Source code for opsvis.model

import openseespy.opensees as ops
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Polygon, Wedge
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.path import Path
import matplotlib.tri as tri

from .settings import *
from .defo import *

def _plot_model_2d(node_labels, element_labels, offset_nd_label, axis_off,
                   fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, nodes_only, fmt_model,
                   fmt_model_nodes_only, node_supports, gauss_points, fmt_gauss_points,
                   fmt_model_truss, truss_node_offset, ax):

    if not ax:
        if fig_wi_he:
            fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_wi / 2.54, fig_he / 2.54))
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()

        if fig_lbrt:
            fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt
            fig.subplots_adjust(left=fleft, bottom=fbottom, right=fright, top=ftop)

    max_x_crd, max_y_crd, max_crd = -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf

    node_tags = ops.getNodeTags()
    ele_tags = ops.getEleTags()

    # nodes only in the OpenSees domain
    if len(ele_tags) == 0 or nodes_only:
        for node_tag in node_tags:
            if node_labels:
                        f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')


        return ax

    for node_tag in node_tags:
        x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
        y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
        if x_crd > max_x_crd:
            max_x_crd = x_crd
        if y_crd > max_y_crd:
            max_y_crd = y_crd

    max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd])
    _offset = 0.005 * max_crd
    _offnl = 0.003 * max_crd

    # 0. first print node labels
    if node_labels:
        for j, node_tag in enumerate(node_tags):
            # xycrd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)
            if not offset_nd_label == 'above':
                offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = _offnl, _offnl
                va = 'bottom'
                # va = 'center'
                ha = 'left'
                offset_nd_label_x, offset_nd_label_y = 0.0, _offnl
                va = 'bottom'
                ha = 'center'

                    f'{node_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='blue')

    for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
        ele_classtag = ops.getEleClassTags(ele_tag)[0]

        if (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.ElasticBeam2d
                or ele_classtag == EleClassTag.ForceBeamColumn2d
                or ele_classtag == EleClassTag.DispBeamColumn2d
                or ele_classtag == EleClassTag.TimoshenkoBeamColumn2d
                or ele_classtag == EleClassTag.ElasticTimoshenkoBeam2d
                or ele_classtag == EleClassTag.MVLEM
                or ele_classtag == EleClassTag.SFI_MVLEM):

            nen = 2
            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)
            ecrd_nodes = np.zeros((nen, 2))
            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd_nodes[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            ecrd_eles = np.copy(ecrd_nodes)

            ele_offsets = np.array(ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'offsets'))
            nz_offsets = np.nonzero(ele_offsets)[0]  # tuple of arrays
            if np.any(nz_offsets):
                # modify ecrd_eles
                ecrd_eles[:, 0] += ele_offsets[[0, 3]]
                ecrd_eles[:, 1] += ele_offsets[[1, 4]]
                ax.plot([ecrd_nodes[0, 0], ecrd_eles[0, 0]],
                        [ecrd_nodes[0, 1], ecrd_eles[0, 1]],
                ax.plot([ecrd_nodes[1, 0], ecrd_eles[1, 0]],
                        [ecrd_nodes[1, 1], ecrd_eles[1, 1]],


            ax.plot(ecrd_eles[:, 0], ecrd_eles[:, 1], **fmt_model)

            if gauss_points:
                Lgps = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'integrationPoints')
                for Lgpi in Lgps:
                    dxi = (ecrd_eles[1, 0] - ecrd_eles[0, 0]) * Lgpi / bar_length(ecrd_eles)
                    dyi = (ecrd_eles[1, 1] - ecrd_eles[0, 1]) * Lgpi / bar_length(ecrd_eles)
                    ax.plot(ecrd_eles[0, 0] + dxi, ecrd_eles[0, 1] + dyi, **fmt_gauss_points)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd_eles[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd_eles[:, 1]) / nen

            if element_labels:
                if ecrd_eles[1, 0] - ecrd_eles[0, 0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y = _offset, 0.0
                elif ecrd_eles[1, 1] - ecrd_eles[0, 1] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y = 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y = 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha,

        if (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.truss
                or ele_classtag == EleClassTag.trussSection):

            nen = 2
            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 2))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen

            if truss_node_offset:
                Lx = ecrd[1, 0] - ecrd[0, 0]
                Ly = ecrd[1, 1] - ecrd[0, 1]
                dLx = truss_node_offset * Lx
                dLy = truss_node_offset * Ly

                ecrd[0, 0] += dLx
                ecrd[1, 0] -= dLx
                ecrd[0, 1] += dLy
                ecrd[1, 1] -= dLy

            ax.plot(ecrd[:, 0], ecrd[:, 1], **fmt_model_truss)

            if element_labels:
                if ecrd[1, 0] - ecrd[0, 0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y = _offset, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 1] - ecrd[0, 1] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y = 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y = 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha,

        # 2d triangular (tri31) elements plot_model
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.tri3n):

            nen = 3
            nodes_geo_order = [0, 1, 2, 0]

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 2))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1], **fmt_model)

            if element_labels:
                va = 'center'
                ha = 'center'
                ax.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        # 2d quadrilateral (quad) elements plot_model
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.quad4n):

            nen = 4
            nodes_geo_order = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 2))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1], **fmt_model)

            if element_labels:
                va = 'center'
                ha = 'center'
                ax.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        # 2d quadrilateral (quad8n) elements plot_model
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.quad8n):

            nen = 8
            nodes_geo_order = [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 0]

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 2))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1], **fmt_model)

            if element_labels:
                va = 'center'
                ha = 'center'
                ax.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        # 2d quadrilateral (quad9n) elements plot_model
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.quad9n):

            nen = 9
            nodes_geo_order = [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 0]

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 2))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1], **fmt_model)

            if element_labels:
                va = 'center'
                ha = 'center'
                ax.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

            ax.scatter([ecrd[8, 0]], [ecrd[8, 1]], s=2, color='g')

        # 2d triangle (tri6n) elements plot_model
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.tri6n):

            nen = 6
            nodes_geo_order = [0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 0]

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 2))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1], **fmt_model)

            if element_labels:
                va = 'center'
                ha = 'center'
                ax.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        # 2d joint2d element plot_model
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.Joint2D):

            nen = 5

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 2))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label - central node
            xt = ecrd[4, 0]
            yt = ecrd[4, 1]

            ax.plot([ecrd[0, 0], ecrd[2, 0], ecrd[2, 0], ecrd[0, 0],
                     ecrd[0, 0]],
                    [ecrd[1, 1], ecrd[1, 1], ecrd[3, 1], ecrd[3, 1],
                     ecrd[1, 1]], **fmt_model_joint2d)

            if element_labels:
                ax.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va='center', ha='center', color='red')

        # 2d zeroLength, two node link element plot_model
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.ZeroLength or
              ele_classtag == EleClassTag.TwoNodeLink):

            nen = 2

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 2))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = ecrd[0, 0]
            yt = ecrd[0, 1]

