Source code for opsvis.secforces

import openseespy.opensees as ops
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Polygon, Wedge
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import matplotlib.tri as tri

from .settings import *
from . import model

def section_force_distribution_2d(ecrd, pl, nep=2,
                                  ele_load_data=[['-beamUniform', 0., 0.]]):
    Calculate section forces (N, V, M) for an elastic 2D Euler-Bernoulli beam.

    ecrd - x, y element coordinates in global system
    nep - number of evaluation points, by default (2) at element ends
    ele_load_list - list of transverse and longitudinal element load
      syntax: [ele_load_type, Wy, Wx]
      For now only '-beamUniform' element load type is acceptable

    s = [N V M]; shape: (nep,3)
        section forces at nep points along local x
    xl: coordinates of local x-axis; shape: (nep,)

    Use it with dia_sf to draw N, V, M diagrams.

    nep : int
        number of evaluation points, by default (2) at element ends
        If the element load is between the points then nep is increased by 1 or 2

    TODO: add '-beamPoint' element load type

    Lxy = ecrd[1, :] - ecrd[0, :]
    L = np.sqrt(Lxy @ Lxy)

    nlf = len(pl)
    xl = np.linspace(0., L, nep)

    for ele_load_data_i in ele_load_data:
        ele_load_type = ele_load_data_i[0]

        if nlf == 1:  # trusses
            N_1 = pl[0]
        elif nlf == 6:  # plane frames
            # N_1, V_1, M_1 = pl[0], pl[1], pl[2]
            N_1, V_1, M_1 = pl[:3]
            print('\nWarning! Not supported. Number of nodal forces: {nlf}')

        if ele_load_type == '-beamUniform':
            # raise ValueError
            # raise NameError

            n_ele_load_data = len(ele_load_data_i)

            if n_ele_load_data == 3:
                # eload_type, Wy, Wx = ele_load_data[0], ele_load_data[1], ele_load_data[2]
                Wy, Wx = ele_load_data_i[1], ele_load_data_i[2]

            elif n_ele_load_data == 7:
                wta, waa, aL, bL, wtb, wab = ele_load_data_i[1:7]
                a, b = aL*L, bL*L

                bma = b - a

                if a in xl:
                    xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a), a)
                    nep += 1
                if b in xl:
                    xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(b), b)
                    nep += 1

        elif ele_load_type == '-beamPoint':
            Pt, aL, Pa = ele_load_data_i[1:4]
            a = aL * L

            if a in xl:
                # idx = xl.searchsorted(a)
                # np.concatenate((xl[:idx], [a], xl[idx:]))
                xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a+0.001), a+0.001)
                nep += 1

                # idx = xl.searchsorted(a)
                # xl = np.concatenate((xl[:idx], [a], xl[idx:]))
                # idx = xl.searchsorted(a+0.001)
                # xl = np.concatenate((xl[:idx], [a+0.001], xl[idx:]))
                xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a), a)
                xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a+0.001), a+0.001)
                nep += 2

    # xl is modified on the fly
    one = np.ones(nep)

    N = -1. * N_1 * one

    if nlf == 6:
        # s = np.zeros((nep, 3))
        V = V_1 * one
        M = -M_1 * one + V_1 * xl
        s = np.column_stack((N, V, M))

    elif nlf == 1:
        # s = np.zeros((nep, 1))
        s = np.column_stack((N))

    for ele_load_data_i in ele_load_data:
        ele_load_type = ele_load_data_i[0]

        if ele_load_type == '-beamUniform':
            # raise ValueError
            # raise NameError

            n_ele_load_data = len(ele_load_data_i)

            if n_ele_load_data == 3:
                # eload_type, Wy, Wx = ele_load_data[0], ele_load_data[1], ele_load_data[2]
                Wy, Wx = ele_load_data_i[1], ele_load_data_i[2]

                N = -1.*(Wx * xl)

                if nlf == 6:
                    V = Wy * xl
                    M = 0.5 * Wy * xl**2
                    s += np.column_stack((N, V, M))
                elif nlf == 1:
                    s += np.column_stack((N))

            elif n_ele_load_data == 7:
                wta, waa, aL, bL, wtb, wab = ele_load_data_i[1:7]
                a, b = aL*L, bL*L

                bma = b - a

                indx = 0
                for x in np.nditer(xl):
                    xma = x - a
                    wtx = wta + (wtb - wta) * xma / bma
                    # xc = a + bma * (wtb + 2*wta) / (3 * (wta + wtb))
                    if wtx == 0:
                        xc = 0.
                        xc = a + xma * (wtx + 2*wta) / (3 * (wta + wtx))

