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() azim, elev = az_el fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=.08, bottom=.08, right=.985, top=.94) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, # ax.axis('equal') ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=elev) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): # by default no element load eload_data = ['-beamUniform', 0., 0., 0.] if ele_tag in Ew: eload_data = Ew[ele_tag] nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) ez = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[2]]) # eo = Eo[i, :] xloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'xlocal') yloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'ylocal') zloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'zlocal') g = np.vstack((xloc, yloc, zloc)) G, _ = rot_transf_3d(ex, ey, ez, g) g = G[:3, :3] pl = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'localForces') s_all, xl = section_force_distribution_3d(ex, ey, ez, pl, nep, eload_data) # 1:'y' 2:'z' if sf_type == 'N': s = s_all[:, 0] dir_plt_tmp = 1 elif sf_type == 'Vy': s = s_all[:, 1] dir_plt_tmp = 1 elif sf_type == 'Vz': s = s_all[:, 2] dir_plt_tmp = 2 elif sf_type == 'T': s = s_all[:, 3] dir_plt_tmp = 1 elif sf_type == 'My': s = s_all[:, 4] dir_plt_tmp = 2 elif sf_type == 'Mz': s = s_all[:, 5] dir_plt_tmp = 1 if dir_plt == 0: dir_plt = dir_plt_tmp minVal = min(minVal, np.min(s)) maxVal = max(maxVal, np.max(s)) s = s*sfac # FIXME - can be simplified s_0 = np.zeros((nep, 3)) s_0[0, :] = [ex[0], ey[0], ez[0]] s_0[1:, 0] = s_0[0, 0] + xl[1:] * g[0, 0] s_0[1:, 1] = s_0[0, 1] + xl[1:] * g[0, 1] s_0[1:, 2] = s_0[0, 2] + xl[1:] * g[0, 2] s_p = np.copy(s_0) # positive M are opposite to N and V # if sf_type == 'Mz' or sf_type == 'My': if sf_type == 'Mz': s *= -1. s_p[:, 0] += s * g[dir_plt, 0] s_p[:, 1] += s * g[dir_plt, 1] s_p[:, 2] += s * g[dir_plt, 2] # plt.axis('equal') # section force curve plt.plot(s_p[:, 0], s_p[:, 1], s_p[:, 2], fmt_secforce, solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', dash_joinstyle='round') # model plt.plot(ex, ey, ez, 'k-', solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', dash_joinstyle='round') # reference perpendicular lines for i in np.arange(nep): plt.plot([s_0[i, 0], s_p[i, 0]], [s_0[i, 1], s_p[i, 1]], [s_0[i, 2], s_p[i, 2]], fmt_secforce, solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', dash_joinstyle='round') return minVal, maxVal
[docs]def plot_supports_and_loads_2d(nep=17, sfac=False): """Display the supports and the loads applied to the 2d beam-column models (nodal and element loads). Args: nep (int): number of arrows when displacing element distributed loads (default: 17) """ node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() ndim = np.shape(ops.nodeCoord(node_tags[0]))[0] # calculate sfac min_x, min_y = np.inf, np.inf max_x, max_y = -np.inf, -np.inf ratio = 0.2 Wx = False waa = False wab = False ### get Ew data Ew = get_Ew_data_from_ops_domain() for ele_tag in ele_tags: # by default no element load ele_load_data = [] if ele_tag in Ew: ele_load_data = Ew[ele_tag] nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) # step 1: first plot model itself plt.plot(ex, ey, 'k-', solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', dash_joinstyle='round') # step 2 Lxy = np.array([ex[1]-ex[0], ey[1]-ey[0]]) L = np.sqrt(Lxy @ Lxy) cosa, cosb = Lxy / L if not sfac: sfac = ratio * L xl = np.linspace(0., L, nep) xl2 = np.linspace(0., L, 5) # xl2 = np.logspace(0., 1., nep) * L / nep dxs = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]) # dxs = np.array([0.15, 0.2, 0.275, 0.375]) xl3 = np.append(0., np.cumsum(dxs)) * L one = np.ones(nep) # pl = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'localForces') # s_all, xl, nep = section_force_distribution_2d(ex, ey, pl, nep, ele_load_data) for ele_load_data_i in ele_load_data: ele_load_type = ele_load_data_i[0] if ele_load_type == '-beamPoint': Pt, aL, Pa = ele_load_data_i[1:4] a = aL*L s = sfac * np.sign(Pt) s_0 = np.zeros(2) # s_0 = [ex[0], ey[0]] s_0[0] = ex[0] + a * cosa s_0[1] = ey[0] + a * cosb s_p = np.copy(s_0) s_p[0] -= s * cosb s_p[1] += s * cosa # plot arrows plt.arrow(s_0[0], s_0[1], s_p[0]-s_0[0], s_p[1]-s_0[1], # width = 0.01, head_starts_at_zero=True, # default False # overhang=0.2, # lw = 1, head_width=0.1*sfac, head_length=0.2*sfac, fc='b', ec='b', length_includes_head=False, shape='full') plt.text(sum(ex)/2, sum(ey)/2, f'{Pt}', color='b') # plt.annotate("", # xy=(s_p[0], s_p[1]), xycoords='data', # xytext=(s_0[0], s_0[1]), textcoords='data', # arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", color='r', lw=3, # connectionstyle="arc3")) elif ele_load_type == '-beamUniform': n_ele_load_data = len(ele_load_data_i) # constant uniform element load if n_ele_load_data == 3: # eload_type, Wy, Wx = ele_load_data[0], ele_load_data[1], ele_load_data[2] Wy, Wx = ele_load_data_i[1], ele_load_data_i[2] text_string = f'q = {Wy}, {Wx}' # s = sfac * Wy * one s = sfac * one * np.sign(Wy) # plt.text(sum(ex)/2, sum(ey)/2, f'q = {Wy}, {Wx}', va='bottom', ha='center', color='r') # triangular or trapezoidal element load elif n_ele_load_data == 7: wta, waa, aL, bL, wtb, wab = ele_load_data_i[1:7] text_string = f'q = {wta}, {waa}, {aL}, {bL}, {wtb}, {wab}' a, b = aL*L, bL*L bma = b - a s = np.zeros(nep) indx = 0 for x in np.nditer(xl): xma = x - a wtx = wta + (wtb - wta) * xma / bma if x < a: pass elif x >= a and x <= b: s[indx] = wtx elif x > b: pass indx += 1 s = s * sfac s_0 = np.zeros((nep, 2)) s_0[0, :] = [ex[0], ey[0]] s_0[1:, 0] = s_0[0, 0] + xl[1:] * cosa s_0[1:, 1] = s_0[0, 1] + xl[1:] * cosb s_p = np.copy(s_0) s_p[:, 0] -= s * cosb s_p[:, 1] += s * cosa # plt.axis('equal') # reference perpendicular lines for i in np.arange(nep): plt.arrow(s_0[i, 0], s_0[i, 1], s_p[i, 0]-s_0[i, 0], s_p[i, 1]-s_0[i, 1], # width = 0.005, # lw = 2, head_width=0.1*sfac, head_length=0.2*sfac, head_starts_at_zero=True, # default False # overhang=0.5, fc='r', ec='r', length_includes_head=True, shape='full') # connecting beg-end line - redundant ? # plt.plot([s_p[0, 0], s_p[-1, 0]],[s_p[0, 1], s_p[-1, 1]], 'r') plt.text(sum(ex)/2, sum(ey)/2, text_string, va='bottom', ha='center', color='r') if Wx != 0: # for i, xl in enumerate(xl2[:-1]): # plt.arrow(sa[i, 0], sa[i, 1], # sa[i+1, 0]-sa[i, 0], sa[i+1, 1]-sa[i, 1], # width = 0.01, # # lw = 1, # # head_width=0.02, head_length=0.05, # # head_starts_at_zero=True, # default False # # overhang=0.5, # fc='m', ec='m', # length_includes_head=True, shape='full') plt.quiver(s_0[:-1, 0], s_0[:-1, 1], s_0[1:, 0]-s_0[:-1, 0], s_0[1:, 1]-s_0[:-1, 1], scale_units='xy', angles='xy', scale=0.8, color='m') if waa != 0 or wab != 0: sa = np.zeros((5, 2)) sa[0, :] = [ex[0], ey[0]] sa[1:, 0] = sa[0, 0] + xl3[1:] * cosa sa[1:, 1] = sa[0, 1] + xl3[1:] * cosb for i, xl in enumerate(xl3[:-1]): plt.arrow(sa[i, 0], sa[i, 1], sa[i+1, 0]-sa[i, 0], sa[i+1, 1]-sa[i, 1], # width = 0.05, width = 0.01*L, # lw = 1, # head_width=0.02, head_length=0.05, # head_starts_at_zero=True, # default False # overhang=0.5, fc='m', ec='m', length_includes_head=True, shape='full') # plt.quiver(sa[:-1, 0], sa[:-1, 1], # sa[1:, 0]-sa[:-1, 0], sa[1:, 1]-sa[:-1, 1], # scale_units='xy', angles='xy', scale=0.8, color='g') # plt.plot([s_0[i, 0], s_p[i, 0]], [s_0[i, 1], s_p[i, 1]], # fmt_secforce, solid_capstyle='round', # solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', # dash_joinstyle='round') # plot arrows # plt.annotate("", # xy=(s_p[i, 0], s_p[i, 1]), xycoords='data', # xytext=(s_0[i, 0], s_0[i, 1]), textcoords='data', # arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", color='r', lw=2, # connectionstyle="arc3")) for node_tag in node_tags: nd_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag) # display support symbols: fix - square, triangle - pin, circle - roller node_dofs = ops.nodeDOFs(node_tag) marker_type='' if ndim < 3: if node_dofs[0] == -1 and node_dofs[1] == -1: marker_type = '^m' elif node_dofs[0] == -1 or node_dofs[1] == -1: marker_type = 'om' else: if node_dofs[0] == -1 and node_dofs[1] == -1 and node_dofs[2] == -1: marker_type = 'sm' elif node_dofs[0] == -1 and node_dofs[1] == -1: marker_type = '^m' elif node_dofs[0] == -1 or node_dofs[1] == -1: marker_type = 'om' plt.plot(nd_crd[0], nd_crd[1], marker_type, markersize=12) # alternative plot of supports - less readable # for i, node_dof in enumerate(node_dofs): # if i == 0 and node_dof == -1: # support_type, support_color = '-', 'm' # if i == 1 and node_dof == -1: # support_type, support_color = '|', 'm' # if i == 2 and node_dof == -1: # support_type, support_color = 'R', 