            # ax.plot([ecrd[0, 0], ecrd[2, 0], ecrd[2, 0], ecrd[0, 0],
            #          ecrd[0, 0]],
            #         [ecrd[1, 1], ecrd[1, 1], ecrd[3, 1], ecrd[3, 1],
            #          ecrd[1, 1]], **fmt_model_joint2d)

            if element_labels:
                ax.text(xt, yt, f'{ele_tag}', va='top', ha='left',

    if node_supports:
        _plot_supports(node_tags, ax)


    return ax

def _plot_supports(node_tags, ax):

    ndim = ops.getNDM()[0]

    # fix 2d support: square
    verts = [(-1., 0.),
             (1., 0.),
             (1., -2.),
             (-1., -2.),
             (-1., 0.)]

    codes = [Path.MOVETO,

    path_fix = Path(verts, codes)

    # hinge/pin 2d support: ^
    verts = [(0., 0.),
             (-0.2, -0.25),
             (0.2, -0.25),
             (0., 0.)]

    codes = [Path.MOVETO,

    path_pin = Path(verts, codes)

    # roller horiz 2d support: o_
    verts = [(0., 0.),
             (1., 0.),
             (1., -1.),
             (1., -2.),
             (0., -2.),
             (-1., -2.),
             (-1., -1.),
             (-1., 0.),
             (0., 0.),
             (-1.5, -2.),
             (1.5, -2.)]

    codes = [Path.MOVETO,

    path_roller_horiz = Path(verts, codes)

    # roller vert 2d support: o|
    verts = [(0., 0.),
             (0., 1.),
             (1., 1.),
             (2., 1.),
             (2., 0.),
             (2., -1.),
             (1., -1.),
             (0., -1.),
             (0., 0.),
             (2, -1.5),
             (2, 1.5)]

    codes = [Path.MOVETO,

    path_roller_vert = Path(verts, codes)

    m_color = 'm'
    m_fstyle = 'full'
    m_size = 16

    fixed_nodes = ops.getFixedNodes()

    for node_tag in fixed_nodes:
        nd_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)

        fixed_dofs = ops.getFixedDOFs(node_tag)

        if ndim == 2:
            if (fixed_dofs == [1, 2, 3]):
                m_type = path_fix
            elif (fixed_dofs == [1, 2]):
                m_type = path_pin
            elif (fixed_dofs == [1]):
                m_type = path_roller_vert
            elif (fixed_dofs == [2]):
                m_type = path_roller_horiz

            ax.plot(nd_crd[0], nd_crd[1], marker=m_type, markersize=m_size,
                    color=m_color, fillstyle=m_fstyle)

        elif ndim == 3:
            if (fixed_dofs == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]):
                m_type = path_fix
            elif (fixed_dofs == [1, 2, 3]):
                m_type = path_pin
                m_type = None

            ax.plot(nd_crd[0], nd_crd[1], nd_crd[2], marker=m_type, markersize=m_size,
                    color=m_color, fillstyle=m_fstyle)

    return ax

def _plot_model_3d(node_labels, element_labels, offset_nd_label,
                   axis_off, az_el, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, local_axes,
                   nodes_only, fmt_model, node_supports, gauss_points,
                   fmt_gauss_points, fmt_model_truss,
                   truss_node_offset, ax):

    node_tags = ops.getNodeTags()
    ele_tags = ops.getEleTags()

    azim, elev = az_el

    if not ax:
        if fig_wi_he:
            fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he

            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_wi / 2.54, fig_he / 2.54))
            # fig.subplots_adjust(left=.08, bottom=.08, right=.985, top=.94)

            fig = plt.figure()

        if fig_lbrt:
            fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt
            fig.subplots_adjust(left=fleft, bottom=fbottom, right=fright, top=ftop)

        ax = fig.add_subplot(111,


    ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=elev)

    max_x_crd, max_y_crd, max_z_crd, max_crd = -np.inf, -np.inf, \
        -np.inf, -np.inf

    # nodes only in the OpenSees domain
    if len(ele_tags) == 0 or nodes_only:
        for node_tag in node_tags:
                    color='green', marker='o')
            if node_labels:
                        f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

        return ax

    for node_tag in node_tags:
        x_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]
        y_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]
        z_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]
        if x_crd > max_x_crd:
            max_x_crd = x_crd
        if y_crd > max_y_crd:
            max_y_crd = y_crd
        if z_crd > max_z_crd:
            max_z_crd = z_crd

    if offset_nd_label == 0 or offset_nd_label == 0.:
        _offset = 0.
        max_crd = np.amax([max_x_crd, max_y_crd, max_z_crd])
        _offset = 0.005 * max_crd

    if node_labels:
        for node_tag in node_tags:
            ax.text(ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0] + _offset,
                    ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1] + _offset,
                    ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2] + _offset,
                    f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

    for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags):
        ele_classtag = ops.getEleClassTags(ele_tag)[0]
        nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tag))[0]

        if (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.ElasticBeam3d or
            ele_classtag == EleClassTag.ForceBeamColumn3d or
            ele_classtag == EleClassTag.DispBeamColumn3d or
            ele_classtag == EleClassTag.ElasticTimoshenkoBeam3d):

            nen = 2
            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)
            ecrd_nodes = np.zeros((nen, 3))
            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd_nodes[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            ecrd_eles = np.copy(ecrd_nodes)

            ele_offsets = np.array(ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'offsets'))
            nz_offsets = np.nonzero(ele_offsets)[0]  # tuple of arrays
            if np.any(nz_offsets):
                # modify ecrd_eles
                ecrd_eles[:, 0] += ele_offsets[[0, 3]]
                ecrd_eles[:, 1] += ele_offsets[[1, 4]]
                ecrd_eles[:, 2] += ele_offsets[[2, 5]]
                ax.plot([ecrd_nodes[0, 0], ecrd_eles[0, 0]],
                        [ecrd_nodes[0, 1], ecrd_eles[0, 1]],
                        [ecrd_nodes[0, 2], ecrd_eles[0, 2]],
                ax.plot([ecrd_nodes[1, 0], ecrd_eles[1, 0]],
                        [ecrd_nodes[1, 1], ecrd_eles[1, 1]],
                        [ecrd_nodes[1, 2], ecrd_eles[1, 2]],


            ax.plot(ecrd_eles[:, 0],
                    ecrd_eles[:, 1],
                    ecrd_eles[:, 2], **fmt_model)
            # ax.plot(ecrd[:, 0], ecrd[:, 1], ecrd[:, 2], **fmt_model)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd_eles[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd_eles[:, 1]) / nen
            zt = sum(ecrd_eles[:, 2]) / nen