                    Ax = 0.5 * (wtx+wta) * xma
                    # V1x = V_1 * x
                    Axxc = Ax * xc

                    if x < a:
                    elif x >= a and x <= b:
                        s[indx, 0] += -1.*((wab - waa) * x)
                        s[indx, 1] += Ax
                        s[indx, 2] += Axxc

                    elif x > b:

                    indx += 1

                if aL == 0 and bL == 0:
                    N = -1.*(N_1 * one + wta * xl)
                    V = V_1 * one + wta * xl
                    N = 0

        elif ele_load_type == '-beamPoint':
            Pt, aL, Pa = ele_load_data_i[1:4]
            a = aL * L

            indx = 0
            for x in np.nditer(xl):
                if x <= a:
                    # s[indx, 0] += -1. * N_1
                    # s[indx, 1] += V_1
                    # s[indx, 2] += -M_1 + V_1 * x
                elif x > a:
                    s[indx, 0] += -1. * (Pa)
                    s[indx, 1] += Pt
                    s[indx, 2] += Pt * (x-a)

                indx += 1

    # if eload_type == '-beamUniform':
    # else:

    return s, xl, nep

def section_force_distribution_3d(ecrd, pl, nep=2,
                                  ele_load_data=[['-beamUniform', 0., 0., 0.]]):
    Calculate section forces (N, Vy, Vz, T, My, Mz) for an elastic 3d beam.

    Longer description


    ecrd : ndarray
        x, y, z element coordinates
    pl : ndarray
    nep : int
        number of evaluation points, by default (2) at element ends

    ele_load_list : list
        list of transverse and longitudinal element load
        syntax: [ele_load_type, Wy, Wz, Wx]
        For now only '-beamUniform' element load type is acceptable.


    s : ndarray
        [N Vx Vy T My Mz]; shape: (nep,6)
        column vectors of section forces along local x-axis

    uvwfi : ndarray
        [u v w fi]; shape (nep,4)
        displacements at nep points along local x

    xl : ndarray
        coordinates of local x-axis; shape (nep,)

    nep : int
        number of evaluation points, by default (2) at element ends
        If the element load is between the points then nep is increased by 1 or 2


    Todo: add '-beamPoint' element load type

    Lxyz = ecrd[1, :] - ecrd[0, :]
    L = np.sqrt(Lxyz @ Lxyz)

    nlf = len(pl)
    xl = np.linspace(0., L, nep)

    for ele_load_data_i in ele_load_data:
        ele_load_type = ele_load_data_i[0]

        if nlf == 1:
            N1 = pl[0]
        elif nlf == 12:
            N1, Vy1, Vz1, T1, My1, Mz1 = pl[:6]
            print('\nWarning! Not supported. Number of nodal forces: {nlf}')

        if ele_load_type == '-beamUniform':
            n_ele_load_data = len(ele_load_data_i)

            if n_ele_load_data == 4:

        elif ele_load_type == '-beamPoint':
            Py, Pz, aL, Px = ele_load_data_i[1:5]
            a = aL * L

            if a in xl:
                xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a+0.001), a+0.001)
                nep += 1

                xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a), a)
                xl = np.insert(xl, xl.searchsorted(a+0.001), a+0.001)
                nep += 2

    one = np.ones(nep)

    N = -1. * (N1 * one)

    if nlf == 12:
        Vy = Vy1 * one
        Vz = Vz1 * one
        T = -T1 * one
        Mz = -Mz1 * one + Vy1 * xl
        My = -My1 * one - Vz1 * xl

        s = np.column_stack((N, Vy, Vz, T, My, Mz))

    elif nlf == 1:
        s = np.column_stack((N))

    for ele_load_data_i in ele_load_data:
        ele_load_type = ele_load_data_i[0]

        if ele_load_type == '-beamUniform':
            n_ele_load_data = len(ele_load_data_i)

            if n_ele_load_data == 4:
                Wy, Wz, Wx = ele_load_data_i[1:4]

