Source code for opsvis.anim

import openseespy.opensees as ops
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

from .settings import *
from .defo import *

def _anim_mode_2d(modeNo, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo,
                  interpFlag, endDispFlag, fig_wi_he,
                  fig_lbrt, xlim, ylim, ax):

    if not ax:
        if fig_wi_he:
            fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54))
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()

        if fig_lbrt:
            fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt
            fig.subplots_adjust(left=fleft, bottom=fbottom, right=fright, top=ftop)

    ele_tags = ops.getEleTags()

    nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0]

    # truss and beam/frame elements
    if nen == 2:

        ndf = ops.getNDF()[0]

        # truss element
        if ndf == 2:

            for ele_tag in ele_tags:
                nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

                # element x, y coordinates
                ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
                ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],

                if modeNo:
                    eux = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[0],
                                    ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[0]])
                    euy = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[1],
                                    ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[1]])
                    eux = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[0],
                    euy = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[1],

                # displaced element coordinates (scaled by sfac factor)
                edx = np.array([ex[0] + sfac*eux[0], ex[1] + sfac*eux[1]])
                edy = np.array([ey[0] + sfac*euy[0], ey[1] + sfac*euy[1]])

                if unDefoFlag:
                    ax.plot(ex, ey, **fmt_undefo)

                ax.plot(edx, edy, **fmt_defo)

        # beam/frame element anim eigen
        elif ndf == 3:

            # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54))
            ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
            ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])

            nel = len(ele_tags)
            Ecrd = np.zeros((nel, 2, 2))
            # Ex = np.zeros((nel, 2))
            # Ey = np.zeros((nel, 2))
            Ed = np.zeros((nel, 6))
            # time vector for one cycle (period)
            n_cycles = 10
            n_frames = n_cycles * 32 + 1
            t = np.linspace(0., n_cycles*2*np.pi, n_frames)
            lines = []

            for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
                ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

                for j, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                    Ecrd[i, j, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

                # nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)
                # element x, y coordinates
                # Ex[i, :] = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
                #                      ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]])
                # Ey[i, :] = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],
                #                      ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]])

                Ed[i, :] = np.array([*ops.nodeEigenvector(ele_node_tags[0], modeNo)[:3],
                                     *ops.nodeEigenvector(ele_node_tags[1], modeNo)[:3]])

                lines.append(ax.plot([], [], **fmt_defo)[0])

            def init():
                for j, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
                    lines[j].set_data([], [])
                return lines

            def animate(i):
                for j, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):

                    if interpFlag:
                        xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(Ecrd[j, :, :],
                                                         Ed[j, :],
                        lines[j].set_data(xcdi, ycdi)
                        xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(Ecrd[j, :, :], Ed[j, :],
                        lines[j].set_data(xdi, ydi)

                    # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, **fmt_defo)

                return lines

            anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
                                 frames=n_frames, interval=50, blit=True,

        # plt.axis('equal')
        #  # call this from main py file for more control

    # 2d triangular elements - todo
    # elif nen == 3:
    #     x = ex+sfac*ed[:, [0, 2, 4]]
    #     y = ex+sfac*ed[:, [1, 3, 5]]
    #     xc = [x, x[0, :]]
    #     yc = [x, x[0, :]]

    # 2d quadrilateral (quad) elements
    elif nen == 4:
        for ele_tag in ele_tags:
            nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            # element x, y coordinates
            ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0],
            ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1],

            if modeNo:
                ed = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[0],
                               ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[1],
                               ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[0],
                               ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[1],
                               ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo)[0],
                               ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo)[1],
                               ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo)[0],
                               ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo)[1]])
                ed = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[0],

            if unDefoFlag:
                ax.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]),

            # xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, ed, sfac, nep)
            # xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, ed, sfac)
            # # interpolated displacement field
            # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, 'b.-')
            # # translations of ends only
            # plt.plot(xdi, ydi, 'ro')

            # test it with one element
            x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 2, 4, 6]]
            y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 3, 5, 7]]
            ax.plot(np.append(x, x[0]), np.append(y, y[0]), 'b.-')


    # 2d 8-node quadratic elements
    # elif nen == 8:
    #     x = ex+sfac*ed[:, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]]
    #     y = ex+sfac*ed[:, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]]