            # fixme: placement of node_tag labels
            if element_labels:
                if ecrd_eles[1, 0] - ecrd_eles[0, 0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ecrd_eles[1, 1] - ecrd_eles[0, 1] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ecrd_eles[1, 2] - ecrd_eles[0, 2] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt + offset_x,
                        yt + offset_y,
                        zt + offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

            if local_axes:
                # eo = Eo[i, :]
                xloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'xlocal')
                yloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'ylocal')
                zloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'zlocal')
                g = np.vstack((xloc, yloc, zloc))
                L = bar_length(ecrd_eles)
                alen = 0.1 * L

                # plot local axis directional vectors: workaround quiver = arrow
                ax.quiver(xt, yt, zt, g[0, 0], g[0, 1], g[0, 2], color='g',
                          lw=2, length=alen, alpha=.8, normalize=True)
                ax.quiver(xt, yt, zt, g[1, 0], g[1, 1], g[1, 2], color='b',
                          lw=2, length=alen, alpha=.8, normalize=True)
                ax.quiver(xt, yt, zt, g[2, 0], g[2, 1], g[2, 2], color='r',
                          lw=2, length=alen, alpha=.8, normalize=True)

            if gauss_points:
                Lgps = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'integrationPoints')
                for Lgpi in Lgps:
                    dxi = (ecrd_eles[1, 0] - ecrd_eles[0, 0]) * Lgpi / bar_length(ecrd_eles)
                    dyi = (ecrd_eles[1, 1] - ecrd_eles[0, 1]) * Lgpi / bar_length(ecrd_eles)
                    dzi = (ecrd_eles[1, 2] - ecrd_eles[0, 2]) * Lgpi / bar_length(ecrd_eles)
                    ax.plot(ecrd_eles[0, 0] + dxi, ecrd_eles[0, 1] + dyi, ecrd_eles[0, 2] + dzi, **fmt_gauss_points)

        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.truss
              or ele_classtag == EleClassTag.trussSection):

            nen = 2
            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)
            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 3))
            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen
            zt = sum(ecrd[:, 2]) / nen

            if truss_node_offset:
                Lx = ecrd[1, 0] - ecrd[0, 0]
                Ly = ecrd[1, 1] - ecrd[0, 1]
                Lz = ecrd[1, 2] - ecrd[0, 2]
                dLx = truss_node_offset * Lx
                dLy = truss_node_offset * Ly
                dLz = truss_node_offset * Lz

                ecrd[0, 0] += dLx
                ecrd[1, 0] -= dLx
                ecrd[0, 1] += dLy
                ecrd[1, 1] -= dLy
                ecrd[0, 2] += dLz
                ecrd[1, 2] -= dLz

            ax.plot(ecrd[:, 0], ecrd[:, 1], ecrd[:, 2], **fmt_model_truss)

            # fixme: placement of node_tag labels
            if element_labels:
                if ecrd[1, 0] - ecrd[0, 0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 1] - ecrd[0, 1] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 2] - ecrd[0, 2] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

        # quad in 3d
        # elif nen == 4:
        elif ele_classtag == EleClassTag.FourNodeTetrahedron:

            nen = 4
            nodes_geo_order = [0, 1, 2, 0]
            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 3))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen
            zt = sum(ecrd[:, 2]) / nen

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 2],

            for j in range(3):
                ax.plot(ecrd[[j, 3], 0],
                        ecrd[[j, 3], 1],
                        ecrd[[j, 3], 2], **fmt_model)

            if element_labels:
                if ecrd[1, 0] - ecrd[0, 0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 1] - ecrd[0, 1] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 2] - ecrd[0, 2] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

            # if node_labels:
            #     for node_tag in node_tags:
            #         ax.text(ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]+_offset,
            #                 f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

        elif (ele_classtag in {EleClassTag.TenNodeTetrahedron,

            nen = 10
            nodes_geo_order = [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 0]

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 3))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen
            zt = sum(ecrd[:, 2]) / nen

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 2],

            for j in range(3):
                ax.plot(ecrd[[j, 7+j, 3], 0],
                        ecrd[[j, 7+j, 3], 1],
                        ecrd[[j, 7+j, 3], 2], 'b.-')

            if element_labels:
                if ecrd[1, 0] - ecrd[0, 0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 1] - ecrd[0, 1] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 2] - ecrd[0, 2] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

            # if node_labels:
            #     for node_tag in node_tags:
            #         ax.text(ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]+_offset,
            #                 f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.ShellMITC4 or
              ele_classtag == EleClassTag.ASDShellQ4 or
              ele_classtag == EleClassTag.quad4n):

            nen = 4
            nodes_geo_order = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 3))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen
            zt = sum(ecrd[:, 2]) / nen

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 2],

            if element_labels:
                if ecrd[1, 0] - ecrd[0, 0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 1] - ecrd[0, 1] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 2] - ecrd[0, 2] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

            # if node_labels:
            #     for node_tag in node_tags:
            #         ax.text(ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]+_offset,
            #                 f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

        # mvlem 3d plot model
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.MVLEM_3D
              or ele_classtag == EleClassTag.SFI_MVLEM_3D):

            nen = 4
            nodes_geo_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 0]

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 3))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen
            zt = sum(ecrd[:, 2]) / nen

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 2],

            if element_labels:
                if ecrd[1, 0] - ecrd[0, 0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 1] - ecrd[0, 1] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 2] - ecrd[0, 2] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

            # if node_labels:
            #     for node_tag in node_tags:
            #         ax.text(ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]+_offset,
            #                 f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

        # 8-node brick, 3d model
        # elif nen == 8:
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.brick8n or
              ele_classtag == EleClassTag.SSPbrick):

            nen = 8
            nodes_geo_order = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 0], dtype=int)  # bottom face nodes loop

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 3))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen
            zt = sum(ecrd[:, 2]) / nen

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 2],
            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order + 4, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order + 4, 1],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order + 4, 2],

            for j in range(4):
                ax.plot(ecrd[[j, j+4], 0],
                        ecrd[[j, j+4], 1],
                        ecrd[[j, j+4], 2], **fmt_model)

            if element_labels:
                if ecrd[1, 0] - ecrd[0, 0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 1] - ecrd[0, 1] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 2] - ecrd[0, 2] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

            # if node_labels:
            #     for node_tag in node_tags:
            #         ax.text(ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]+_offset,
            #                 f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

        # 20-node brick, 3d model
        # elif nen == 20:
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.brick20n):

            nen = 20
            nodes_geo_order = np.array([0, 8, 1, 9, 2, 10, 3, 11, 0], dtype=int)  # bottom face nodes loop

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)
            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 3))
            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 1],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order, 2],
                    **fmt_model, mfc='g', mec='g')
            ax.plot(ecrd[nodes_geo_order + 4, 0],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order + 4, 1],
                    ecrd[nodes_geo_order + 4, 2],
                    **fmt_model, mfc='g', mec='g')