'm' # plt.text(nd_crd[0], nd_crd[1], support_type, color=support_color, # va='center', ha='center', weight='bold', fontsize=32) # 2. nodal loads nodal_loads = ops.nodeUnbalance(node_tag) nodal_loads_idx = np.nonzero(nodal_loads) if nodal_loads_idx[0].size: for kier in nodal_loads_idx[0]: # horizontal or vertical nodal force (load) if kier == 0 or kier == 1: if kier == 0: kier2 = np.sign(nodal_loads[kier]) if kier2 > 0: pos_or_neg = '+' elif kier2 < 0: pos_or_neg = '-' dx = sfac*np.sign(kier2) dy = 0. elif kier == 1: kier2 = np.sign(nodal_loads[kier]) if kier2 > 0: pos_or_neg = '+' elif kier2 < 0: pos_or_neg = '-' dx = 0. dy = sfac*np.sign(kier2) plt.arrow(nd_crd[0], nd_crd[1], dx, dy, # width = 0.01, # head_starts_at_zero=True, # default False # overhang=0.2, lw = 3, head_width=0.1*sfac, head_length=0.2*sfac, fc='b', ec='b', length_includes_head=True, shape='full') plt.text(nd_crd[0]+dx, nd_crd[1]+dy, f'P = {nodal_loads[kier]}', color='b') # concentrated bending moment elif kier == 2: kier2 = np.sign(nodal_loads[kier]) if kier2 > 0: pos_or_neg = 'anti-clockwise' # marker_type=r'$\circlearrowleft$' marker_type=r'$\curvearrowleft$' elif kier2 < 0: pos_or_neg = 'clockwise' # marker_type=r'$\circlearrowright$' marker_type=r'$\curvearrowright$' plt.plot(nd_crd[0], nd_crd[1], marker=marker_type, markersize=35, color='b') plt.text(nd_crd[0], nd_crd[1], f'M = {nodal_loads[kier]}', color='b', va='bottom', ha='left')
def get_Ew_data_from_ops_domain(): Ew = {} ibeg = 0 iend = 0 ele_load_tags_all_patterns = ops.getEleLoadTags() ele_load_types_all_patterns = ops.getEleLoadClassTags() ele_load_data_all_patterns = ops.getEleLoadData() for ele_load_tag in ele_load_tags_all_patterns: Ew[ele_load_tag] = [] # iterate over ele_load_tags/classtags for ele_load_type, ele_load_tag in zip(ele_load_types_all_patterns, ele_load_tags_all_patterns): # -beamUniform if ele_load_type == LoadTag.Beam2dUniformLoad: iend = ibeg+LoadTag.Beam2dUniformLoad_ndata ele_load_data = ele_load_data_all_patterns[ibeg:iend] ibeg = iend wy, wx = ele_load_data[0], ele_load_data[1] Ew[ele_load_tag].append(['-beamUniform', wy, wx]) # -beamUniform partial elif ele_load_type == LoadTag.Beam2dPartialUniformLoad: iend = ibeg+LoadTag.Beam2dPartialUniformLoad_ndata ele_load_data = ele_load_data_all_patterns[ibeg:iend] ibeg = iend wta, wtb, waa, wab, aL, bL = ele_load_data Ew[ele_load_tag].append(['-beamUniform', wta, waa, aL, bL, wtb, wab]) # -beamPoint elif ele_load_type == LoadTag.Beam2dPointLoad: iend = ibeg+LoadTag.Beam2dPointLoad_ndata ele_load_data = ele_load_data_all_patterns[ibeg:iend] ibeg = iend Pt, Pa, aL = ele_load_data Ew[ele_load_tag].append(['-beamPoint', Pt, aL, Pa]) else: print(f'\nWarning! ele_load_type:\n{ele_load_type} - Unknown element load Error') return Ew
[docs]def sig_out_per_node(how_many='all'): """Return a 2d numpy array of stress components per OpenSees node. Three first stress components (sxx, syy, sxy) are calculated and extracted from OpenSees, while the rest svm (Huber-Mieses-Hencky), two principal stresses (s1, s2) and directional angle are calculated as postprocessed quantities. Args: how_many (str): supported options are: 'all' - all components, 'sxx', 'syy', 'sxy', 'svm' (or 'vmis'), 's1', 's2', 'angle'. Returns: sig_out (ndarray): a 2d array of stress components per node with the following components: sxx, syy, sxy, svm, s1, s2, angle. Size (n_nodes x 7). Examples: sig_out = opsv.sig_out_per_node() Notes: s1, s2: principal stresses angle: angle of the principal stress s1 """ ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() n_nodes = len(node_tags) # initialize helper arrays sig_out = np.zeros((n_nodes, 7)) nodes_tag_count = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2), dtype=int) nodes_tag_count[:, 0] = node_tags nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] if nen == 3: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) nodes_tag_count[[ind1, ind2, ind3], 1] += 1 sig_nd_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stressAtNodes') sigM_nd = np.vstack(([sig_nd_el[0:3], sig_nd_el[3:6], sig_nd_el[6:9]])) # sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') # # assign the same value to all nodes # sigM_nd = np.vstack((sig_ip_el, sig_ip_el, sig_ip_el)) # sxx sig_out[ind1, 0] += sigM_nd[0, 0] sig_out[ind2, 0] += sigM_nd[1, 0] sig_out[ind3, 0] += sigM_nd[2, 0] # syy sig_out[ind1, 1] += sigM_nd[0, 1] sig_out[ind2, 1] += sigM_nd[1, 1] sig_out[ind3, 1] += sigM_nd[2, 1] # sxy sig_out[ind1, 2] += sigM_nd[0, 2] sig_out[ind2, 2] += sigM_nd[1, 2] sig_out[ind3, 2] += sigM_nd[2, 2] elif nen == 4: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) nodes_tag_count[[ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4], 1] += 1 sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') nip = len(sig_ip_el) # 4 gauss point quad if nip == 12: sig_nd_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stressAtNodes') sigM_nd = np.vstack(([sig_nd_el[0:3], sig_nd_el[3:6], sig_nd_el[6:9], sig_nd_el[9:12]])) # sigM_ip = np.vstack(([sig_ip_el[0:3], # sig_ip_el[3:6], # sig_ip_el[6:9], # sig_ip_el[9:12]])) # sigM_nd = extrapolate_ip_to_node_quad(sigM_ip) # SSPquad - stabilized single point quad elif nip == 3: # assign the same value to all nodes sigM_nd = np.vstack((sig_ip_el, sig_ip_el, sig_ip_el, sig_ip_el)) # sxx sig_out[ind1, 0] += sigM_nd[0, 0] sig_out[ind2, 0] += sigM_nd[1, 0] sig_out[ind3, 0] += sigM_nd[2, 0] sig_out[ind4, 0] += sigM_nd[3, 0] # syy sig_out[ind1, 1] += sigM_nd[0, 1] sig_out[ind2, 1] += sigM_nd[1, 1] sig_out[ind3, 1] += sigM_nd[2, 1] sig_out[ind4, 1] += sigM_nd[3, 1] # sxy sig_out[ind1, 2] += sigM_nd[0, 2] sig_out[ind2, 2] += sigM_nd[1, 2] sig_out[ind3, 2] += sigM_nd[2, 2] sig_out[ind4, 2] += sigM_nd[3, 2] elif nen == 6: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) ind5 = node_tags.index(nd5) ind6 = node_tags.index(nd6) nodes_tag_count[[ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6], 1] += 1 # FIXME: wait until stressAtNodes is available in OpenSees upstream # locally it works sig_nd_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stressAtNodes') sigM_nd = np.vstack(([sig_nd_el[0:3], sig_nd_el[3:6], sig_nd_el[6:9], sig_nd_el[9:12], sig_nd_el[12:15], sig_nd_el[15:18]])) # sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') # sigM_ip = np.vstack(([sig_ip_el[0:3], # sig_ip_el[3:6], # sig_ip_el[6:9]])) # sigM_nd = extrapolate_ip_to_node_tri6n(sigM_ip) # sxx sig_out[ind1, 0] += sigM_nd[0, 0] sig_out[ind2, 0] += sigM_nd[1, 0] sig_out[ind3, 0] += sigM_nd[2, 0] sig_out[ind4, 0] += sigM_nd[3, 0] sig_out[ind5, 0] += sigM_nd[4, 0] sig_out[ind6, 0] += sigM_nd[5, 0] # syy sig_out[ind1, 1] += sigM_nd[0, 1] sig_out[ind2, 1] += sigM_nd[1, 1] sig_out[ind3, 1] += sigM_nd[2, 1] sig_out[ind4, 1] += sigM_nd[3, 1] sig_out[ind5, 1] += sigM_nd[4, 1] sig_out[ind6, 1] += sigM_nd[5, 1] # sxy sig_out[ind1, 2] += sigM_nd[0, 2] sig_out[ind2, 2] += sigM_nd[1, 2] sig_out[ind3, 2] += sigM_nd[2, 2] sig_out[ind4, 2] += sigM_nd[3, 2] sig_out[ind5, 2] += sigM_nd[4, 2] sig_out[ind6, 2] += sigM_nd[5, 2] elif nen == 8: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) ind5 = node_tags.index(nd5) ind6 = node_tags.index(nd6) ind7 = node_tags.index(nd7) ind8 = node_tags.index(nd8) nodes_tag_count[[ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6, ind7, ind8], 1] += 1 # sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') sig_nd_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stressAtNodes') sigM_nd = np.vstack(([sig_nd_el[0:3], sig_nd_el[3:6], sig_nd_el[6:9], sig_nd_el[9:12], sig_nd_el[12:15], sig_nd_el[15:18], sig_nd_el[18:21], sig_nd_el[21:24]])) # sig_nd_el[21:24], # sig_ip_el[24:27]])) indxs, = np.where(nodes_tag_count[:, 1] > 1) # n_indxs < n_nodes: e.g. 21<25 (bous), 2<6 (2el) etc. n_indxs = np.shape(indxs)[0] # divide summed stresses by the number of common nodes sig_out[indxs, :] = \ sig_out[indxs, :]/nodes_tag_count[indxs, 1].reshape(n_indxs, 1) if how_many == 'all' or how_many == 'svm' or how_many == 'vmis': # warning reshape from (pts,ncomp) to (ncomp,pts) vm_out = vm_stress(np.transpose(sig_out[:, :3])) sig_out[:, 3] = vm_out if (how_many == 'all' or how_many == 's1' or how_many == 's2' or how_many == 'angle'): # noqa: E501 princ_sig_out = princ_stress(np.transpose(sig_out[:, :3])) sig_out[:, 4:7] = np.transpose(princ_sig_out) print('-- WARNING!!! full sig_out matrix calculated here --') return sig_out