    #     t = -1
    #     n = 0
    #     for s in range(-1, 1.4, 0.4):
    #         n += 1
    #     ...

        print(f'\nWarning! Elements not supported yet. nen: {nen}; must be: 2, 3, 4, 8.')  # noqa: E501

    return anim

[docs]def anim_mode(modeNo, sfac=False, nep=17, unDefoFlag=1, fmt_defo=fmt_defo, fmt_undefo=fmt_undefo, interpFlag=1, endDispFlag=1, Eo=0, az_el=az_el, fig_wi_he=False, fig_lbrt=False, xlim=[0, 1], ylim=[0, 1], ax=False): """Make animation of a mode shape obtained from eigenvalue solution. Args: modeNo (int): indicates which mode shape to animate. sfac (float): scale factor nep (integer): number of evaluation points inside the element and including both element ends unDefoFlag (integer): 1 - plot the undeformed model (mesh), 0 - do not plot the mesh interpFlag (integer): 1 - interpolate deformation inside element, 0 - no interpolation endDispFlag (integer): 1 - plot marks at element ends, 0 - no marks fmt_defo (dict): format line string for interpolated (continuous) deformated shape. The format contains information on line color, style and marks as in the standard matplotlib plot function. az_el (tuple): a tuple containing the azimuth and elevation fig_lbrt (tuple): a tuple contating left, bottom, right and top offsets fig_wi_he (tuple): contains width and height of the figure Returns: anim: animation object Notes: See also: anim_mode() """ node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() # calculate sfac # min_x, min_y, min_z = np.inf, np.inf, np.inf # max_x, max_y, max_z = -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf # max_ux, max_uy, max_uz = -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf min_x, min_y = np.inf, np.inf max_x, max_y = -np.inf, -np.inf max_ux, max_uy = -np.inf, -np.inf ratio = 0.1 ndim = ops.getNDM()[0] if ndim == 2: if not sfac: for node_tag in node_tags: x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0] y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1] ux = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[0] uy = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[1] min_x = min(min_x, x_crd) min_y = min(min_y, y_crd) max_x = max(max_x, x_crd) max_y = max(max_y, y_crd) max_ux = max(max_ux, np.abs(ux)) max_uy = max(max_uy, np.abs(uy)) dxmax = max_x - min_x dymax = max_y - min_y dlmax = max(dxmax, dymax) edmax = max(max_ux, max_uy) sfac = ratio * dlmax/edmax anim = _anim_mode_2d(modeNo, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, xlim, ylim, ax) # elif ndim == 3: # if not sfac: # for node_tag in node_tags: # x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0] # y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1] # z_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2] # ux = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[0] # uy = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[1] # uz = ops.nodeEigenvector(node_tag, modeNo)[2] # min_x = min(min_x, x_crd) # min_y = min(min_y, y_crd) # min_z = min(min_z, z_crd) # max_x = max(max_x, x_crd) # max_y = max(max_y, y_crd) # max_z = max(max_z, z_crd) # max_ux = max(max_ux, np.abs(ux)) # max_uy = max(max_uy, np.abs(uy)) # max_uz = max(max_uz, np.abs(uz)) # dxmax = max_x - min_x # dymax = max_y - min_y # dzmax = max_z - min_z # dlmax = max(dxmax, dymax, dzmax) # edmax = max(max_ux, max_uy, max_uz) # sfac = ratio * dlmax/edmax # _plot_defo_mode_3d(modeNo, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, # fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, # Eo, az_el, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt) else: print(f'\nWarning! ndim: {ndim} not supported yet.') return anim
def _anim_defo_2d(Eds, timeV, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, xlim, ylim, ax): if not ax: if fig_wi_he: fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54)) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if fig_lbrt: fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt fig.subplots_adjust(left=fleft, bottom=fbottom, right=fright, top=ftop) ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] # truss and beam/frame elements if nen == 2: ndf = ops.getNDF()[0] # truss element if ndf == 2: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) eux = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[0]]) euy = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[1]]) # displaced element coordinates (scaled by sfac factor) edx = np.array([ex[0] + sfac*eux[0], ex[1] + sfac*eux[1]]) edy = np.array([ey[0] + sfac*euy[0], ey[1] + sfac*euy[1]]) if unDefoFlag: ax.plot(ex, ey, **fmt_undefo) ax.plot(edx, edy, **fmt_defo) # beam/frame element anim defo elif ndf == 3: ax.axis('equal') ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) # ax.grid() nel = len(ele_tags) Ecrd = np.zeros((nel, 2, 2)) # Ex = np.zeros((nel, 2)) # Ey = np.zeros((nel, 2)) # no of frames equal to time intervals n_frames, _, _ = np.shape(Eds) lines = [] # time_text = ax.set_title('') # does not work time_text = ax.text(.05, .95, '', transform=ax.transAxes) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) for j, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags): Ecrd[i, j, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag) # nd1, nd2 