            # for j in range(2):
            #     ax.plot(ecrd[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4], 0],
            #             ecrd[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4], 1],
            #             ecrd[[0+j*4, 8+j*4, 1+j*4, 9+j*4, 2+j*4, 10+j*4, 3+j*4, 11+j*4, 0+j*4], 2],
            #             **fmt_model, mfc='g', mec='g')

            for j in range(4):
                ax.plot(ecrd[[j, 16+j, 4+j], 0],
                        ecrd[[j, 16+j, 4+j], 1],
                        ecrd[[j, 16+j, 4+j], 2], **fmt_model,
                        mfc='g', mec='g')

            # location of label
            xt = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / nen
            yt = sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / nen
            zt = sum(ecrd[:, 2]) / nen

            if element_labels:
                if ecrd[1, 0] - ecrd[0, 0] == 0:
                    va = 'center'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = _offset, 0.0, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 1] - ecrd[0, 1] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, _offset, 0.0
                elif ecrd[1, 2] - ecrd[0, 2] == 0:
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'center'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.0, 0.0, _offset
                    va = 'bottom'
                    ha = 'left'
                    offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03

                ax.text(xt+offset_x, yt+offset_y, zt+offset_z, f'{ele_tag}',
                        va=va, ha=ha, color='red')

            # if node_labels:
            #     for node_tag in node_tags:
            #         ax.text(ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[0]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[1]+_offset,
            #                 ops.nodeCoord(node_tag)[2]+_offset,
            #                 f'{node_tag}', va='bottom', ha='left', color='blue')

        # 3d zeroLength, two node link element plot_model
        elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.ZeroLength or
              ele_classtag == EleClassTag.TwoNodeLink):

            nen = 2

            ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag)

            ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 3))

            for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags):
                ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag)

            # location of label
            xt = ecrd[0, 0]
            yt = ecrd[0, 1]
            zt = ecrd[0, 2]

            # ax.plot([ecrd[0, 0], ecrd[2, 0], ecrd[2, 0], ecrd[0, 0],
            #          ecrd[0, 0]],
            #         [ecrd[1, 1], ecrd[1, 1], ecrd[3, 1], ecrd[3, 1],
            #          ecrd[1, 1]], **fmt_model_joint2d)

            if element_labels:
                ax.text(xt, yt, zt, f'{ele_tag}', va='top', ha='left',

    if node_supports:
        _plot_supports(node_tags, ax)


