Source code for opsvis.stress

import openseespy.opensees as ops
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri

from .settings import *

def stress_2d_ele_tags_only(ele_tags):

    Stress2dEleClasstags = set([EleClassTag.tri3n,

    ele_classtags = ops.getEleClassTags()

    idx = [i for i, e in enumerate(ele_classtags) if e in Stress2dEleClasstags]

    ele_tags_2d_tris_quads_only = [ele_tags[i] for i in idx]

    return ele_tags_2d_tris_quads_only

[docs]def sig_out_per_node(how_many='all'): """Return a 2d numpy array of stress components per OpenSees node. Three first stress components (sxx, syy, sxy) are calculated and extracted from OpenSees, while the rest svm (Huber-Mieses-Hencky), two principal stresses (s1, s2) and directional angle are calculated as postprocessed quantities. Args: how_many (str): supported options are: 'all' - all components, 'sxx', 'syy', 'sxy', 'svm' (or 'vmis'), 's1', 's2', 'angle'. Returns: sig_out (ndarray): a 2d array of stress components per node with the following components: sxx, syy, sxy, svm, s1, s2, angle. Size (n_nodes x 7). Examples: sig_out = opsv.sig_out_per_node() Notes: s1, s2: principal stresses angle: angle of the principal stress s1 """ ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() n_nodes = len(node_tags) ele_classtag = ops.getEleClassTags(ele_tags[0])[0] # initialize helper arrays sig_out = np.zeros((n_nodes, 7)) nodes_tag_count = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2), dtype=int) nodes_tag_count[:, 0] = node_tags nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) tmp_list = [0]*nen for j, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags): tmp_list[j] = node_tags.index(ele_node_tag) nodes_tag_count[tmp_list, 1] += 1 if ele_classtag == EleClassTag.SSPquad: sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') # sigM_nd = sigM_ip sigM_np = np.tile(sig_ip_el, (nen, 1)) else: sig_nd_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stressAtNodes') sigM_nd = np.reshape(sig_nd_el, (-1, 3)) # sxx yy xy components sig_out[tmp_list, 0] += sigM_nd[:nen, 0] sig_out[tmp_list, 1] += sigM_nd[:nen, 1] sig_out[tmp_list, 2] += sigM_nd[:nen, 2] indxs, = np.where(nodes_tag_count[:, 1] > 1) # n_indxs < n_nodes: e.g. 21<25 (bous), 2<6 (2el) etc. n_indxs = np.shape(indxs)[0] # divide summed stresses by the number of common nodes sig_out[indxs, :] = \ sig_out[indxs, :]/nodes_tag_count[indxs, 1].reshape(n_indxs, 1) if how_many == 'all' or how_many == 'svm' or how_many == 'vmis': # warning reshape from (pts,ncomp) to (ncomp,pts) vm_out = vm_stress(np.transpose(sig_out[:, :3])) sig_out[:, 3] = vm_out if (how_many == 'all' or how_many == 's1' or how_many == 's2' or how_many == 'angle'): # noqa: E501 princ_sig_out = princ_stress(np.transpose(sig_out[:, :3])) sig_out[:, 4:7] = np.transpose(princ_sig_out) print('-- WARNING!!! full sig_out matrix calculated here --') return sig_out
def sig_component_per_node(stress_str): """Return a 2d numpy array of stress components per OpenSees node. Three first stress components (sxx, syy, sxy) are calculated and extracted from OpenSees, while the rest svm (Huber-Mieses-Hencky), two principal stresses (s1, s2) and directional angle are calculated as postprocessed quantities. Args: how_many (str): supported options are: 'all' - all components, 'sxx', 'syy', 'sxy', 'svm' (or 'vmis'), 's1', 's2', 'angle'. Returns: sig_out (ndarray): a 2d array of stress components per node with the following components: sxx, syy, sxy, svm, s1, s2, angle. Size (n_nodes x 7). Examples: sig_out = opsv.sig_out_per_node() Notes: s1, s2: principal stresses angle: angle of the principal stress s1 """ ele_tags_all = ops.getEleTags() ele_tags = stress_2d_ele_tags_only(ele_tags_all) ele_classtag = ops.getEleClassTags(ele_tags[0])[0] node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() n_nodes = len(node_tags) # initialize helper arrays sig_out = np.zeros((n_nodes, 4)) nodes_tag_count = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2), dtype=int) nodes_tag_count[:, 0] = node_tags nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) tmp_list = [0]*nen for j, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags): tmp_list[j] = node_tags.index(ele_node_tag) nodes_tag_count[tmp_list, 1] += 1 if ele_classtag == EleClassTag.SSPquad: sig_ip_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stress') # sigM_nd = sigM_ip sigM_np = np.tile(sig_ip_el, (nen, 1)) else: sig_nd_el = ops.eleResponse(ele_tag, 'stressAtNodes') sigM_nd = np.reshape(sig_nd_el, (-1, 3)) # sxx yy xy components sig_out[tmp_list, 0] += sigM_nd[:nen, 0] sig_out[tmp_list, 1] += sigM_nd[:nen, 1] sig_out[tmp_list, 2] += sigM_nd[:nen, 2] indxs, = np.where(nodes_tag_count[:, 1] > 1) # n_indxs < n_nodes: e.g. 21<25 (bous), 2<6 (2el) etc. n_indxs = np.shape(indxs)[0] # divide summed stresses by the number of common nodes sig_out[indxs, :] = \ sig_out[indxs, :]/nodes_tag_count[indxs, 1].reshape(n_indxs, 1) if stress_str == 'sxx': sig_out_vec = sig_out[:, 0] elif stress_str == 'syy': sig_out_vec = sig_out[:, 1] elif stress_str == 'sxy': sig_out_vec = sig_out[:, 2] elif stress_str == 'svm' or stress_str == 'vmis': # warning reshape from (pts,ncomp) to (ncomp,pts) sig_out_vec = vm_stress(np.transpose(sig_out[:, :3])) elif (stress_str == 's1' or stress_str == 's2' or stress_str == 'angle'): princ_sig_out = princ_stress(np.transpose(sig_out[:, :3])) if stress_str == 's1': # sig_out_vec = np.transpose(princ_sig_out)[:, 0] sig_out_vec = princ_sig_out[0, :] elif stress_str == 's2': sig_out_vec = princ_sig_out[1, :] elif stress_str == 'angle': sig_out_vec = princ_sig_out[2, :] return sig_out_vec def princ_stress(sig): """Return a tuple (s1, s2, angle): principal stresses (plane stress) and angle Args: sig (ndarray): input array of stresses at nodes: sxx, syy, sxy (tau) Returns: out (ndarray): 1st row is first principal stress s1, 2nd row is second principal stress s2, 3rd row is the angle of s1 """ sx, sy, tau = sig[0], sig[1], sig[2] ds = (sx-sy)/2 R = np.sqrt(ds**2 + tau**2) s1 = (sx+sy)/2. + R s2 = (sx+sy)/2. - R angle = np.arctan2(tau, ds)/2 out = np.vstack((s1, s2, angle)) return out def vm_stress(sig): n_sig_comp, n_pts = np.shape(sig) if n_sig_comp > 3: x, y, z, xy, xz, yz = sig else: x, y, xy = sig z, xz, yz = 0., 0., 0. _a = 0.5*((x-y)**2 + (y-z)**2 + (z-x)**2 + 6.