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # # element x, y coordinates # Ex[i, :] = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], # ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0]]) # Ey[i, :] = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], # ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1]]) lines.append(ax.plot([], [], **fmt_defo)[0]) def init(): for j, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): lines[j].set_data([], []) time_text.set_text('') return tuple(lines) + (time_text,) def animate(i): for j, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): if interpFlag: xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(Ecrd[j, :, :], Eds[i, j, :], sfac, nep) lines[j].set_data(xcdi, ycdi) else: xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(Ecrd[j, :, :], Eds[i, j, :], sfac) lines[j].set_data(xdi, ydi) # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, **fmt_defo) # time_text.set_text(f'f') time_text.set_text(f'frame: {i+1}/{n_frames}, \ time: {timeV[i]:.3f} s') return tuple(lines) + (time_text,) anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=n_frames, interval=50, blit=True, repeat=False) # plt.axis('equal') # # call this from main py file for more control # 2d triangular elements # elif nen == 3: # x = ex+sfac*ed[:, [0, 2, 4]] # y = ex+sfac*ed[:, [1, 3, 5]] # xc = [x, x[0, :]] # yc = [x, x[0, :]] # 2d quadrilateral (quad) elements elif nen == 4: for ele_tag in ele_tags: nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4 = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) # element x, y coordinates ex = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[0], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[0]]) ey = np.array([ops.nodeCoord(nd1)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd2)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd3)[1], ops.nodeCoord(nd4)[1]]) # if modeNo: # ed = np.array([ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[0], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd1, modeNo)[1], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[0], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd2, modeNo)[1], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo)[0], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd3, modeNo)[1], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo)[0], # ops.nodeEigenvector(nd4, modeNo)[1]]) # else: ed = np.array([ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd1)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd2)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd3)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd3)[1], ops.nodeDisp(nd4)[0], ops.nodeDisp(nd4)[1]]) if unDefoFlag: ax.plot(np.append(ex, ex[0]), np.append(ey, ey[0]), **fmt_undefo) # xcdi, ycdi = beam_defo_interp_2d(ex, ey, ed, sfac, nep) # xdi, ydi = beam_disp_ends(ex, ey, ed, sfac) # # interpolated displacement field # plt.plot(xcdi, ycdi, 'b.-') # # translations of ends only # plt.plot(xdi, ydi, 'ro') # test it with one element x = ex+sfac*ed[[0, 2, 4, 6]] y = ey+sfac*ed[[1, 3, 5, 7]] ax.plot(np.append(x, x[0]), np.append(y, y[0]), 'b.-') ax.axis('equal') ax.grid(False) # 2d 8-node quadratic elements # elif nen == 8: # x = ex+sfac*ed[:, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]] # y = ex+sfac*ed[:, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]] # t = -1 # n = 0 # for s in range(-1, 1.4, 0.4): # n += 1 # ... else: print(f'\nWarning! Elements not supported yet. nen: {nen}; must be: 2, 3, 4, 8.') # noqa: E501 return anim
[docs]def anim_defo(Eds, timeV, sfac, nep=17, unDefoFlag=1, fmt_defo=fmt_defo, fmt_undefo=fmt_undefo, interpFlag=1, endDispFlag=1, az_el=az_el, fig_wi_he=False, fig_lbrt=False, xlim=[0, 1], ylim=[0, 1], ax=False): """Make animation of the deformed shape computed by transient analysis Args: Eds (ndarray): A 3d array (n_steps x n_eles x n_dof_per_element) containing the collected displacements per element for all time steps. timeV (1darray): vector of discretized time values sfac (float): scale factor nep (integer): number of evaluation points inside the element and including both element ends unDefoFlag (integer): 1 - plot the undeformed model (mesh), 0 - do not plot the mesh interpFlag (integer): 1 - interpolate deformation inside element, 0 - no interpolation endDispFlag (integer): 1 - plot marks at element ends, 0 - no marks fmt_defo (dict): format line string for interpolated (continuous) deformated shape. The format contains information on line color, style and marks as in the standard matplotlib plot function. az_el (tuple): a tuple containing the azimuth and elevation fig_lbrt (tuple): a tuple contating left, bottom, right and top offsets fig_wi_he (tuple): contains width and height of the figure Examples: Notes: See also: """ node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() ndim = ops.getNDM()[0] if ndim == 2: anim = _anim_defo_2d(Eds, timeV, sfac, nep, unDefoFlag, fmt_defo, fmt_undefo, interpFlag, endDispFlag, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, xlim, ylim, ax) else: print(f'\nWarning! ndim: {ndim} not supported yet.') return anim