    return ax

[docs]def plot_model(node_labels=1, element_labels=1, offset_nd_label=False, axis_off=0, az_el=az_el, fig_wi_he=False, fig_lbrt=False, local_axes=True, nodes_only=False, fmt_model=fmt_model, fmt_model_nodes_only=fmt_model_nodes_only, node_supports=True, gauss_points=True, fmt_gauss_points=fmt_gauss_points, fmt_model_truss=fmt_model_truss, truss_node_offset=0.96, ax=False): """Plot defined model of the structure. Args: node_labels (int): 1 - plot node labels, 0 - do not plot them; (default: 1) element_labels (int): 1 - plot element labels, 0 - do not plot them; (default: 1) offset_nd_label (bool): False - do not offset node labels from the actual node location. This option can enhance visibility. axis_off (int): 0 - turn off axes, 1 - display axes; (default: 0) az_el (tuple): contains azimuth and elevation for 3d plots. For 2d plots this parameter is neglected. fig_wi_he (tuple): contains width and height of the figure fig_lbrt (tuple): a tuple contating left, bottom, right and top offsets local_axes (bool): True - show cross section local axes or False. The green, red and blue arrows denote the element axis direction, the z-local axis and the y-local axis. nodes_only (bool): True - show the nodes only, although the elements are defined. Default: False. fmt_model (dict): A dictionary containing formatting the line and markers of the model elements. The formatting options can be: linewidth, color, marker, markersize. See matplotlib.plot documentation for more details, if necessary. node_supports (bool): True - show the supports. Default: True. gauss_points (bool): True - show the integration (Gauss) points. Default: True. fmt_gauss_points (dict): A dictionary containing formatting the marker of the gauss point. truss_node_offset (float): If non-zero, the nodes are offset to show pin markers. The number should preferably be between 0.90-0.97. Zero (0) or False means no offset. Default: 0.96. ax: axis object. Usage: ``plot_model()`` - plot model with node and element labels. ``plot_model(node_labels=0, element_labels=0)`` - plot model without node element labels ``plot_model(fig_wi_he=(20., 14.))`` - plot model in a window 20 cm long, and 14 cm high. ``plot_model(nodes_only=True)`` - plot only the nodes even thought the elements are defined. ``plot_model(node_supports=False)`` - plot the model without the supports. """ # az_el - azimut, elevation used for 3d plots only node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() ndim = ops.getNDM()[0] if ndim == 2: ax = _plot_model_2d(node_labels, element_labels, offset_nd_label, axis_off, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, nodes_only, fmt_model, fmt_model_nodes_only, node_supports, gauss_points, fmt_gauss_points, fmt_model_truss, truss_node_offset, ax) if axis_off: ax.axis('off') elif ndim == 3: ax = _plot_model_3d(node_labels, element_labels, offset_nd_label, axis_off, az_el, fig_wi_he, fig_lbrt, local_axes, nodes_only, fmt_model, node_supports, gauss_points, fmt_gauss_points, fmt_model_truss, truss_node_offset, ax) if axis_off: ax.axis('off') else: print(f'\nWarning! ndim: {ndim} not supported yet.') # # call this from main py file for more control return ax
def plot_supports_and_loads_2d(nep=17): """This function is removed. Use plot_model() and plot_loads_2d() for showing support conditions and loads, respectively. """ print('\nWarning! plot_supports_and_loads_2d has been removed.') # noqa: E501 print('\nWarning! Use plot_model(node_supports=True) for showing supports and') # noqa: E501 print('\nWarning! plot_loads_2d() for showing loads') # noqa: E501
[docs]def plot_loads_2d(nep=17, sfac=False, fig_wi_he=False, fig_lbrt=False, fmt_model_loads=fmt_model_loads, node_supports=True, truss_node_offset=0, ax=False): """Display the nodal and element loads applied to the 2d models. Args: nep (int): number of arrows when displacing element distributed loads (default: 17) node_supports (bool): True - show the node support conditions. Default: False. """ if not ax: if fig_wi_he: fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_wi / 2.54, fig_he / 2.54)) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if fig_lbrt: fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt fig.subplots_adjust(left=fleft, bottom=fbottom, right=fright, top=ftop) ax = plot_model(node_labels=0, element_labels=0, fmt_model=fmt_model_loads, node_supports=node_supports, truss_node_offset=truss_node_offset, ax=ax) # ax.axis('equal') if not sfac: ratio = 0.1 min_x, max_x = ax.get_xlim() min_y, max_y = ax.get_ylim() xsfac = ratio * abs(max_x - min_x) ysfac = ratio * abs(max_y - min_y) sfac = max(xsfac, ysfac) node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() Wx = False waa = False wab = False ### get Ew data Ew = get_Ew_data_from_ops_domain() for ele_tag in ele_tags: ele_class_tag = ops.getEleClassTags(ele_tag)[0] if (ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.ElasticBeam2d or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.ForceBeamColumn2d or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.DispBeamColumn2d or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.TimoshenkoBeamColumn2d or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.ElasticTimoshenkoBeam2d): # by default no element load ele_load_data = [] if ele_tag in Ew: ele_load_data = Ew[ele_tag] nen = 2 ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ecrd_nodes = np.zeros((nen, 2)) for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags): ecrd_nodes[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag) ecrd_eles = np.copy(ecrd_nodes) ele_offsets = np.array(ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'offsets')) nz_offsets = np.nonzero(ele_offsets)[0] # tuple of arrays if np.any(nz_offsets): # modify ecrd_eles ecrd_eles[:, 0] += ele_offsets[[0, 3]] ecrd_eles[:, 1] += ele_offsets[[1, 4]] else: pass # step 1: first plot model itself # ax.plot(ecrd[:, 0], ecrd[:, 1], 'k-', solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', # dash_capstyle='butt', dash_joinstyle='round') # step 2 Lxy = ecrd_eles[1, :] - ecrd_eles[0, :] L = np.sqrt(Lxy @ Lxy) cosa, cosb = Lxy / L # if not sfac: # sfac = ratio * L xl = np.linspace(0., L, nep) xl2 = np.linspace(0., L, 5) # xl2 = np.logspace(0., 1., nep) * L / nep dxs = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]) # dxs = np.array([0.15, 0.2, 0.275, 0.375]) xl3 = np.append(0., np.cumsum(dxs)) * L one = np.ones(nep) # pl = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'localForces') # s_all, xl, nep = section_force_distribution_2d(ex, ey, pl, nep, ele_load_data) for ele_load_data_i in ele_load_data: ele_load_type = ele_load_data_i[0] if ele_load_type == '-beamPoint': Pt, aL, Pa = ele_load_data_i[1:4] a = aL * L s = sfac * np.sign(Pt) s_0 = np.zeros(2) # s_0 = [ecrd[0, 0], ecrd[0, 1]] s_0[0] = ecrd_eles[0, 0] + a * cosa s_0[1] = ecrd_eles[0, 1] + a * cosb s_p = np.copy(s_0) s_p[0] -= s * cosb s_p[1] += s * cosa # plot arrows ax.arrow(s_0[0], s_0[1], s_p[0] - s_0[0], s_p[1] - s_0[1], # width = 0.01, head_starts_at_zero=True, # default False # overhang=0.2, # lw = 1, head_width=0.1 * sfac, head_length=0.2 * sfac, fc='b', ec='b', length_includes_head=False, shape='full') ax.text(sum(ecrd_eles[:, 0])/2, sum(ecrd_eles[:, 1])/2, f'{abs(Pt)}', color='b') # ax.annotate("", xy=(s_p[0], s_p[1]), # xytext=(s_0[0], s_0[1]), # arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", color='r', lw=3, # connectionstyle="arc3")) elif ele_load_type == '-beamUniform': n_ele_load_data = len(ele_load_data_i) # constant uniform element load if n_ele_load_data == 3: # eload_type, Wy, Wx = ele_load_data[0], ele_load_data[1], ele_load_data[2] Wy, Wx = ele_load_data_i[1], ele_load_data_i[2] text_string = f'q = {abs(Wy)}, {abs(Wx)}' # s = sfac * Wy * one s = sfac * one * np.sign(Wy) # plt.text(sum(ecrd[:, 0])/2, sum(ecrd[:, 1])/2, f'q = {Wy}, {Wx}', va='bottom', ha='center', color='r') # triangular or trapezoidal element load elif n_ele_load_data == 7: wta, waa, aL, bL, wtb, wab = ele_load_data_i[1:7] text_string = f'q = {abs(wta)}, {abs(waa)}, {aL}, {bL}, {abs(wtb)}, {abs(wab)}' a, b = aL * L, bL * L bma = b - a s = np.zeros(nep) indx = 0 for x in np.nditer(xl): xma = x - a wtx = wta + (wtb - wta) * xma / bma if x < a: pass elif x >= a and x <= b: s[indx] = wtx elif x > b: pass indx += 1 s = s * sfac s_0 = np.zeros((nep, 2)) # s_0[0, :] = [ex[0], ey[0]] s_0[0, :] = [ecrd_eles[0, 0], ecrd_eles[0, 1]] s_0[1:, 0] = s_0[0, 0] + xl[1:] * cosa s_0[1:, 1] = s_0[0, 1] + xl[1:] * cosb s_p = np.copy(s_0) s_p[:, 0] -= s * cosb s_p[:, 1] += s * cosa # plt.axis('equal') # reference perpendicular lines for i in np.arange(nep): ax.arrow(s_0[i, 0], s_0[i, 1], s_p[i, 0] - s_0[i, 0], s_p[i, 1] - s_0[i, 1], # width = 0.005, # lw = 2, head_width=0.1*sfac, head_length=0.2*sfac, head_starts_at_zero=True, # default False # overhang=0.5, fc='r', ec='r', length_includes_head=True, shape='full') # ax.annotate("", xy=(s_p[i, 0], s_p[i, 1]), # xytext=(s_0[i, 0], s_0[i, 1]), # arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", color='r', lw=1, # connectionstyle="arc3")) # connecting beg-end line - redundant ? # plt.plot([s_p[0, 0], s_p[-1, 0]],[s_p[0, 1], s_p[-1, 1]], 'r') ax.text(sum(ecrd_eles[:, 0])/2, sum(ecrd_eles[:, 1])/2, text_string, va='bottom', ha='center', color='r') if Wx != 0: # for i, xl in enumerate(xl2[:-1]): # plt.arrow(sa[i, 0], sa[i, 1], # sa[i+1, 0]-sa[i, 0], sa[i+1, 1]-sa[i, 1], # width = 0.01, # # lw = 1, # # head_width=0.02, head_length=0.05, # # head_starts_at_zero=True, # default False # # overhang=0.5, # fc='m', ec='m', # length_includes_head=True, shape='full') ax.quiver(s_0[:-1, 0], s_0[:-1, 1], s_0[1:, 0]-s_0[:-1, 0], s_0[1:, 1]-s_0[:-1, 1], scale_units='xy', angles='xy', scale=0.8, color='m') if waa != 0 or wab != 0: sa = np.zeros((5, 2)) # sa[0, :] = [ex[0], ey[0]] sa[0, :] = [ecrd_eles[0, 0], ecrd_eles[0, 1]] sa[1:, 0] = sa[0, 0] + xl3[1:] * cosa sa[1:, 1] = sa[0, 1] + xl3[1:] * cosb for i, xl in enumerate(xl3[:-1]): ax.arrow(sa[i, 0], sa[i, 1], sa[i+1, 0]-sa[i, 0], sa[i+1, 1]-sa[i, 1], # width = 0.05, width = 0.01*L, # lw = 1, # head_width=0.02, head_length=0.05, # head_starts_at_zero=True, # default False # overhang=0.5, fc='m', ec='m', length_includes_head=True, shape='full') # ax.quiver(sa[:-1, 0], sa[:-1, 1], # sa[1:, 0]-sa[:-1, 0], sa[1:, 1]-sa[:-1, 1], # scale_units='xy', angles='xy', scale=0.8, color='g') # ax.plot([s_0[i, 0], s_p[i, 0]], [s_0[i, 1], s_p[i, 1]], # fmt_secforce, solid_capstyle='round', # solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', # dash_joinstyle='round') # plot arrows # ax.annotate("", # xy=(s_p[i, 0], s_p[i, 1]), xycoords='data', # xytext=(s_0[i, 0], s_0[i, 1]), textcoords='data', # arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", color='r', lw=2, # connectionstyle="arc3")) for node_tag in node_tags: nd_crd = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag) # 2. nodal loads 2d nodal_loads = ops.nodeUnbalance(node_tag) nodal_loads_idx = np.nonzero(nodal_loads) if nodal_loads_idx[0].size: for kier in nodal_loads_idx[0]: # horizontal or vertical nodal force (load) if kier == 0 or kier == 1: if kier == 0: kier2 = np.sign(nodal_loads[kier]) if kier2 > 0: pos_or_neg = '+' elif kier2 < 0: pos_or_neg = '-' dx = sfac*np.sign(kier2) dy = 0. elif kier == 1: kier2 = np.sign(nodal_loads[kier]) if kier2 > 0: pos_or_neg = '+' elif kier2 < 0: pos_or_neg = '-' dx = 0. dy = sfac*np.sign(kier2) ax.arrow(nd_crd[0], nd_crd[1], dx, dy, # width = 0.01, # head_starts_at_zero=True, # default False # overhang=0.2, lw=3, head_width=0.1*sfac, head_length=0.2*sfac, fc='b', ec='b', length_includes_head=True, shape='full') ax.text(nd_crd[0]+dx, nd_crd[1]+dy, f' {abs(nodal_loads[kier]):.5g}', color='b') # concentrated bending moment elif kier == 2: kier2 = np.sign(nodal_loads[kier]) if kier2 > 0: pos_or_neg = 'anti-clockwise' # marker_type=r'$\circlearrowleft$' marker_type=r'$\curvearrowleft$' elif kier2 < 0: pos_or_neg = 'clockwise' # marker_type=r'$\circlearrowright$' marker_type=r'$\curvearrowright$' ax.plot(nd_crd[0], nd_crd[1], marker=marker_type, markersize=35, color='b') ax.text(nd_crd[0], nd_crd[1], f'{abs(nodal_loads[kier]):.5g}', color='b', va='bottom', ha='left') ax.axis('equal') ax.grid(False) return ax