                N = -1. * (Wx * xl)

                if nlf == 12:
                    Vy = Wy * xl
                    Vz = Wz * xl
                    T = np.zeros_like(one)
                    Mz = 0.5 * Wy * xl**2
                    My = -0.5 * Wz * xl**2

                    s += np.column_stack((N, Vy, Vz, T, My, Mz))

                elif nlf == 1:
                    s += np.column_stack((N))

        elif ele_load_type == '-beamPoint':
            Py, Pz, aL, Px = ele_load_data_i[1:5]
            a = aL * L

            indx = 0
            for x in np.nditer(xl):
                if x <= a:
                elif x > a:
                    s[indx, 0] += -1. * Px
                    s[indx, 1] += Py
                    s[indx, 2] += Pz
                    s[indx, 4] += - Pz * (x - a)
                    s[indx, 5] += Py * (x - a)

                indx += 1

    return s, xl, nep

[docs]def section_force_diagram_2d(sf_type, sfac=1., nep=17, fmt_secforce1=fmt_secforce1, fmt_secforce2=fmt_secforce2, fig_wi_he=False, fig_lbrt=False, ref_vert_lines=True, end_max_values=True, node_supports=True, ax=False, alt_model_plot=1): """Display section forces diagram for 2d beam column model. This function plots a section forces diagram for 2d beam column elements with or without element loads. For now only '-beamUniform' constant transverse or axial element loads are supported. Args: sf_type (str): type of section force: 'N' - normal force, 'V' - shear force, 'M' - bending moments. sfac (float): scale factor by wich the values of section forces are multiplied. nep (int): number of evaluation points including both end nodes (default: 17) fmt_secforce1 (dict): line format dictionary for section force distribution curve. fmt_secforce2 (dict): line format dictionary for auxiliary reference lines. fig_wi_he (tuple): contains width and height of the figure fig_lbrt (tuple): a tuple contating left, bottom, right and top offsets ref_vert_lines (bool): True means plot the vertical reference lines on the section force diagrams. end_max_values (bool): True means show the values at element ends and extreme (max, min) value between the ends. node_supports (bool): True - show the supports. Default: True. ax: the axes object. Returns: minVal (float): the minimum overall value of the section force. maxVal (float): the maximum overall value of the section force. ax: the axes object. alt_model_plot (int): 1 - for using the plot_model command, 2 - for using simplified model plotting. Other integer - for no model plotting. In this case the model can be plotted outside this command using the axes (ax) object. Default is 1. Usage: See example: """ if not ax: if fig_wi_he: fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_wi/2.54, fig_he/2.54)) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if fig_lbrt: fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt fig.subplots_adjust(left=fleft, bottom=fbottom, right=fright, top=ftop) if alt_model_plot == 1: ax = model.plot_model(node_labels=0, element_labels=0, fmt_model=fmt_model_secforce, node_supports=False, fmt_model_truss=fmt_model_secforce, truss_node_offset=0, ax=ax) else: pass fmt_secforce1_orig = fmt_secforce1 maxVal, minVal = -np.inf, np.inf ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() Ew = model.get_Ew_data_from_ops_domain() for ele_tag in ele_tags: ele_class_tag = ops.getEleClassTags(ele_tag)[0] if (ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.ElasticBeam2d or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.ForceBeamColumn2d or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.DispBeamColumn2d or ele_class_tag in [EleClassTag.truss, EleClassTag.trussSection] or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.TimoshenkoBeamColumn2d