Source code for opsvis.fibsec

import openseespy.opensees as ops
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Polygon, Wedge

from .settings import *

# plot_fiber_section is inspired by plotSection matlab function
# written by D. Vamvatsikos available at
# (
[docs]def plot_fiber_section(fib_sec_list, fillflag=1, matcolor=['y', 'b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'k']): """Plot fiber cross-section. Args: fib_sec_list (list): list of lists in the format similar to the parameters for the section, layer, patch, fiber OpenSees commands fillflag (int): 1 - filled fibers with color specified in matcolor list, 0 - no color, only the outline of fibers matcolor (list): sequence of colors for various material tags assigned to fibers Examples: :: fib_sec_1 = [['section', 'Fiber', 1, '-GJ', 1.0e6], ['patch', 'quad', 1, 4, 1, 0.032, 0.317, -0.311, 0.067, -0.266, 0.005, 0.077, 0.254], # noqa: E501 ['patch', 'quad', 1, 1, 4, -0.075, 0.144, -0.114, 0.116, 0.075, -0.144, 0.114, -0.116], # noqa: E501 ['patch', 'quad', 1, 4, 1, 0.266, -0.005, -0.077, -0.254, -0.032, -0.317, 0.311, -0.067] # noqa: E501 ] opsv.fib_sec_list_to_cmds(fib_sec_1) matcolor = ['r', 'lightgrey', 'gold', 'w', 'w', 'w'] opsv.plot_fiber_section(fib_sec_1, matcolor=matcolor) plt.axis('equal') # plt.savefig('fibsec_rc.png') Notes: ``fib_sec_list`` can be reused by means of a python helper function ``opsvis.fib_sec_list_to_cmds(fib_sec_list_1)`` See also: ``opsvis.fib_sec_list_to_cmds()`` """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel('z') ax.invert_xaxis() # To make z-axis positive to the left ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.grid(False) for item in fib_sec_list: if item[0] == 'layer': matTag = item[2] if item[1] == 'straight': n_bars = item[3] As = item[4] Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz = item[5], item[6], item[7], item[8] r = np.sqrt(As / np.pi) Y = np.linspace(Iy, Jy, n_bars) Z = np.linspace(Iz, Jz, n_bars) for zi, yi in zip(Z, Y): bar = Circle((zi, yi), r, ec='k', fc='k', zorder=10) ax.add_patch(bar) if item[1] == 'circ': n_bars, As = item[3], item[4] yC, zC, arc_radius = item[5], item[6], item[7] if len(item) > 8: a0_deg, a1_deg = item[8], item[9] if ((a1_deg - a0_deg) >= 360. and n_bars > 0): a1_deg = a0_deg + 360. - 360. / n_bars else: a0_deg, a1_deg = 0., 360. - 360. / n_bars a0_rad, a1_rad = np.pi * a0_deg / 180., np.pi * a1_deg / 180. r_bar = np.sqrt(As / np.pi) thetas = np.linspace(a0_rad, a1_rad, n_bars) Y = yC + arc_radius * np.cos(thetas) Z = zC + arc_radius * np.sin(thetas) for zi, yi in zip(Z, Y): bar = Circle((zi, yi), r_bar, ec='k', fc='k', zorder=10) ax.add_patch(bar) if (item[0] == 'patch' and (item[1] == 'quad' or item[1] == 'quadr' or item[1] == 'rect')): matTag, nIJ, nJK = item[2], item[3], item[4] if item[1] == 'quad' or item[1] == 'quadr': Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz = item[5], item[6], item[7], item[8] Ky, Kz, Ly, Lz = item[9], item[10], item[11], item[12] if item[1] == 'rect': Iy, Iz, Ky, Kz = item[5], item[6], item[7], item[8] Jy, Jz, Ly, Lz = Ky, Iz, Iy, Kz # check for convexity (vector products) outIJxIK = (Jy-Iy)*(Kz-Iz) - (Ky-Iy)*(Jz-Iz) outIKxIL = (Ky-Iy)*(Lz-Iz) - (Ly-Iy)*(Kz-Iz) # check if I, J, L points are colinear outIJxIL = (Jy-Iy)*(Lz-Iz) - (Ly-Iy)*(Jz-Iz) # outJKxJL = (Ky-Jy)*(Lz-Jz) - (Ly-Jy)*(Kz-Jz) if outIJxIK <= 0 or outIKxIL <= 0 or outIJxIL <= 0: print('\nWarning! Patch quad is non-convex or counter-clockwise defined or has at least 3 colinear points in line') # noqa: E501 IJz, IJy = np.linspace(Iz, Jz, nIJ+1), np.linspace(Iy, Jy, nIJ+1) JKz, JKy = np.linspace(Jz, Kz, nJK+1), np.linspace(Jy, Ky, nJK+1) LKz, LKy = np.linspace(Lz, Kz, nIJ+1), np.linspace(Ly, Ky, nIJ+1) ILz, ILy = np.linspace(Iz, Lz, nJK+1), np.linspace(Iy, Ly, nJK+1) if fillflag: Z = np.zeros((nIJ+1, nJK+1)) Y = np.zeros((nIJ+1, nJK+1)) for j in range(nIJ+1): Z[j, :] = np.linspace(IJz[j], LKz[j], nJK+1) Y[j, :] = np.linspace(IJy[j], LKy[j], nJK+1) for j in range(nIJ): for k in range(nJK): zy = np.array([[Z[j, k], Y[j, k]], [Z[j, k+1], Y[j, k+1]], [Z[j+1, k+1], Y[j+1, k+1]], [Z[j+1, k], Y[j+1, k]]]) poly = Polygon(zy, True, ec='k', fc=matcolor[matTag-1]) ax.add_patch(poly) else: # horizontal lines for az, bz, ay, by in zip(IJz, LKz, IJy, LKy): plt.plot([az, bz], [ay, by], 'b-', zorder=1) # vertical lines for az, bz, ay, by in zip(JKz, ILz, JKy, ILy): plt.plot([az, bz], [ay, by], 'b-', zorder=1) if item[0] == 'patch' and item[1] == 'circ': matTag, nc, nr = item[2], item[3], item[4] yC, zC, ri, re = item[5], item[6], item[7], item[8] a0, a1 = item[9], item[10] dr = (re - ri) / nr dth = (a1 - a0) / nc for j in range(nr): rj = ri + j * dr rj1 = rj + dr for i in range(nc): thi = a0 + i * dth thi1 = thi + dth wedge = Wedge((zC, yC), rj1, thi, thi1, width=dr, ec='k', lw=1, fc=matcolor[matTag-1]) ax.add_patch(wedge) ax.axis('equal')
[docs]def fib_sec_list_to_cmds(fib_sec_list): """Reuses fib_sec_list to define fiber section in OpenSees. At present it is not possible to extract fiber section data from the OpenSees domain, this function is a workaround. The idea is to prepare data similar to the one the regular OpenSees commands (``section('Fiber', ...)``, ``fiber()``, ``patch()`` and/or ``layer()``) require. Args: fib_sec_list (list): is a list of fiber section data. First sub-list also defines the torsional stiffness (GJ). Warning: If you use this function, do not issue the regular OpenSees: section, Fiber, Patch or Layer commands. See also: ``opsvis.plot_fiber_section()`` """ for dat in fib_sec_list: if dat[0] == 'section': secTag, GJ = dat[2], dat[4] ops.section('Fiber', secTag, '-GJ', GJ) if dat[0] == 'layer': matTag = dat[2] n_bars = dat[3] As = dat[4] if dat[1] == 'straight': Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz = dat[5], dat[6], dat[7], dat[8] ops.layer('straight', matTag, n_bars, As, Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz) elif dat[1] == 'circ': yC, zC, radius = dat[5], dat[6], dat[7] if len(dat) > 8: begAng, endAng = dat[8], dat[9] ops.layer('circ', matTag, n_bars, As, yC, zC, radius, begAng, endAng) else: ops.layer('circ', matTag, n_bars, As, yC, zC, radius) if dat[0] == 'patch': matTag = dat[2] nIJ = dat[3] nJK = dat[4] if dat[1] == 'quad' or dat[1] == 'quadr': Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz = dat[5], dat[6], dat[7], dat[8] Ky, Kz, Ly, Lz = dat[9], dat[10], dat[11], dat[12] ops.patch('quad', matTag, nIJ, nJK, Iy, Iz, Jy, Jz, Ky, Kz, Ly, Lz) elif dat[1] == 'rect': Iy, Iz, Ky, Kz = dat[5], dat[6], dat[7], dat[8] Jy, Jz, Ly, Lz = Ky, Iz, Iy, Kz ops.patch('rect', matTag, nIJ, nJK, Iy, Iz, Ky, Kz) elif dat[1] == 'circ': yC, zC, intRad, extRad = dat[5], dat[6], dat[7], dat[8] begAng, endAng = dat[9], dat[10] ops.patch('circ', matTag, nIJ, nJK, yC, zC, intRad, extRad, begAng, endAng)