def get_nodal_loads_from_ops_domain(): load_at_nodes = {} ibeg, iend = 0, 0 node_load_tags_all_patterns = ops.getNodeLoadTags() node_load_data_all_patterns = ops.getNodeLoadData() for node_load_tag in node_load_tags_all_patterns: load_at_nodes[node_load_tag] = [] for node_load_tag in node_load_tags_all_patterns: ndf = ops.getNDF(node_load_tag)[0] iend = ibeg+ndf node_load_data = node_load_data_all_patterns[ibeg:iend] ibeg = iend load_at_nodes[node_load_tag].append(node_load_data) return load_at_nodes def get_Ew_data_from_ops_domain(): Ew = {} ibeg = 0 iend = 0 ele_load_tags_all_patterns = ops.getEleLoadTags() ele_load_types_all_patterns = ops.getEleLoadClassTags() ele_load_data_all_patterns = ops.getEleLoadData() for ele_load_tag in ele_load_tags_all_patterns: Ew[ele_load_tag] = [] # iterate over ele_load_tags/classtags for ele_load_type, ele_load_tag in zip(ele_load_types_all_patterns, ele_load_tags_all_patterns): # -beamUniform if ele_load_type == LoadTag.Beam2dUniformLoad: iend = ibeg+LoadTag.Beam2dUniformLoad_ndata ele_load_data = ele_load_data_all_patterns[ibeg:iend] ibeg = iend wy, wx = ele_load_data[0], ele_load_data[1] Ew[ele_load_tag].append(['-beamUniform', wy, wx]) # -beamUniform partial elif ele_load_type == LoadTag.Beam2dPartialUniformLoad: iend = ibeg+LoadTag.Beam2dPartialUniformLoad_ndata ele_load_data = ele_load_data_all_patterns[ibeg:iend] ibeg = iend wta, wtb, waa, wab, aL, bL = ele_load_data Ew[ele_load_tag].append(['-beamUniform', wta, waa, aL, bL, wtb, wab]) # -beamPoint elif ele_load_type == LoadTag.Beam2dPointLoad: iend = ibeg+LoadTag.Beam2dPointLoad_ndata ele_load_data = ele_load_data_all_patterns[ibeg:iend] ibeg = iend Pt, Pa, aL = ele_load_data Ew[ele_load_tag].append(['-beamPoint', Pt, aL, Pa]) else: print(f'\nWarning! ele_load_type:\n{ele_load_type} - Unknown element load Error') return Ew def get_Ew_data_from_ops_domain_3d(): Ew = {} ibeg = 0 iend = 0 ele_load_tags_all_patterns = ops.getEleLoadTags() ele_load_types_all_patterns = ops.getEleLoadClassTags() ele_load_data_all_patterns = ops.getEleLoadData() for ele_load_tag in ele_load_tags_all_patterns: Ew[ele_load_tag] = [] # iterate over ele_load_tags/classtags for ele_load_type, ele_load_tag in zip(ele_load_types_all_patterns, ele_load_tags_all_patterns): # -beamUniform if ele_load_type == LoadTag.Beam3dUniformLoad: iend = ibeg+LoadTag.Beam3dUniformLoad_ndata ele_load_data = ele_load_data_all_patterns[ibeg:iend] ibeg = iend wy, wz, wx = ele_load_data[0], ele_load_data[1], ele_load_data[2] Ew[ele_load_tag].append(['-beamUniform', wy, wz, wx]) # -beamUniform partial elif ele_load_type == LoadTag.Beam3dPartialUniformLoad: iend = ibeg+LoadTag.Beam3dPartialUniformLoad_ndata ele_load_data = ele_load_data_all_patterns[ibeg:iend] ibeg = iend wy, wz, wa, aL, bL = ele_load_data Ew[ele_load_tag].append(['-beamUniform', wy, wz, wa, aL, bL]) # -beamPoint elif ele_load_type == LoadTag.Beam3dPointLoad: iend = ibeg+LoadTag.Beam3dPointLoad_ndata ele_load_data = ele_load_data_all_patterns[ibeg:iend] ibeg = iend Py, Pz, Px, aL = ele_load_data Ew[ele_load_tag].append(['-beamPoint', Py, Pz, aL, Px]) else: print(f'\nWarning! ele_load_type:\n{ele_load_type} - Unknown element load Error') return Ew
[docs]def plot_extruded_shapes_3d(ele_shapes, az_el=az_el, fig_wi_he=False, fig_lbrt=False, ax=False): """Plot an extruded 3d model based on cross-section dimenions. Three arrows present local section axes: green - local x-axis, red - local z-axis, blue - local y-axis. Args: ele_shapes (dict): keys are ele_tags and values are lists of: shape_type (str): 'rect' - rectangular shape, 'I' - double T shape and shape_args (list): list of floats, which necessary section dimensions. For 'rect' the list is [b d]; width and depth, for 'I' shape - [bf d tw tf]; flange width, section depth, web and flange thicknesses Example: ele_shapes = {1: ['rect', [b, d]], 2: ['I', [bf, d, tw, tf]]} az_el (tuple): azimuth and elevation fig_wi_he: figure width and height in centimeters fig_lbrt: figure left, bottom, right, top boundaries Usage: :: ele_shapes = {1: ['circ', [b]], 2: ['rect', [b, h]], 3: ['I', [b, h, b/10., h/6.]]} opsv.plot_extruded_shapes_3d(ele_shapes) Notes: - For now only rectangular, circular and double T sections are supported. - This function can be a source of inconsistency because OpenSees lacks functions to return section dimensions. A workaround is to have own Python helper functions to reuse data specified once """ ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() azim, elev = az_el if not ax: if fig_wi_he: fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_wi / 2.54, fig_he / 2.54)) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=.08, bottom=.08, right=.985, top=.94) else: fig = plt.figure() if fig_lbrt: fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt fig.subplots_adjust(left=fleft, bottom=fbottom, right=fright, top=ftop) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=elev) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) nen = 2 ecrd = np.zeros((nen, 3)) for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags): ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag) # mesh outline ax.plot(ecrd[:, 0], ecrd[:, 1], ecrd[:, 2], 'k--', solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', dash_capstyle='butt', dash_joinstyle='round') # eo = Eo[i, :] xloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'xlocal') yloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'ylocal') zloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'zlocal') g = np.vstack((xloc, yloc, zloc)) G, L = rot_transf_3d(ecrd, g) # by default empty shape_type, shape_args = ['circ', [0.]] if ele_tag in ele_shapes: shape_type, shape_args = ele_shapes[ele_tag] if shape_type == 'rect' or shape_type == 'I': if shape_type == 'rect': verts = _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_rect(ecrd, g, shape_args) elif shape_type == 'I': verts = _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_double_T(ecrd, g, shape_args) # plot 3d sides ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection(verts, linewidths=0.6, edgecolors='k', alpha=.25)) elif shape_type == 'circ': X, Y, Z = _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_circ(ecrd, g, shape_args) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, linewidths=0.4, edgecolors='k', alpha=.25) # common for all members Xm, Ym, Zm = sum(ecrd[:, 0]) / 2, sum(ecrd[:, 1]) / 2, sum(ecrd[:, 2]) / 2 alen = 0.1*L # plot local axis directional vectors: workaround quiver = arrow ax.quiver(Xm, Ym, Zm, g[0, 0], g[0, 1], g[0, 2], color='g', lw=2, length=alen, alpha=.8, normalize=True) ax.quiver(Xm, Ym, Zm, g[1, 0], g[1, 1], g[1, 2], color='b', lw=2, length=alen, alpha=.8, normalize=True) ax.quiver(Xm, Ym, Zm, g[2, 0], g[2, 1], g[2, 2], color='r', lw=2, length=alen, alpha=.8, normalize=True) ax.set_box_aspect((np.ptp(ax.get_xlim3d()), np.ptp(ax.get_ylim3d()), np.ptp(ax.get_zlim3d())))