def sig_component_per_node(stress_str): """Return a 2d numpy array of stress components per OpenSees node. Three first stress components (sxx, syy, sxy) are calculated and extracted from OpenSees, while the rest svm (Huber-Mieses-Hencky), two principal stresses (s1, s2) and directional angle are calculated as postprocessed quantities. Args: how_many (str): supported options are: 'all' - all components, 'sxx', 'syy', 'sxy', 'svm' (or 'vmis'), 's1', 's2', 'angle'. Returns: sig_out (ndarray): a 2d array of stress components per node with the following components: sxx, syy, sxy, svm, s1, s2, angle. Size (n_nodes x 7). Examples: sig_out = opsv.sig_out_per_node() Notes: s1, s2: principal stresses angle: angle of the principal stress s1 """ ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() n_nodes = len(node_tags) # initialize helper arrays sig_out = np.zeros((n_nodes, 4)) nodes_tag_count = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2), dtype=int) nodes_tag_count[:, 0] = node_tags nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] if nen == 3: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) nodes_tag_count[[ind1, ind2, ind3], 1] += 1 sig_nd_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stressAtNodes') sigM_nd = np.vstack(([sig_nd_el[0:3], sig_nd_el[3:6], sig_nd_el[6:9]])) sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') sigM_ip = np.vstack(([sig_ip_el[0:3], sig_ip_el[3:6], sig_ip_el[6:9]])) # # assign the same value to all nodes # sigM_nd = np.vstack((sig_ip_el, sig_ip_el, sig_ip_el)) # sxx sig_out[ind1, 0] += sigM_nd[0, 0] sig_out[ind2, 0] += sigM_nd[1, 0] sig_out[ind3, 0] += sigM_nd[2, 0] # syy sig_out[ind1, 1] += sigM_nd[0, 1] sig_out[ind2, 1] += sigM_nd[1, 1] sig_out[ind3, 1] += sigM_nd[2, 1] # sxy sig_out[ind1, 2] += sigM_nd[0, 2] sig_out[ind2, 2] += sigM_nd[1, 2] sig_out[ind3, 2] += sigM_nd[2, 2] elif nen == 4: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) nodes_tag_count[[ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4], 1] += 1 sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') nip = len(sig_ip_el) # 4 gauss point quad if nip == 12: sig_nd_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stressAtNodes') sigM_nd = np.vstack(([sig_nd_el[0:3], sig_nd_el[3:6], sig_nd_el[6:9], sig_nd_el[9:12]])) # sigM_ip = np.vstack(([sig_ip_el[0:3], # sig_ip_el[3:6], # sig_ip_el[6:9], # sig_ip_el[9:12]])) # sigM_nd = extrapolate_ip_to_node_quad(sigM_ip) # SSPquad - stabilized single point quad elif nip == 3: # assign the same value to all nodes sigM_nd = np.vstack((sig_ip_el, sig_ip_el, sig_ip_el, sig_ip_el)) # sxx sig_out[ind1, 0] += sigM_nd[0, 0] sig_out[ind2, 0] += sigM_nd[1, 0] sig_out[ind3, 0] += sigM_nd[2, 0] sig_out[ind4, 0] += sigM_nd[3, 0] # syy sig_out[ind1, 1] += sigM_nd[0, 1] sig_out[ind2, 1] += sigM_nd[1, 1] sig_out[ind3, 1] += sigM_nd[2, 1] sig_out[ind4, 1] += sigM_nd[3, 1] # sxy sig_out[ind1, 2] += sigM_nd[0, 2] sig_out[ind2, 2] += sigM_nd[1, 2] sig_out[ind3, 2] += sigM_nd[2, 2] sig_out[ind4, 2] += sigM_nd[3, 2] elif nen == 6: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) ind5 = node_tags.index(nd5) ind6 = node_tags.index(nd6) nodes_tag_count[[ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6], 1] += 1 # FIXME: wait until stressAtNodes is available in OpenSees upstream # locally it works sig_nd_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stressAtNodes') sigM_nd = np.vstack(([sig_nd_el[0:3], sig_nd_el[3:6], sig_nd_el[6:9], sig_nd_el[9:12], sig_nd_el[12:15], sig_nd_el[15:18]])) # sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') # sigM_ip = np.vstack(([sig_ip_el[0:3], # sig_ip_el[3:6], # sig_ip_el[6:9]])) # sigM_nd = extrapolate_ip_to_node_tri6n(sigM_ip) # sxx sig_out[ind1, 0] += sigM_nd[0, 0] sig_out[ind2, 0] += sigM_nd[1, 0] sig_out[ind3, 0] += sigM_nd[2, 0] sig_out[ind4, 0] += sigM_nd[3, 0] sig_out[ind5, 0] += sigM_nd[4, 0] sig_out[ind6, 0] += sigM_nd[5, 0] # syy sig_out[ind1, 1] += sigM_nd[0, 1] sig_out[ind2, 1] += sigM_nd[1, 1] sig_out[ind3, 1] += sigM_nd[2, 1] sig_out[ind4, 1] += sigM_nd[3, 1] sig_out[ind5, 1] += sigM_nd[4, 1] sig_out[ind6, 1] += sigM_nd[5, 1] # sxy sig_out[ind1, 2] += sigM_nd[0, 2] sig_out[ind2, 2] += sigM_nd[1, 2] sig_out[ind3, 2] += sigM_nd[2, 2] sig_out[ind4, 2] += sigM_nd[3, 2] sig_out[ind5, 2] += sigM_nd[4, 2] sig_out[ind6, 2] += sigM_nd[5, 2] elif nen == 8: for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) ind5 = node_tags.index(nd5) ind6 = node_tags.index(nd6) ind7 = node_tags.index(nd7) ind8 = node_tags.index(nd8) nodes_tag_count[[ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6, ind7, ind8], 1] += 1 # sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') sig_nd_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stressAtNodes') sigM_nd = np.vstack(([sig_nd_el[0:3], sig_nd_el[3:6], sig_nd_el[6:9], sig_nd_el[9:12], sig_nd_el[12:15], sig_nd_el[15:18], sig_nd_el[18:21], sig_nd_el[21:24]])) # sig_nd_el[21:24], # sig_ip_el[24:27]])) indxs, = np.where(nodes_tag_count[:, 1] > 1) # n_indxs < n_nodes: e.g. 21<25 (bous), 2<6 (2el) etc. n_indxs = np.shape(indxs)[0] # divide summed stresses by the number of common nodes sig_out[indxs, :] = \ sig_out[indxs, :]/nodes_tag_count[indxs, 1].reshape(n_indxs, 1) if stress_str == 'sxx': sig_out_vec = sig_out[:, 0] elif stress_str == 'syy': sig_out_vec = sig_out[:, 1] elif stress_str == 'sxy': sig_out_vec = sig_out[:, 2] elif stress_str == 'svm' or stress_str == 'vmis': # warning reshape from (pts,ncomp) to (ncomp,pts) sig_out_vec = vm_stress(np.transpose(sig_out[:, :3])) elif (stress_str == 's1' or stress_str == 's2' or stress_str == 'angle'): princ_sig_out = princ_stress(np.transpose(sig_out[:, :3])) if stress_str == 's1': # sig_out_vec = np.transpose(princ_sig_out)[:, 0] sig_out_vec = princ_sig_out[0, :] elif stress_str == 's2': sig_out_vec = princ_sig_out[1, :] elif stress_str == 'angle': sig_out_vec = princ_sig_out[2, :] return sig_out_vec def extrapolate_ip_to_node_tri6n(yip): """Exprapolate from 3 integration points to 6 nodes of a tri6n element. The integration points are at (2/3, 1/6), (1/6, 2/3), (1/6, 1/6). Other possible 3 Gauss points are (1/2, 1/2), (1/2, 0), (0, 1/2). Integration points of Gauss quadrature. Usefull for : stress components (sxx, syy, sxy) yip - either a single vector (6,) or array (6,3) /sxx syy sxy/ or array (6, n) """ W = np.array([[1.6666666666666667, -0.3333333333333333, -0.3333333333333333], # noqa: E501 [-0.3333333333333333, 1.6666666666666667, -0.3333333333333333], # noqa: E501 [-0.3333333333333333, -0.3333333333333333, 1.6666666666666667], # noqa: E501 [0.6666666666666667, 0.6666666666666667, -0.3333333333333333], # noqa: E501 [-0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666667, 0.6666666666666667], # noqa: E501 [0.6666666666666667, -0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666667]]) # noqa: E501 ynp = W @ yip return ynp def extrapolate_ip_to_node_quad(yip): """ Exprapolate values at 4 integration points to 4 nodes of a quad element. Integration points of Gauss quadrature. Usefull for : stress components (sxx, syy, sxy) yip - either a single vector (4,) or array (4,3) /sxx syy sxy/ or array (4, n) """ xep = np.sqrt(3.)/2 W = np.array([[1.+xep, -1/2., 1.-xep, -1/2.], [-1/2., 1.+xep, -1/2., 1.-xep], [1.-xep, -1/2., 1.+xep, -1/2.], [-1/2., 1.-xep, -1/2., 1.+xep]]) ynp = W @ yip return ynp def extrapolate_ip_to_node_quad9n(yip): """ Exprapolate values at 9 integration points to 9 nodes of a quad element. Integration points of Gauss quadrature. Usefull for : stress components (sxx, syy, sxy) yip - either a single vector (4,) or array (4,3) /sxx syy sxy/ or array (4, n) """ W = np.array([[2.1869398183909485, 0.2777777777777778, 0.0352824038312731, 0.2777777777777778, -0.9858870384674904, -0.1252240726436203, -0.1252240726436203, -0.9858870384674904, 0.4444444444444444], # noqa: E501 [0.2777777777777778, 2.1869398183909485, 0.2777777777777778, 0.0352824038312731, -0.9858870384674904, -0.9858870384674904, -0.1252240726436203, -0.1252240726436203, 0.4444444444444444], # noqa: E501 [0.0352824038312731, 0.2777777777777778, 2.1869398183909485, 0.2777777777777778, -0.1252240726436203, -0.9858870384674904, -0.9858870384674904, -0.1252240726436203, 0.4444444444444444], # noqa: E501 [0.2777777777777778, 0.0352824038312731, 0.2777777777777778, 2.1869398183909485, -0.1252240726436203, -0.1252240726436203, -0.9858870384674904, -0.9858870384674904, 0.4444444444444444], # noqa: E501 [0., 0., 0., 0., 1.4788305577012359, 0., 0.1878361089654305, 0., -0.6666666666666667], # noqa: E501 [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.4788305577012359, 0., 0.1878361089654305, -0.6666666666666667], # noqa: E501 [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.1878361089654305, 0., 1.4788305577012359, 0., -0.6666666666666667], # noqa: E501 [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.1878361089654305, 0., 1.4788305577012359, -0.6666666666666667], # noqa: E501 [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) ynp = W @ yip # ynp = 1.0 return ynp def extrapolate_ip_to_node_quad8n(yip): """ Exprapolate values at 8 integration points to 8 nodes of a quad element. Integration points of Gauss quadrature. Usefull for : stress components (sxx, syy, sxy) yip - either a single vector (4,) or array (4,3) /sxx syy sxy/ or array (4, n) """ W = np.array([[2.0758287072798374, 0.1666666666666666, -0.075828707279838, 0.1666666666666666, -0.7636648162452683, 0.0969981495786018, 0.0969981495786018, -0.7636648162452683, 0.], # noqa: E501 [0.1666666666666666, 2.0758287072798374, 0.1666666666666666, -0.075828707279838, -0.7636648162452683, -0.7636648162452683, 0.0969981495786018, 0.0969981495786018, 0.], # noqa: E501 [-0.075828707279838, 0.1666666666666666, 2.0758287072798374, 0.1666666666666666, 0.0969981495786018, -0.7636648162452683, -0.7636648162452683, 0.0969981495786018, 0.], # noqa: E501 [0.1666666666666666, -0.075828707279838, 0.1666666666666666, 2.0758287072798374, 0.0969981495786018, 0.0969981495786018, -0.7636648162452683, -0.7636648162452683, 0.], # noqa: E501 [0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, 1.1454972243679027, -0.3333333333333333, -0.1454972243679028, -0.3333333333333333, 0.], # noqa: E501 [0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, -0.3333333333333333, 1.1454972243679027, -0.3333333333333333, -0.1454972243679028, 0.], # noqa: E501 [0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, -0.1454972243679028, -0.3333333333333333, 1.1454972243679027, -0.3333333333333333, 0.], # noqa: E501 [0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, 0.1666666666666666, -0.3333333333333333, -0.1454972243679028, -0.3333333333333333, 1.1454972243679027, 0.]]) # noqa: E501 ynp = W @ yip # ynp = 1.0 return ynp def quad_interpolate_node_to_ip(ynp): """ Interpolate values at 4 nodes to 4 integration points a quad element. Integration points of Gauss quadrature. Usefull for : stress components (sxx, syy, sxy) ynp - either a single vector (4,) or array (4,3) /sxx syy sxy/ or array (4, n) """ jsz = 1./6. jtr = 1./3. p2 = jsz * np.sqrt(3.) W = np.array([[jtr+p2, jsz, jtr-p2, jsz], [jsz, jtr+p2, jsz, jtr-p2], [jtr-p2, jsz, jtr+p2, jsz], [jsz, jtr-p2, jsz, jtr+p2]]) yip = W @ ynp return yip def princ_stress(sig): """Return a tuple (s1, s2, angle): principal stresses (plane stress) and angle Args: sig (ndarray): input array of stresses at nodes: sxx, syy, sxy (tau) Returns: out (ndarray): 1st row is first principal stress s1, 2nd row is second principal stress s2, 3rd row is the angle of s1 """ sx, sy, tau = sig[0], sig[1], sig[2] ds = (sx-sy)/2 R = np.sqrt(ds**2 + tau**2) s1 = (sx+sy)/2. + R s2 = (sx+sy)/2. - R angle = np.arctan2(tau, ds)/2 out = np.vstack((s1, s2, angle)) return out def vm_stress(sig): n_sig_comp, n_pts = np.shape(sig) if n_sig_comp > 3: x, y, z, xy, xz, yz = sig else: x, y, xy = sig z, xz, yz = 0., 0., 0. _a = 0.5*((x-y)**2 + (y-z)**2 + (z-x)**2 + 6.*(xy**2 + xz**2 + yz**2)) return np.sqrt(_a) def quad_crds_node_to_ip(): """ Return global coordinates of 4 quad ip nodes and corner nodes. It also returns quad connectivity. """ node_tags, ele_tags = ops.getNodeTags(), ops.getEleTags() n_nodes, n_eles = len(node_tags), len(ele_tags) # idiom coordinates as ordered in node_tags nds_crd = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2)) for i, node_tag in enumerate(node_tags): nds_crd[i] = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag) quads_conn = np.zeros((n_eles, 4), dtype=int) # quads_conn_ops = np.zeros((n_eles, 4), dtype=int) eles_nds_crd = np.zeros((n_eles, 4, 2)) eles_ips_crd = np.zeros((n_eles, 4, 2)) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) quads_conn[i] = np.array([ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4]) # quads_conn_ops[i] = np.array([nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4]) eles_nds_crd[i] = np.array([[*ops.nodeCoord(nd1)], [*ops.nodeCoord(nd2)], [*ops.nodeCoord(nd3)], [*ops.nodeCoord(nd4)]]) eles_ips_crd[i] = quad_interpolate_node_to_ip(eles_nds_crd[i]) return eles_ips_crd, eles_nds_crd, nds_crd, quads_conn def sig_out_per_ele_quad(): """ Extract stress components for all elements from OpenSees analysis. Returns: eles_ips_sig_out, eles_nds_sig_out (tuple of ndarrays): eles_ips_sig_out - values at integration points of elements (n_eles x 4 x 4) eles_nds_sig_out - values at nodes of elements (n_eles x 4 x 4) Examples: eles_ips_sig_out, eles_nds_sig_out = opsv.sig_out_per_ele_quad() Notes: Stress components in array columns are: Sxx, Syy, Sxy, Svmis, empty Used e.g. by plot_mesh_with_ips_2d function """ node_tags, ele_tags = ops.getNodeTags(), ops.getEleTags() n_nodes, n_eles = len(node_tags), len(ele_tags) eles_ips_sig_out = np.zeros((n_eles, 4, 4)) eles_nds_sig_out = np.zeros((n_eles, 4, 4)) # array (n_nodes, 2): # node_tags, number of occurrence in quad elements) # correspondence indx and node_tag is in node_tags.index # (a) data in np.array of integers nodes_tag_count = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2), dtype=int) nodes_tag_count[:, 0] = node_tags for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) nodes_tag_count[[ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4], 1] += 1 sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') sigM_ip = np.vstack(([sig_ip_el[0:3], sig_ip_el[3:6], sig_ip_el[6:9], sig_ip_el[9:12]])) sigM_nd = extrapolate_ip_to_node_quad(sigM_ip) eles_ips_sig_out[i, :, :3] = sigM_ip eles_nds_sig_out[i, :, :3] = sigM_nd vm_ip_out = vm_stress(np.transpose(eles_ips_sig_out[i, :, :3])) vm_nd_out = extrapolate_ip_to_node_quad(vm_ip_out) eles_ips_sig_out[i, :, 3] = vm_ip_out eles_nds_sig_out[i, :, 3] = vm_nd_out return eles_ips_sig_out, eles_nds_sig_out def sig_out_per_ele_brick(): """ Extract stress components for all elements from OpenSees analysis. Returns: eles_ips_sig_out, eles_nds_sig_out (tuple of ndarrays): eles_ips_sig_out - values at integration points of elements (n_eles x 4 x 4) eles_nds_sig_out - values at nodes of elements (n_eles x 4 x 4) Examples: eles_ips_sig_out, eles_nds_sig_out = opsv.sig_out_per_ele_quad() Notes: Stress components in array columns are: Sxx, Syy, Sxy, Svmis, empty Used e.g. by plot_mesh_with_ips_2d function """ node_tags, ele_tags = ops.getNodeTags(), ops.getEleTags() n_nodes, n_eles = len(node_tags), len(ele_tags) eles_ips_sig_out = np.zeros((n_eles, 8, 7)) eles_nds_sig_out = np.zeros((n_eles, 8, 7)) # array (n_nodes, 2): # node_tags, number of occurrence in quad elements) # correspondence indx and node_tag is in node_tags.index # (a) data in np.array of integers nodes_tag_count = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2), dtype=int) nodes_tag_count[:, 0] = node_tags for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) ind5 = node_tags.index(nd5) ind6 = node_tags.index(nd6) ind7 = node_tags.index(nd7) ind8 = node_tags.index(nd8) nodes_tag_count[[ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6, ind7, ind8], 1] += 1 sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stresses') sigM_ip = np.vstack(([sig_ip_el[0:6], sig_ip_el[6:12], sig_ip_el[12:18], sig_ip_el[18:24], sig_ip_el[24:30], sig_ip_el[30:36], sig_ip_el[36:42], sig_ip_el[42:48]])) # rearrange rows because stdBrick gauss points are ordered differently rows_order = np.array([0, 4, 6, 2, 1, 5, 7, 3]) sigM_ip = sigM_ip[rows_order] sigM_nd = extrapolate_ip_to_node_brick(sigM_ip) eles_ips_sig_out[i, :, :6] = sigM_ip eles_nds_sig_out[i, :, :6] = sigM_nd vm_ip_out = vm_stress(np.transpose(eles_ips_sig_out[i, :, :6])) vm_nd_out = vm_stress(np.transpose(eles_nds_sig_out[i, :, :6])) eles_ips_sig_out[i, :, 6] = vm_ip_out eles_nds_sig_out[i, :, 6] = vm_nd_out return eles_ips_sig_out, eles_nds_sig_out def quads_to_4tris(quads_conn, nds_crd, nds_val): """ Get triangles connectivity, coordinates and new values at quad centroids. Args: quads_conn (ndarray): nds_crd (ndarray): nds_val (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val (tuple): Notes: Triangles connectivity array is based on quadrilaterals connectivity. Each quad is split into four triangles. New nodes are created at the quad centroid. See also: function: quads_to_8tris_9n, quads_to_8tris_8n """ n_quads, _ = quads_conn.shape n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape # coordinates and values at quad centroids _c_ nds_c_crd = np.zeros((n_quads, 2)) nds_c_val = np.zeros(n_quads) tris_conn = np.zeros((4*n_quads, 3), dtype=int) for i, quad_conn in enumerate(quads_conn): j = 4*i n0, n1, n2, n3 = quad_conn # quad centroids nds_c_crd[i] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 1])/4.]) nds_c_val[i] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n2, n3]])/4. # triangles