or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.ElasticTimoshenkoBeam2d): ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ecrd = np.zeros((2, 2)) for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags): ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag) Lxy = ecrd[1, :] - ecrd[0, :] L = np.sqrt(Lxy @ Lxy) cosa, cosb = Lxy / L if ele_class_tag in [EleClassTag.truss, EleClassTag.trussSection]: if sf_type == 'N' or sf_type == 'axial': axial_force = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'axialForce')[0] ss = -axial_force * np.ones(nep) xl = np.linspace(0., L, nep) if axial_force > 0: va = 'top' fmt_color = 'b' fmt_secforce1 = fmt_secforce_tension else: va = 'bottom' fmt_color = 'r' fmt_secforce1 = fmt_secforce_compression else: # for sf_type = 'V' or 'M' xl = np.linspace(0., L, 2) ss = np.zeros(2) else: # for other elements than truss # by default no element load eload_data = [['-beamUniform', 0., 0.]] if ele_tag in Ew: eload_data = Ew[ele_tag] pl = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'localForces') # rigid offsets for 2d ele_offsets = np.array(ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'offsets')) nz_offsets = np.nonzero(ele_offsets)[0] # tuple of arrays if np.any(nz_offsets): # modify ecrd_eles # ex += ele_offsets[[0, 3]] # ey += ele_offsets[[1, 4]] ecrd[:, 0] += ele_offsets[[0, 3]] ecrd[:, 1] += ele_offsets[[1, 4]] # modify the following due to rigid offsets # Lxy = np.array([ex[1]-ex[0], ey[1]-ey[0]]) Lxy = ecrd[1, :] - ecrd[0, :] L = np.sqrt(Lxy @ Lxy) cosa, cosb = Lxy / L else: pass s_all, xl, nep = section_force_distribution_2d(ecrd, pl, nep, eload_data) if sf_type == 'N' or sf_type == 'axial': ss = s_all[:, 0] elif sf_type == 'V' or sf_type == 'shear' or sf_type == 'T': ss = s_all[:, 1] elif sf_type == 'M' or sf_type == 'moment': ss = s_all[:, 2] if len(ss) == 2: # for truss with zero shear force and moment pass else: # minVal = min(minVal, np.min(ss)) # maxVal = max(maxVal, np.max(ss)) minVal, minVal_ind = np.amin(ss), np.argmin(ss) maxVal, maxVal_ind = np.amax(ss), np.argmax(ss) s = ss * sfac s_0 = np.zeros((nep, 2)) s_0[0, :] = [ecrd[0, 0], ecrd[0, 1]] s_0[1:, 0] = s_0[0, 0] + xl[1:] * cosa s_0[1:, 1] = s_0[0, 1] + xl[1:] * cosb s_p = np.copy(s_0) # positive M are opposite to N and V if sf_type == 'M' or sf_type == 'moment': s *= -1. s_p[:, 0] -= s * cosb s_p[:, 1] += s * cosa ax.axis('equal') # section force curve ax.plot(s_p[:, 0], s_p[:, 1], **fmt_secforce1) fmt_secforce1 = fmt_secforce1_orig # reference perpendicular lines if ref_vert_lines: for i in np.arange(nep): ax.plot([s_0[i, 0], s_p[i, 0]], [s_0[i, 1], s_p[i, 1]], **fmt_secforce2) else: ax.plot([s_0[0, 0], s_p[0, 0]], [s_0[0, 1], s_p[0, 1]], **fmt_secforce2) ax.plot([s_0[-1, 0], s_p[-1, 0]], [s_0[-1, 1], s_p[-1, 1]], **fmt_secforce2) if ele_class_tag in [EleClassTag.truss, EleClassTag.trussSection]: ha = 'center' va = 'bottom' if sf_type == 'N' or sf_type == 'axial': ax.text(s_p[int(nep / 2), 0], s_p[int(nep / 2), 1], f'{abs(axial_force):.1f}', va=va, ha=ha, color=fmt_color) # else: # ax.text(s_p[int(nep / 2), 0], s_p[int(nep / 2), 1], # '0.0', va=va, ha=ha) else: if end_max_values: ha = 'left' va = 'bottom' ax.text(s_p[0, 0], s_p[0, 1], f'{ss[0]:.5g}', va=va, ha=ha) ax.text(s_p[-1, 0], s_p[-1, 1], f'{ss[-1]:.5g}', va=va, ha=ha) if minVal_ind != 0 or minVal_ind != nep - 1: ax.text(s_p[minVal_ind, 0], s_p[minVal_ind, 1], f'{ss[minVal_ind]:.5g}', va=va, ha=ha) if maxVal_ind != 0 or maxVal_ind != nep - 1: ax.text(s_p[maxVal_ind, 0], s_p[maxVal_ind, 1], f'{ss[maxVal_ind]:.5g}', va=va, ha=ha) if node_supports: node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() ax = model._plot_supports(node_tags, ax) # ax.grid(False) return minVal, maxVal, ax