def _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_double_T(ecrd, g, shape_args): bf, d, tw, tf = shape_args za, zb = tw / 2, bf / 2 ya, yb = d / 2 - tf, d / 2 g10a, g11a, g12a = g[1, 0] * ya, g[1, 1] * ya, g[1, 2] * ya g10b, g11b, g12b = g[1, 0] * yb, g[1, 1] * yb, g[1, 2] * yb g20a, g21a, g22a = g[2, 0] * za, g[2, 1] * za, g[2, 2] * za g20b, g21b, g22b = g[2, 0] * zb, g[2, 1] * zb, g[2, 2] * zb pts = np.zeros((24, 3)) # beg node (I) cross-section vertices crds, counter-clockwise order pts[0] = [ecrd[0, 0] - g10b - g20b, ecrd[0, 1] - g11b - g21b, ecrd[0, 2] - g12b - g22b] pts[1] = [ecrd[0, 0] - g10a - g20b, ecrd[0, 1] - g11a - g21b, ecrd[0, 2] - g12a - g22b] pts[2] = [ecrd[0, 0] - g10a - g20a, ecrd[0, 1] - g11a - g21a, ecrd[0, 2] - g12a - g22a] pts[3] = [ecrd[0, 0] + g10a - g20a, ecrd[0, 1] + g11a - g21a, ecrd[0, 2] + g12a - g22a] pts[4] = [ecrd[0, 0] + g10a - g20b, ecrd[0, 1] + g11a - g21b, ecrd[0, 2] + g12a - g22b] pts[5] = [ecrd[0, 0] + g10b - g20b, ecrd[0, 1] + g11b - g21b, ecrd[0, 2] + g12b - g22b] pts[6] = [ecrd[0, 0] + g10b + g20b, ecrd[0, 1] + g11b + g21b, ecrd[0, 2] + g12b + g22b] pts[7] = [ecrd[0, 0] + g10a + g20b, ecrd[0, 1] + g11a + g21b, ecrd[0, 2] + g12a + g22b] pts[8] = [ecrd[0, 0] + g10a + g20a, ecrd[0, 1] + g11a + g21a, ecrd[0, 2] + g12a + g22a] pts[9] = [ecrd[0, 0] - g10a + g20a, ecrd[0, 1] - g11a + g21a, ecrd[0, 2] - g12a + g22a] pts[10] = [ecrd[0, 0] - g10a + g20b, ecrd[0, 1] - g11a + g21b, ecrd[0, 2] - g12a + g22b] pts[11] = [ecrd[0, 0] - g10b + g20b, ecrd[0, 1] - g11b + g21b, ecrd[0, 2] - g12b + g22b] # end node (J) cross-section vertices pts[12] = [ecrd[1, 0] - g10b - g20b, ecrd[1, 1] - g11b - g21b, ecrd[1, 2] - g12b - g22b] pts[13] = [ecrd[1, 0] - g10a - g20b, ecrd[1, 1] - g11a - g21b, ecrd[1, 2] - g12a - g22b] pts[14] = [ecrd[1, 0] - g10a - g20a, ecrd[1, 1] - g11a - g21a, ecrd[1, 2] - g12a - g22a] pts[15] = [ecrd[1, 0] + g10a - g20a, ecrd[1, 1] + g11a - g21a, ecrd[1, 2] + g12a - g22a] pts[16] = [ecrd[1, 0] + g10a - g20b, ecrd[1, 1] + g11a - g21b, ecrd[1, 2] + g12a - g22b] pts[17] = [ecrd[1, 0] + g10b - g20b, ecrd[1, 1] + g11b - g21b, ecrd[1, 2] + g12b - g22b] pts[18] = [ecrd[1, 0] + g10b + g20b, ecrd[1, 1] + g11b + g21b, ecrd[1, 2] + g12b + g22b] pts[19] = [ecrd[1, 0] + g10a + g20b, ecrd[1, 1] + g11a + g21b, ecrd[1, 2] + g12a + g22b] pts[20] = [ecrd[1, 0] + g10a + g20a, ecrd[1, 1] + g11a + g21a, ecrd[1, 2] + g12a + g22a] pts[21] = [ecrd[1, 0] - g10a + g20a, ecrd[1, 1] - g11a + g21a, ecrd[1, 2] - g12a + g22a] pts[22] = [ecrd[1, 0] - g10a + g20b, ecrd[1, 1] - g11a + g21b, ecrd[1, 2] - g12a + g22b] pts[23] = [ecrd[1, 0] - g10b + g20b, ecrd[1, 1] - g11b + g21b, ecrd[1, 2] - g12b + g22b] # list of sides verts = [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3], pts[4], pts[5], pts[6], pts[7], pts[8], pts[9], pts[10], pts[11]], # beg [pts[12], pts[13], pts[14], pts[15], pts[16], pts[17], pts[18], pts[19], pts[20], pts[21], pts[22], pts[23]], # end [pts[0], pts[12], pts[23], pts[11]], # bot 1 [pts[5], pts[17], pts[18], pts[6]], # top 2 [pts[9], pts[8], pts[20], pts[21]], # 3 [pts[2], pts[3], pts[15], pts[14]], # 4 [pts[11], pts[10], pts[22], pts[23]], # 5 [pts[0], pts[1], pts[13], pts[12]], # 6 [pts[7], pts[6], pts[18], pts[19]], # 7 [pts[4], pts[5], pts[17], pts[16]], # 8 [pts[10], pts[9], pts[21], pts[22]], # 9 [pts[2], pts[1], pts[13], pts[14]], # 10 [pts[7], pts[8], pts[20], pts[19]], # 11 [pts[3], pts[4], pts[16], pts[15]]] # 12 return verts def _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_rect(ecrd, g, shape_args): b, d = shape_args b2, d2 = b / 2, d / 2 g10, g11, g12 = g[1, 0] * d2, g[1, 1] * d2, g[1, 2] * d2 g20, g21, g22 = g[2, 0] * b2, g[2, 1] * b2, g[2, 2] * b2 pts = np.zeros((8, 3)) # beg node cross-section vertices # collected i-beg, j-end node coordinates, counter-clockwise order pts[0] = [ecrd[0, 0] - g10 - g20, ecrd[0, 1] - g11 - g21, ecrd[0, 2] - g12 - g22] pts[1] = [ecrd[0, 0] + g10 - g20, ecrd[0, 1] + g11 - g21, ecrd[0, 2] + g12 - g22] pts[2] = [ecrd[0, 0] + g10 + g20, ecrd[0, 1] + g11 + g21, ecrd[0, 2] + g12 + g22] pts[3] = [ecrd[0, 0] - g10 + g20, ecrd[0, 1] - g11 + g21, ecrd[0, 2] - g12 + g22] # end node cross-section vertices pts[4] = [ecrd[1, 0] - g10 - g20, ecrd[1, 1] - g11 - g21, ecrd[1, 2] - g12 - g22] pts[5] = [ecrd[1, 0] + g10 - g20, ecrd[1, 1] + g11 - g21, ecrd[1, 2] + g12 - g22] pts[6] = [ecrd[1, 0] + g10 + g20, ecrd[1, 1] + g11 + g21, ecrd[1, 2] + g12 + g22] pts[7] = [ecrd[1, 0] - g10 + g20, ecrd[1, 1] - g11 + g21, ecrd[1, 2] - g12 + g22] # list of 4-node sides verts = [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3]], # beg [pts[4], pts[5], pts[6], pts[7]], # end [pts[0], pts[4], pts[5], pts[1]], # bottom [pts[3], pts[7], pts[6], pts[2]], # top [pts[0], pts[4], pts[7], pts[3]], # front [pts[1], pts[5], pts[6], pts[2]]] # back return verts def _plot_extruded_shapes_3d_circ(ecrd, g, shape_args): d = shape_args[0] r = d / 2 Lxyz = ecrd[1, :] - ecrd[0, :] L = np.sqrt(Lxyz @ Lxyz) xl = np.linspace(0, L, 3) # subdivde member length alpha = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 10) # subdivide circle xl, alpha = np.meshgrid(xl, alpha) X = (ecrd[0, 0] + g[0, 0] * xl + r * np.sin(alpha) * g[1, 0] + r * np.cos(alpha) * g[2, 0]) Y = (ecrd[0, 1] + g[0, 1] * xl + r * np.sin(alpha) * g[1, 1] + r * np.cos(alpha) * g[2, 1]) Z = (ecrd[0, 2] + g[0, 2] * xl + r * np.sin(alpha) * g[1, 2] + r * np.cos(alpha) * g[2, 2]) return X, Y, Z def bar_length(ecrd): Lxyz = ecrd[1, :] - ecrd[0, :] L = np.sqrt(Lxyz @ Lxyz) return L def rot_transf_2d(ecrd): Lxy = ecrd[1, :] - ecrd[0, :] L = np.sqrt(Lxy @ Lxy) cosa, cosb = Lxy / L G = np.array([[cosa, cosb, 0., 0., 0., 0.], [-cosb, cosa, 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., cosa, cosb, 0.], [0., 0., 0., -cosb, cosa, 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) return G, L, cosa, cosb def rot_transf_3d(ecrd, g): Lxyz = ecrd[1, :] - ecrd[0, :] L = np.sqrt(Lxyz @ Lxyz) z = np.zeros((3, 3)) G = np.block([[g, z, z, z], [z, g, z, z], [z, z, g, z], [z, z, z, g]]) return G, L