*(xy**2 + xz**2 + yz**2)) return np.sqrt(_a) def quads_to_4tris(quads_conn, nds_crd, nds_val): """ Get triangles connectivity, coordinates and new values at quad centroids. Args: quads_conn (ndarray): nds_crd (ndarray): nds_val (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val (tuple): Notes: Triangles connectivity array is based on quadrilaterals connectivity. Each quad is split into four triangles. New nodes are created at the quad centroid. See also: function: quads_to_8tris_9n, quads_to_8tris_8n """ n_quads, _ = quads_conn.shape n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape # coordinates and values at quad centroids _c_ nds_c_crd = np.zeros((n_quads, 2)) nds_c_val = np.zeros(n_quads) tris_conn = np.zeros((4*n_quads, 3), dtype=int) for i, quad_conn in enumerate(quads_conn): j = 4*i n0, n1, n2, n3 = quad_conn # quad centroids nds_c_crd[i] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 1])/4.]) nds_c_val[i] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n2, n3]])/4. # triangles connectivity tris_conn[j] = np.array([n0, n1, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+1] = np.array([n1, n2, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+2] = np.array([n2, n3, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+3] = np.array([n3, n0, n_nds+i]) return tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val def bricks_to_24tris(bricks_conn, nds_crd, nds_val, disps=None): """ Get triangles connectivity, coordinates and new vals at brick face centroids. Args: bricks_conn (ndarray): nds_crd (ndarray): nds_val (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val (tuple): Notes: Triangles connectivity array is based on stdBricks connectivity. Each of 6 brick faces is split into four triangles. New nodes are created at the face centroid. See also: function: bricks_to_8tris_9n, bricks_to_8tris_8n """ n_bricks, _ = bricks_conn.shape n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape # coordinates and values at brick centroids _c_ nds_c_crd = np.zeros((n_bricks*6, 3)) nds_c_val = np.zeros(n_bricks*6) disps_c = None if disps is not None: disps_c = np.zeros((n_bricks*6, 3)) tris_conn = np.zeros((24*n_bricks, 3), dtype=int) for i, brick_conn in enumerate(bricks_conn): j = 24*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 = brick_conn # brick centroids nds_c_crd[i*6] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n4], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n4], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n5], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+1] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+2] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+3] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+4] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+5] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 2])/4.]) nds_c_val[6*i] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n5, n4]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+1] = np.sum(nds_val[[n1, n2, n6, n5]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+2] = np.sum(nds_val[[n2, n3, n7, n6]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+3] = np.sum(nds_val[[n3, n0, n4, n7]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+4] = np.sum(nds_val[[n4, n5, n6, n7]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+5] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n2, n3]])/4. # triangles connectivity tris_conn[j] = np.array([n0, n1, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+1] = np.array([n1, n5, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+2] = np.array([n5, n4, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+3] = np.array([n4, n0, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+4] = np.array([n1, n2, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+5] = np.array([n2, n6, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+6] = np.array([n6, n5, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+7] = np.array([n5, n1, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+8] = np.array([n2, n3, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+9] = np.array([n3, n7, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+10] = np.array([n7, n6, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+11] = np.array([n6, n2, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+12] = np.array([n3, n0, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+13] = np.array([n0, n4, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+14] = np.array([n4, n7, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+15] = np.array([n7, n3, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+16] = np.array([n4, n5, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+17] = np.array([n5, n6, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+18] = np.array([n6, n7, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+19] = np.array([n7, n4, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+20] = np.array([n0, n1, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+21] = np.array([n1, n2, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+22] = np.array([n2, n3, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+23] = np.array([n3, n0, n_nds+i*6+5]) if