connectivity tris_conn[j] = np.array([n0, n1, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+1] = np.array([n1, n2, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+2] = np.array([n2, n3, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+3] = np.array([n3, n0, n_nds+i]) return tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val def bricks_to_24tris(bricks_conn, nds_crd, nds_val, disps=None): """ Get triangles connectivity, coordinates and new vals at brick face centroids. Args: bricks_conn (ndarray): nds_crd (ndarray): nds_val (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val (tuple): Notes: Triangles connectivity array is based on stdBricks connectivity. Each of 6 brick faces is split into four triangles. New nodes are created at the face centroid. See also: function: bricks_to_8tris_9n, bricks_to_8tris_8n """ n_bricks, _ = bricks_conn.shape n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape # coordinates and values at brick centroids _c_ nds_c_crd = np.zeros((n_bricks*6, 3)) nds_c_val = np.zeros(n_bricks*6) disps_c = None if disps is not None: disps_c = np.zeros((n_bricks*6, 3)) tris_conn = np.zeros((24*n_bricks, 3), dtype=int) for i, brick_conn in enumerate(bricks_conn): j = 24*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 = brick_conn # brick centroids nds_c_crd[i*6] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n4], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n4], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n5], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+1] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+2] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+3] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+4] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+5] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 2])/4.]) nds_c_val[6*i] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n5, n4]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+1] = np.sum(nds_val[[n1, n2, n6, n5]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+2] = np.sum(nds_val[[n2, n3, n7, n6]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+3] = np.sum(nds_val[[n3, n0, n4, n7]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+4] = np.sum(nds_val[[n4, n5, n6, n7]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+5] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n2, n3]])/4. # triangles connectivity tris_conn[j] = np.array([n0, n1, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+1] = np.array([n1, n5, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+2] = np.array([n5, n4, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+3] = np.array([n4, n0, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+4] = np.array([n1, n2, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+5] = np.array([n2, n6, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+6] = np.array([n6, n5, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+7] = np.array([n5, n1, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+8] = np.array([n2, n3, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+9] = np.array([n3, n7, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+10] = np.array([n7, n6, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+11] = np.array([n6, n2, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+12] = np.array([n3, n0, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+13] = np.array([n0, n4, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+14] = np.array([n4, n7, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+15] = np.array([n7, n3, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+16] = np.array([n4, n5, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+17] = np.array([n5, n6, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+18] = np.array([n6, n7, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+19] = np.array([n7, n4, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+20] = np.array([n0, n1, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+21] = np.array([n1, n2, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+22] = np.array([n2, n3, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+23] = np.array([n3, n0, n_nds+i*6+5]) if disps is not None: disps_c[6*i] = np.sum(disps[[n0, n1, n5, n4]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+1] = np.sum(disps[[n1, n2, n6, n5]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+2] = np.sum(disps[[n2, n3, n7, n6]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+3] = np.sum(disps[[n3, n0, n4, n7]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+4] = np.sum(disps[[n4, n5, n6, n7]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+5] = np.sum(disps[[n0, n1, n2, n3]], axis=0)/4. return tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val, disps_c # brick20n bricks to tris def bricks_to_48tris(bricks_conn, nds_crd, nds_val, disps=None): """ Get triangles connectivity, coordinates and new vals at brick face centroids, for brick20n Args: bricks_conn (ndarray): nds_crd (ndarray): nds_val (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val (tuple): Notes: Triangles connectivity array is based on stdBricks connectivity. Each of 6 brick faces is split into four triangles. New nodes are created at the face centroid. See also: function: bricks_to_24tris """ n_bricks, _ = bricks_conn.shape n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape # coordinates and values at brick centroids _c_ nds_c_crd = np.zeros((n_bricks*6, 3)) nds_c_val = np.zeros(n_bricks*6) disps_c = None if disps is not None: disps_c = np.zeros((n_bricks*6, 3)) tris_conn = np.zeros((48*n_bricks, 3), dtype=int) for i, brick_conn in enumerate(bricks_conn): j = 48*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n11, n12, n13, \ n14, n15, n16, n17, n18, n19 = brick_conn # brick centroids nds_c_crd[i*6] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n4], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n4], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n5], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+1] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+2] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+3] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+4] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+5] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 2])/4.]) nds_c_val[6*i] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n5, n4]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+1] = np.sum(nds_val[[n1, n2, n6, n5]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+2] = np.sum(nds_val[[n2, n3, n7, n6]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+3] = np.sum(nds_val[[n3, n0, n4, n7]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+4] = np.sum(nds_val[[n4, n5, n6, n7]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+5] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n2, n3]])/4. # triangles connectivity tris_conn[j] = np.array([n0, n8, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+1] = np.array([n8, n1, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+2] = np.array([n1, n17, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+3] = np.array([n17, n5, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+4] = np.array([n5, n12, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+5] = np.array([n12, n4, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+6] = np.array([n4, n16, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+7] = np.array([n16, n0, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+8] = np.array([n1, n9, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+9] = np.array([n9, n2, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+10] = np.array([n2, n18, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+11] = np.array([n18, n6, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+12] = np.array([n6, n13, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+13] = np.array([n13, n5, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+14] = np.array([n5, n17, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+15] = np.array([n17, n1, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+16] = np.array([n2, n10, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+17] = np.array([n10, n3, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+18] = np.array([n3, n19, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+19] = np.array([n19, n7, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+20] = np.array([n7, n14, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+21] = np.array([n14, n6, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+22] = np.array([n6, n18, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+23] = np.array([n18, n2, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+24] = np.array([n3, n11, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+25] = np.array([n11, n0, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+26] = np.array([n0, n16, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+27] = np.array([n16, n4, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+28] = np.array([n4, n15, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+29] = np.array([n15, n7, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+30] = np.array([n7, n19, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+31] = np.array([n19, n3, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+32] = np.array([n4, n12, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+33] = np.array([n12, n5, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+34] = np.array([n5, n13, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+35] = np.array([n13, n6, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+36] = np.array([n6, n14, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+37] = np.array([n14, n7, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+38] = np.array([n7, n15, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+39] = np.array([n15, n4, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+40] = np.array([n0, n8, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+41] = np.array([n8, n1, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+42] = np.array([n1, n9, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+43] = np.array([n9, n2, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+44] = np.array([n2, n10, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+45] = np.array([n10, n3, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+46] = np.array([n3, n11, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+47] = np.array([n11, n0, n_nds+i*6+5]) if disps is not None: disps_c[6*i] = np.sum(disps[[n0, n1, n5, n4, n8, n17, n12, n16]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+1] = np.sum(disps[[n1, n2, n6, n5, n9, n18, n13, n17]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+2] = np.sum(disps[[n2, n3, n7, n6, n10, n19, n14, n18]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+3] = np.sum(disps[[n3, n0, n4, n7, n11, n16, n15, n19]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+4] = np.sum(disps[[n4, n5, n6, n7, n12, n13, n14, n15]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+5] = np.sum(disps[[n0, n1, n2, n3, n8, n9, n10, n11]], axis=0)/4. return tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val, disps_c def tris6n_to_4tris(tris_conn): """Get triangles connectivity. Six-node triangle is subdivided into four triangles Args: tris_conn (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn_subdiv (ndarray): """ n_tris, _ = tris_conn.shape # n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape tris_conn_subdiv = np.zeros((4*n_tris, 3), dtype=int) for i, tri_conn in enumerate(tris_conn): j = 4*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 = tri_conn # triangles connectivity tris_conn_subdiv[j] = np.array([n0, n3, n5]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+1] = np.array([n3, n1, n4]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+2] = np.array([n3, n4, n5]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+3] = np.array([n5, n4, n2]) return tris_conn_subdiv def plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, eles_conn, lw=0.4, ec='k'): """ Plot 2d mesh (quads or triangles) outline. """ nen = np.shape(eles_conn)[1] if nen == 3 or nen == 4: for ele_conn in eles_conn: x = nds_crd[ele_conn, 0] y = nds_crd[ele_conn, 1] plt.fill(x, y, edgecolor=ec, lw=lw, fill=False) elif nen == 6: for ele_conn in eles_conn: x = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[5]], 0] y = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[5]], 1] plt.fill(x, y, edgecolor=ec, lw=lw, fill=False) elif nen == 9: for ele_conn in eles_conn: x = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[5], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[6], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[7]], 0] y = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[5], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[6], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[7]], 1] plt.fill(x, y, edgecolor=ec, lw=lw, fill=False) elif nen == 8: for ele_conn in eles_conn: x = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[5], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[6], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[7]], 0] y = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[5], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[6], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[7]], 1] plt.fill(x, y, edgecolor=ec, lw=lw, fill=False)
[docs]def plot_stress_2d(nds_val, mesh_outline=1, cmap='turbo', levels=50): """ Plot stress distribution of a 2d elements of a 2d model. Args: nds_val (ndarray): the values of a stress component, which can be extracted from sig_out array (see sig_out_per_node function) mesh_outline (int): 1 - mesh is plotted, 0 - no mesh plotted. cmap (str): Matplotlib color map (default is 'turbo') Usage: :: sig_out = opsv.sig_out_per_node() j, jstr = 3, 'vmis' nds_val = sig_out[:, j] opsv.plot_stress_2d(nds_val) plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('y [m]') plt.title(f'{jstr}') See also: :ref:`opsvis_sig_out_per_node` """ node_tags, ele_tags = ops.getNodeTags(), ops.getEleTags() n_nodes, n_eles = len(node_tags), len(ele_tags) nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] # idiom coordinates as ordered in node_tags # use node_tags.index(tag) for correspondence nds_crd = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2)) for i, node_tag in enumerate(node_tags): nds_crd[i] = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag) # from utils / sig_out_per_node # fixme: if this can be simplified # index (starts from 0) to node_tag correspondence # (a) data in np.array of integers # nodes_tag_count = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2), dtype=int) # nodes_tag_count[:, 0] = node_tags # # correspondence indx and node_tag is in node_tags.index # after testing remove the above if nen == 3: tris_conn = np.zeros((n_eles, 3), dtype=int) nds_crd = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2)) for i, node_tag in enumerate(node_tags): nds_crd[i] = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) tris_conn[i] = np.array([ind1, ind2, ind3]) # 1. plot contour maps triangulation = tri.Triangulation(nds_crd[:, 0], nds_crd[:, 1], tris_conn) plt.tricontourf(triangulation, nds_val, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) # 2. plot original mesh (quad) without subdivision into triangles if mesh_outline: plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, tris_conn) elif nen == 4: quads_conn = np.zeros((n_eles, 4), dtype=int) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) quads_conn[i] = np.array([ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4]) tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val = \ quads_to_4tris(quads_conn, nds_crd, nds_val) nds_crd_all = np.vstack((nds_crd, nds_c_crd)) # nds_val_all = np.concatenate((nds_val, nds_c_val)) nds_val_all = np.hstack((nds_val, nds_c_val)) # 1. plot contour maps triangulation = tri.Triangulation(nds_crd_all[:, 0], nds_crd_all[:, 1], tris_conn) plt.tricontourf(triangulation, nds_val_all, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) # 2. plot original mesh (quad) without subdivision into triangles if mesh_outline: plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, quads_conn) elif nen == 6: tris_conn = np.zeros((n_eles, 6), dtype=int) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) ind5 = node_tags.index(nd5) ind6 = node_tags.index(nd6) tris_conn[i] = np.array([ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6]) tris_conn_subdiv = tris6n_to_4tris(tris_conn) # 1. plot contour maps triangulation = tri.Triangulation(nds_crd[:, 0], nds_crd[:, 1], tris_conn_subdiv) plt.tricontourf(triangulation, nds_val, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) # 2. plot original mesh (tri) without subdivision into triangles plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, tris_conn) elif nen == 8: quads_conn = np.zeros((n_eles, 8), dtype=int) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) ind5 = node_tags.index(nd5) ind6 = node_tags.index(nd6) ind7 = node_tags.index(nd7) ind8 = node_tags.index(nd8) quads_conn[i] = np.array([ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6, ind7, ind8]) # tris_conn = quads_to_8tris_8n(quads_conn) tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val = quads_to_8tris_8n(quads_conn, nds_crd, nds_val) nds_crd_all = np.vstack((nds_crd, nds_c_crd)) # nds_val_all = np.concatenate((nds_val, nds_c_val)) nds_val_all = np.hstack((nds_val, nds_c_val)) # 1. plot contour maps triangulation = tri.Triangulation(nds_crd_all[:, 0], nds_crd_all[:, 1], tris_conn) plt.tricontourf(triangulation, nds_val_all, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) # 2. plot original mesh (quad) without subdivision into triangles plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, quads_conn) elif nen == 9: quads_conn = np.zeros((n_eles, 9), dtype=int) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8, nd9 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ind1 = node_tags.index(nd1) ind2 = node_tags.index(nd2) ind3 = node_tags.index(nd3) ind4 = node_tags.index(nd4) ind5 = node_tags.index(nd5) ind6 = node_tags.index(nd6) ind7 = node_tags.index(nd7) ind8 = node_tags.index(nd8) ind9 = node_tags.index(nd9) quads_conn[i] = np.array([ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6, ind7, ind8, ind9]) tris_conn = quads_to_8tris_9n(quads_conn) # 1. plot contour maps triangulation = tri.Triangulation(nds_crd[:, 0], nds_crd[:, 1], tris_conn) plt.tricontourf(triangulation, nds_val, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) # 2. plot original mesh (quad) without subdivision into triangles plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, quads_conn) plt.colorbar() plt.axis('equal')
[docs]def plot_extruded_shapes_3d(ele_shapes, az_el=az_el, fig_wi_he=fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt=fig_lbrt): """Plot an extruded 3d model based on cross-section dimenions. Three arrows present local section axes: green - local x-axis, red - local z-axis, blue - local y-axis. Args: ele_shapes (dict): keys are ele_tags and values are lists of: shape_type (str): 'rect' - rectangular shape, 'I' - double T shape and shape_args (list): list of floats, which necessary section dimensions. For 'rect' the list is [b d]; width and depth, for 'I' shape - [bf d tw tf]; flange width, section depth, web and flange thicknesses Example: ele_shapes = {1: ['rect', [b, d]], 2: ['I', [bf, d, tw, tf]]} az_el (tuple): azimuth and elevation fig_wi_he: figure width and height in centimeters fig_lbrt: figure left, bottom, right, top boundaries Usage: :: ele_shapes = {1: ['circ', [b]], 2: ['rect', [b, h]], 3: ['I', [b, h, b/10., h/6.]]} opsv.plot_extruded_shapes_3d(ele_shapes) Notes: - For now only rectangular, circular and double T sections are supported. - This function can be a source of inconsistency because OpenSees lacks functions to return section dimensions. A workaround is to have own Python helper functions to reuse data specified once """ ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() azim, elev = az_el fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=.08, bottom=.08, right=.985, top=.94) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, # ax.axis('equal') # bug in matplotlib - does not work for 3d ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=elev) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) ez = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[2], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[2]]) # mesh outline ax.plot(ex, ey, ez, 'k--', solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', dash_joinstyle='round') # eo = Eo[i, :] xloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'xlocal') yloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'ylocal') zloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'zlocal') g = np.vstack((xloc, yloc, zloc)) G, L = rot_transf_3d(ex, ey, ez, g) # by default empty shape_type, shape_args = ['circ', [0.]] if ele_tag in ele_shapes: shape_type, shape_args = ele_shapes[ele_tag] if shape_type == 'rect' or shape_type == 'I': if shape_type == 'rect': verts = _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_rect(ex, ey, ez, g, shape_args) elif shape_type == 'I': verts = _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_double_T(ex, ey, ez, g, shape_args) # plot 3d sides ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection(verts, linewidths=0.6, edgecolors='k', alpha=.25)) elif shape_type == 'circ': X, Y, Z = _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_circ(ex, ey, ez, g, shape_args) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, linewidths=0.4, edgecolors='k', alpha=.25) # common for all members Xm, Ym, Zm = sum(ex)/2, sum(ey)/2, sum(ez)/2 alen = 0.1*L # plot local axis directional vectors: workaround quiver = arrow plt.quiver(Xm, Ym, Zm, g[0, 0], g[0, 1], g[0, 2], color='g', lw=2, length=alen, alpha=.8, normalize=True) plt.quiver(Xm, Ym, Zm, g[1, 0], g[1, 1], g[1, 2], color='b', lw=2, length=alen, alpha=.8, normalize=True) plt.quiver(Xm, Ym, Zm, g[2, 0], g[2, 1], g[2, 2], color='r', lw=2, length=alen, alpha=.8, normalize=True)
def _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_double_T(ex, ey, ez, g, shape_args): bf, d, tw, tf = shape_args za, zb = tw/2, bf/2 ya, yb = d/2 - tf, d/2 g10a, g11a, g12a = g[1, 0]*ya, g[1, 1]*ya, g[1, 2]*ya g10b, g11b, g12b = g[1, 0]*yb, g[1, 1]*yb, g[1, 2]*yb g20a, g21a, g22a = g[2, 0]*za, g[2, 1]*za, g[2, 2]*za g20b, g21b, g22b = g[2, 0]*zb, g[2, 1]*zb, g[2, 2]*zb pts = np.zeros((24, 3)) # beg node (I) cross-section vertices crds, counter-clockwise order pts[0] = [ex[0] - g10b - g20b, ey[0] - g11b - g21b, ez[0] - g12b - g22b] pts[1] = [ex[0] - g10a - g20b, ey[0] - g11a - g21b, ez[0] - g12a - g22b] pts[2] = [ex[0] - g10a - g20a, ey[0] - g11a - g21a, ez[0] - g12a - g22a] pts[3] = [ex[0] + g10a - g20a, ey[0] + g11a - g21a, ez[0] + g12a - g22a] pts[4] = [ex[0] + g10a - g20b, ey[0] + g11a - g21b, ez[0] + g12a - g22b] pts[5] = [ex[0] + g10b - g20b, ey[0] + g11b - g21b, ez[0] + g12b - g22b] pts[6] = [ex[0] + g10b + g20b, ey[0] + g11b + g21b, ez[0] + g12b + g22b] pts[7] = [ex[0] + g10a + g20b, ey[0] + g11a + g21b, ez[0] + g12a + g22b] pts[8] = [ex[0] + g10a + g20a, ey[0] + g11a + g21a, ez[0] + g12a + g22a] pts[9] = [ex[0] - g10a + g20a, ey[0] - g11a + g21a, ez[0] - g12a + g22a] pts[10] = [ex[0] - g10a + g20b, ey[0] - g11a + g21b, ez[0] - g12a + g22b] pts[11] = [ex[0] - g10b + g20b, ey[0] - g11b + g21b, ez[0] - g12b + g22b] # end node (J) cross-section vertices pts[12] = [ex[1] - g10b - g20b, ey[1] - g11b - g21b, ez[1] - g12b - g22b] pts[13] = [ex[1] - g10a - g20b, ey[1] - g11a - g21b, ez[1] - g12a - g22b] pts[14] = [ex[1] - g10a - g20a, ey[1] - g11a - g21a, ez[1] - g12a - g22a] pts[15] = [ex[1] + g10a - g20a, ey[1] + g11a - g21a, ez[1] + g12a - g22a] pts[16] = [ex[1] + g10a - g20b, ey[1] + g11a - g21b, ez[1] + g12a - g22b] pts[17] = [ex[1] + g10b - g20b, ey[1] + g11b - g21b, ez[1] + g12b - g22b] pts[18] = [ex[1] + g10b + g20b, ey[1] + g11b + g21b, ez[1] + g12b + g22b] pts[19] = [ex[1] + g10a + g20b, ey[1] + g11a + g21b, ez[1] + g12a + g22b] pts[20] = [ex[1] + g10a + g20a, ey[1] + g11a + g21a, ez[1] + g12a + g22a] pts[21] = [ex[1] - g10a + g20a, ey[1] - g11a + g21a, ez[1] - g12a + g22a] pts[22] = [ex[1] - g10a + g20b, ey[1] - g11a + g21b, ez[1] - g12a + g22b] pts[23] = [ex[1] - g10b + g20b, ey[1] - g11b + g21b, ez[1] - g12b + g22b] # list of sides verts = [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3], pts[4], pts[5], pts[6], pts[7], pts[8], pts[9], pts[10], pts[11]], # beg [pts[12], pts[13], pts[14], pts[15], pts[16], pts[17], pts[18], pts[19], pts[20], pts[21], pts[22], pts[23]], # end [pts[0], pts[12], pts[23], pts[11]], # bot 1 [pts[5], pts[17], pts[18], pts[6]], # top 2 [pts[9], pts[8], pts[20], pts[21]], # 3 [pts[2], pts[3], pts[15], pts[14]], # 4 [pts[11], pts[10], pts[22], pts[23]], # 5 [pts[0], pts[1], pts[13], pts[12]], # 6 [pts[7], pts[6], pts[18], pts[19]], # 7 [pts[4], pts[5], pts[17], pts[16]], # 8 [pts[10], pts[9], pts[21], pts[22]], # 9 [pts[2], pts[1], pts[13], pts[14]], # 10 [pts[7], pts[8], pts[20], pts[19]], # 11 [pts[3], pts[4], pts[16], pts[15]]] # 12 return verts def _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_rect(ex, ey, ez, g, shape_args): b, d = shape_args b2, d2 = b/2, d/2 g10, g11, g12 = g[1, 0]*d2, g[1, 1]*d2, g[1, 2]*d2 g20, g21, g22 = g[2, 0]*b2, g[2, 1]*b2, g[2, 2]*b2 pts = np.zeros((8, 3)) # beg node cross-section vertices # collected i-beg, j-end node coordinates, counter-clockwise order pts[0] = [ex[0] - g10 - g20, ey[0] - g11 - g21, ez[0] - g12 - g22] pts[1] = [ex[0] + g10 - g20, ey[0] + g11 - g21, ez[0] + g12 - g22] pts[2] = [ex[0] + g10 + g20, ey[0] + g11 + g21, ez[0] + g12 + g22] pts[3] = [ex[0] - g10 + g20, ey[0] - g11 + g21, ez[0] - g12 + g22] # end node cross-section vertices pts[4] = [ex[1] - g10 - g20, ey[1] - g11 - g21, ez[1] - g12 - g22] pts[5] = [ex[1] + g10 - g20, ey[1] + g11 - g21, ez[1] + g12 - g22] pts[6] = [ex[1] + g10 + g20, ey[1] + g11 + g21, ez[1] + g12 + g22] pts[7] = [ex[1] - g10 + g20, ey[1] - g11 + g21, ez[1] - g12 + g22] # list of 4-node sides verts = [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3]], # beg [pts[4], pts[5], pts[6], pts[7]], # end [pts[0], pts[4], pts[5], pts[1]], # bottom [pts[3], pts[7], pts[6], pts[2]], # top [pts[0], pts[4], pts[7], pts[3]], # front [pts[1], pts[5], pts[6], pts[2]]] # back return verts def _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_circ(ex, ey, ez, g, shape_args): d = shape_args[0] r = d/2 Lxyz = np.array([ex[1]-ex[0], ey[1]-ey[0], ez[1]-ez[0]]) L = np.sqrt(Lxyz @ Lxyz) xl = np.linspace(0, L, 3) # subdivde member length alpha = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 10) # subdivide circle xl, alpha = np.meshgrid(xl, alpha) X = (ex[0] + g[0, 0] * xl + r * np.sin(alpha) * g[1, 0] + r * np.cos(alpha) * g[2, 0]) Y = (ey[0] + g[0, 1] * xl + r * np.sin(alpha) * g[1, 1] + r * np.cos(alpha) * g[2, 1]) Z = (ez[0] + g[0, 2] * xl + r * np.sin(alpha) * g[1, 2] + r * np.cos(alpha) * g[2, 2]) return X, Y, Z def plot_mesh_with_ips_2d(nds_crd, eles_ips_crd, eles_nds_crd, quads_conn, eles_ips_sig_out, eles_nds_sig_out, sig_out_indx, lw=1.2): """ Plot 2d element mesh with the values at integration points and nodes. Args: nds_crd (ndarray): nodes coordinates (n_nodes x 2) eles_ips_crd (ndarray): integration points coordinates of elements (n_eles x 4 x 2) eles_nds_crd (ndarray): nodal coordinates of elements (n_eles x 4 x 2) quads_conn (ndarray): connectivity array (n_eles x 4) eles_ips_sig_out (ndarray): stress component values at integration points (n_eles x 4 x 4) eles_nds_sig_out (ndarray): stress component values at element nodes (n_eles x 4 x 4) sig_out_indx (int): which sig_out component Notes: This function is suitable for small models for illustration purposes. """ plot_model(node_labels=0, element_labels=0, lw=lw) # plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, quads_conn, lw=lw, ec='b') ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() n_eles = len(ele_tags) for i in range(n_eles): plt.plot(eles_ips_crd[i, :, 0], eles_ips_crd[i, :, 1], 'kx', markersize=3) ips_val = eles_ips_sig_out[i, :, sig_out_indx] nds_val = eles_nds_sig_out[i, :, sig_out_indx] # show ips values plt.text(eles_ips_crd[i, 0, 0], eles_ips_crd[i, 0, 1], f'{ips_val[0]:.2f}', {'color': 'C0'}, ha='center', va='bottom') plt.text(eles_ips_crd[i, 1, 0], eles_ips_crd[i, 1, 1], f'{ips_val[1]:.2f}', {'color': 'C1'}, ha='center', va='bottom') plt.text(eles_ips_crd[i, 2, 0], eles_ips_crd[i, 2, 1], f'{ips_val[2]:.2f}', {'color': 'C2'}, ha='center', va='top') plt.text(eles_ips_crd[i, 3, 0], eles_ips_crd[i, 3, 1], f'{ips_val[3]:.2f}', {'color': 'C3'}, ha='center', va='top') # show node values plt.text(eles_nds_crd[i, 0, 0], eles_nds_crd[i, 0, 1], f' {nds_val[0]:.2f}', {'color': 'C0'}, ha='left', va='bottom') plt.text(eles_nds_crd[i, 1, 0], eles_nds_crd[i, 1, 1], f'{nds_val[1]:.2f} ', {'color': 'C1'}, ha='right', va='bottom') plt.text(eles_nds_crd[i, 2, 0], eles_nds_crd[i, 2, 1], f'{nds_val[2]:.2f} ', {'color': 'C2'}, ha='right', va='top') plt.text(eles_nds_crd[i, 3, 0], eles_nds_crd[i, 3, 1], f' {nds_val[3]:.2f}', {'color': 'C3'}, ha='left', va='top') plt.axis('equal') # see also quads_to_8tris_9n def quads_to_8tris_8n(quads_conn, nds_crd, nds_val): """ Get triangles connectivity, coordinates and new values at quad centroids. Args: quads_conn (ndarray): nds_crd (ndarray): nds_val (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val (tuple): Notes: Triangles connectivity array is based on quadrilaterals connectivity. Each quad is split into eight triangles. New nodes are created at the quad centroid. See also: function: quads_to_8tris_9n, quads_to_4tris """ n_quads, _ = quads_conn.shape n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape # coordinates and values at quad centroids _c_ nds_c_crd = np.zeros((n_quads, 2)) nds_c_val = np.zeros(n_quads) tris_conn = np.zeros((8*n_quads, 3), dtype=int) for i, quad_conn in enumerate(quads_conn): j = 8*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 = quad_conn # quad centroids # nds_c_crd[i] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 0])/4., # np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 1])/4.]) # nds_c_val[i] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n2, n3]])/4. nds_c_crd[i] = quad8n_val_at_center(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7]]) nds_c_val[i] = quad8n_val_at_center(nds_val[[n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7]]) # triangles connectivity tris_conn[j] = np.array([n0, n4, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+1] = np.array([n4, n1, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+2] = np.array([n1, n5, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+3] = np.array([n5, n2, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+4] = np.array([n2, n6, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+5] = np.array([n6, n3, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+6] = np.array([n3, n7, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+7] = np.array([n7, n0, n_nds+i]) return tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val # see also quads_to_8tris_8n def quads_to_8tris_9n(quads_conn): """ Get triangles connectivity, coordinates and new values at quad centroids. Args: quads_conn (ndarray): nds_crd (ndarray): nds_val (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val (tuple): Notes: Triangles connectivity array is based on quadrilaterals connectivity. Each quad is split into eight triangles. New nodes are created at the quad centroid. See also: function: quads_to_8tris_8n, quads_to_4tris """ n_quads, _ = quads_conn.shape # n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape tris_conn = np.zeros((8*n_quads, 3), dtype=int) for i, quad_conn in enumerate(quads_conn): j = 8*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8 = quad_conn # center nodeds already present in quad 9n # triangles connectivity tris_conn[j] = np.array([n0, n4, n8]) tris_conn[j+1] = np.array([n4, n1, n8]) tris_conn[j+2] = np.array([n1, n5, n8]) tris_conn[j+3] = np.array([n5, n2, n8]) tris_conn[j+4] = np.array([n2, n6, n8]) tris_conn[j+5] = np.array([n6, n3, n8]) tris_conn[j+6] = np.array([n3, n7, n8]) tris_conn[j+7] = np.array([n7, n0, n8]) # return tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val return tris_conn def quad8n_val_at_center(vals): """ Calculate values at the center of 8-node quad element. """ val_c1 = -np.mean(vals[[0, 1, 2, 3]], axis=0) + 2*np.mean(vals[[4, 5, 6, 7]], axis=0) # noqa: E501 return val_c1 def plot_stress(stress_str, mesh_outline=1, cmap='turbo', levels=50): """Plot stress distribution of the model. Args: stress_str (string): stress component string. Available options are: 'sxx', 'syy', 'sxy', 'vmis', 's1', 's2', 'alpha' mesh_outline (int): 1 - mesh is plotted, 0 - no mesh plotted. cmap (str): Matplotlib color map (default is 'turbo') levels (int): number and positions of the contour lines / regions. Usage: :: opsv.plot_stress('vmis') plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('y [m]') See also: :ref:`opsvis_sig_out_per_node` """ # az_el - azimut, elevation used for 3d plots only ndim = np.shape(ops.nodeCoord(ops.getNodeTags()[0]))[0] if ndim == 2: _plot_stress_2d(stress_str, mesh_outline, cmap, levels) # if axis_off: # plt.axis('off') # not implemented yet # elif ndim == 3: # _plot_stress_3d(stress_str, mesh_outline, cmap, levels) else: print(f'\nWarning! ndim: {ndim} not implemented yet.') # # call this from main py file for more control def _plot_stress_2d(stress_str, mesh_outline, cmap, levels): """See documentation for plot_stress command""" # node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() # ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() # n_nodes = len(node_tags) # second version - better - possible different types # of elements (mix of quad and tri) # for ele_tag in ele_tags: # nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tag))[0] # avoid calculating and storing all stress components # sig_out = sig_out_per_node(stress_str) # switcher = {'sxx': 0, # 'syy': 1, # 'sxy': 2, # 'svm': 3, # 'vmis': 3, # 's1': 4, # 's2': 5, # 'angle': 6} # nds_val = sig_out[:, switcher[stress_str]] nds_val = sig_component_per_node(stress_str) plot_stress_2d(nds_val, mesh_outline, cmap, levels)