[docs]def section_force_diagram_3d(sf_type, sfac=1., nep=17, fmt_secforce1=fmt_secforce1, fmt_secforce2=fmt_secforce2, ref_vert_lines=True, end_max_values=True, dir_plt=0, node_supports=True, ax=False, alt_model_plot=1): """Display section forces diagram of a 3d beam column model. This function plots section forces diagrams for 3d beam column elements with or without element loads. For now only '-beamUniform' constant transverse or axial element loads are supported. Args: sf_type (str): type of section force: 'N' - normal force, 'Vy' or 'Vz' - shear force, 'My' or 'Mz' - bending moments, 'T' - torsional moment. sfac (float): scale factor by wich the values of section forces are multiplied. nep (int): number of evaluation points including both end nodes (default: 17) fmt_secforce1 (dict): line format dictionary for section force distribution curve. fmt_secforce2 (dict): line format dictionary for auxiliary reference lines. end_max_values (bool): True means show the values at element ends and extreme (max, min) value between the ends. dir_plt {0, 1, 2}: direction in which to plot the load effects: 0 (default) - as defined in the code for each load effect type 1 - in the y-axis (default for N, Vy, T, Mz) 2 - in the z-axis (default for Vz, My) ax: Optional axis to plot to. alt_model_plot (int): 1 - for using the plot_model command, 2 - for using simplified model plotting. Other integer - for no model plotting. In this case the model can be plotted outside this command using the axes (ax) object. Default is 1. Returns: minVal (float): the minimum overall value of the section force. maxVal (float): the maximum overall value of the section force. ax: the axes object. Usage: See example: Todo: Add support for other element loads available in OpenSees: partial (trapezoidal) uniform element load, and 'beamPoint' element load. """ # If supplied axis can be plotted to if hasattr(ax, "name") and ( == "3d"): pass else: azim, elev = az_el fig_wi, fig_he = fig_wi_he fleft, fbottom, fright, ftop = fig_lbrt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_wi / 2.54, fig_he / 2.54)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, bottom=0.08, right=0.985, top=0.94) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=elev) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=elev) if alt_model_plot == 1: ax = model.plot_model(node_labels=0, element_labels=0, fmt_model=fmt_model_secforce, node_supports=False, fmt_model_truss=fmt_model_secforce, truss_node_offset=0, ax=ax) else: pass fmt_secforce1_orig = fmt_secforce1 maxVal, minVal = -np.inf, np.inf ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() Ew = model.get_Ew_data_from_ops_domain_3d() for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): ele_class_tag = ops.getEleClassTags(ele_tag)[0] if (ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.ElasticBeam3d or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.ForceBeamColumn3d or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.DispBeamColumn3d or ele_class_tag in [EleClassTag.truss, EleClassTag.trussSection] or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.TimoshenkoBeamColumn3d or ele_class_tag == EleClassTag.ElasticTimoshenkoBeam3d): ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) ecrd = np.zeros((2, 3)) for i, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags): ecrd[i, :] = ops.nodeCoord(ele_node_tag) # eo = Eo[i, :] xloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'xlocal') yloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'ylocal') zloc = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'zlocal') g = np.vstack((xloc, yloc, zloc)) # rigid offsets for 3d ele_offsets = np.array(ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'offsets')) nz_offsets = np.nonzero(ele_offsets)[0] # tuple of arrays if np.any(nz_offsets): # modify ecrd_eles # ex += ele_offsets[[0, 3]] # ey += ele_offsets[[1, 4]] ecrd[:, 0] += ele_offsets[[0, 3]] ecrd[:, 1] += ele_offsets[[1, 4]] ecrd[:, 2] += ele_offsets[[2, 5]] # modify the following due to rigid offsets else: pass G, _ = model.rot_transf_3d(ecrd, g) g = G[:3, :3] if ele_class_tag in [EleClassTag.truss, EleClassTag.trussSection]: if sf_type == 'N' or sf_type == 'axial': axial_force = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'axialForce')[0] ss = -axial_force * np.ones(nep) xl = np.linspace(0., L, nep) if axial_force > 0: va = 'top' fmt_color = 'b' fmt_secforce1 = fmt_secforce_tension else: va = 'bottom' fmt_color = 'r' fmt_secforce1 = fmt_secforce_compression else: # for sf_type = 'V' or 'M' xl = np.linspace(0., L, 2) ss = np.zeros(2) else: # by default no element load eload_data = [['-beamUniform', 0., 0., 0.]] if ele_tag in Ew: eload_data = Ew[ele_tag] pl = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'localForces') s_all, xl, nep = section_force_distribution_3d(ecrd, pl, nep, eload_data) # 1:'y' 2:'z' if sf_type == 'N': ss = s_all[:, 0] dir_plt_tmp = 1 elif sf_type == 'Vy': ss = s_all[:, 1] dir_plt_tmp = 1 elif sf_type == 'Vz': ss = s_all[:, 2] dir_plt_tmp = 2 elif sf_type == 'T': ss = s_all[:, 3] dir_plt_tmp = 1 elif sf_type == 'My': ss = s_all[:, 4] dir_plt_tmp = 2 elif sf_type == 'Mz': ss = s_all[:, 5] dir_plt_tmp = 1 if dir_plt == 0: dir_plt = dir_plt_tmp if len(ss) == 2: # for truss with zero shear force and moment pass else: # minVal = min(minVal, np.min(ss)) # maxVal = max(maxVal, np.max(ss)) minVal, minVal_ind = np.amin(ss), np.argmin(ss) maxVal, maxVal_ind = np.amax(ss), np.argmax(ss) s = ss * sfac # FIXME - can be simplified s_0 = np.zeros((nep, 3)) s_0[0, :] = [ecrd[0, 0], ecrd[0, 1], ecrd[0, 2]] s_0[1:, 0] = s_0[0, 0] + xl[1:] * g[0, 0] s_0[1:, 1] = s_0[0, 1] + xl[1:] * g[0, 1] s_0[1:, 2] = s_0[0, 2] + xl[1:] * g[0, 2] s_p = np.copy(s_0) # positive M are opposite to N and V # if sf_type == 'Mz' or sf_type == 'My': if sf_type == 'Mz': s *= -1. s_p[:, 0] += s * g[dir_plt, 0] s_p[:, 1] += s * g[dir_plt, 1] s_p[:, 2] += s * g[dir_plt, 2] # plt.axis('equal') # section force curve ax.plot(s_p[:, 0], s_p[:, 1], s_p[:, 2], **fmt_secforce1) fmt_secforce1 = fmt_secforce1_orig # reference perpendicular lines if ref_vert_lines: for i in np.arange(nep): ax.plot([s_0[i, 0], s_p[i, 0]], [s_0[i, 1], s_p[i, 1]], [s_0[i, 2], s_p[i, 2]], **fmt_secforce2) else: ax.plot([s_0[0, 0], s_p[0, 0]], [s_0[0, 1], s_p[0, 1]], [s_0[0, 2], s_p[0, 2]], **fmt_secforce2) ax.plot([s_0[-1, 0], s_p[-1, 0]], [s_0[-1, 1], s_p[-1, 1]], [s_0[-1, 2], s_p[-1, 2]], **fmt_secforce2) # dodane FIXME if ele_class_tag in [EleClassTag.truss, EleClassTag.trussSection]: ha = 'center' va = 'bottom' if sf_type == 'N' or sf_type == 'axial': ax.text(s_p[int(nep / 2), 0], s_p[int(nep / 2), 1], s_p[int(nep / 2), 2], f'{abs(axial_force):.1f}', va=va, ha=ha, color=fmt_color) # else: # ax.text(s_p[int(nep / 2), 0], s_p[int(nep / 2), 1], # '0.0', va=va, ha=ha) else: if end_max_values: ha = 'left' va = 'bottom' ax.text(s_p[0, 0], s_p[0, 1], s_p[0, 2], f'{ss[0]:.5g}', va=va, ha=ha) ax.text(s_p[-1, 0], s_p[-1, 1], s_p[-1, 2], f'{ss[-1]:.5g}', va=va, ha=ha) if minVal_ind != 0 or minVal_ind != nep - 1: ax.text(s_p[minVal_ind, 0], s_p[minVal_ind, 1], s_p[minVal_ind, 2], f'{ss[minVal_ind]:.5g}', va=va, ha=ha) if maxVal_ind != 0 or maxVal_ind != nep - 1: ax.text(s_p[maxVal_ind, 0], s_p[maxVal_ind, 1], s_p[maxVal_ind, 2], f'{ss[maxVal_ind]:.5g}', va=va, ha=ha) if node_supports: node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() ax = model._plot_supports(node_tags, ax) return minVal, maxVal, ax