disps is not None: disps_c[6*i] = np.sum(disps[[n0, n1, n5, n4]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+1] = np.sum(disps[[n1, n2, n6, n5]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+2] = np.sum(disps[[n2, n3, n7, n6]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+3] = np.sum(disps[[n3, n0, n4, n7]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+4] = np.sum(disps[[n4, n5, n6, n7]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+5] = np.sum(disps[[n0, n1, n2, n3]], axis=0)/4. return tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val, disps_c # brick20n bricks to tris def bricks_to_48tris(bricks_conn, nds_crd, nds_val, disps=None): """ Get triangles connectivity, coordinates and new vals at brick face centroids, for brick20n Args: bricks_conn (ndarray): nds_crd (ndarray): nds_val (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val (tuple): Notes: Triangles connectivity array is based on stdBricks connectivity. Each of 6 brick faces is split into four triangles. New nodes are created at the face centroid. See also: function: bricks_to_24tris """ n_bricks, _ = bricks_conn.shape n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape # coordinates and values at brick centroids _c_ nds_c_crd = np.zeros((n_bricks*6, 3)) nds_c_val = np.zeros(n_bricks*6) disps_c = None if disps is not None: disps_c = np.zeros((n_bricks*6, 3)) tris_conn = np.zeros((48*n_bricks, 3), dtype=int) for i, brick_conn in enumerate(bricks_conn): j = 48*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n11, n12, n13, \ n14, n15, n16, n17, n18, n19 = brick_conn # brick centroids nds_c_crd[i*6] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n4], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n4], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n5, n5], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+1] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n1, n2, n6, n5], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+2] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n2, n3, n7, n6], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+3] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n3, n0, n4, n7], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+4] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n4, n5, n6, n7], 2])/4.]) nds_c_crd[i*6+5] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 0])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 1])/4., np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 2])/4.]) nds_c_val[6*i] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n5, n4]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+1] = np.sum(nds_val[[n1, n2, n6, n5]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+2] = np.sum(nds_val[[n2, n3, n7, n6]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+3] = np.sum(nds_val[[n3, n0, n4, n7]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+4] = np.sum(nds_val[[n4, n5, n6, n7]])/4. nds_c_val[6*i+5] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n2, n3]])/4. # triangles connectivity tris_conn[j] = np.array([n0, n8, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+1] = np.array([n8, n1, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+2] = np.array([n1, n17, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+3] = np.array([n17, n5, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+4] = np.array([n5, n12, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+5] = np.array([n12, n4, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+6] = np.array([n4, n16, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+7] = np.array([n16, n0, n_nds+i*6]) tris_conn[j+8] = np.array([n1, n9, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+9] = np.array([n9, n2, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+10] = np.array([n2, n18, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+11] = np.array([n18, n6, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+12] = np.array([n6, n13, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+13] = np.array([n13, n5, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+14] = np.array([n5, n17, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+15] = np.array([n17, n1, n_nds+i*6+1]) tris_conn[j+16] = np.array([n2, n10, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+17] = np.array([n10, n3, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+18] = np.array([n3, n19, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+19] = np.array([n19, n7, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+20] = np.array([n7, n14, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+21] = np.array([n14, n6, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+22] = np.array([n6, n18, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+23] = np.array([n18, n2, n_nds+i*6+2]) tris_conn[j+24] = np.array([n3, n11, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+25] = np.array([n11, n0, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+26] = np.array([n0, n16, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+27] = np.array([n16, n4, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+28] = np.array([n4, n15, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+29] = np.array([n15, n7, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+30] = np.array([n7, n19, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+31] = np.array([n19, n3, n_nds+i*6+3]) tris_conn[j+32] = np.array([n4, n12, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+33] = np.array([n12, n5, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+34] = np.array([n5, n13, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+35] = np.array([n13, n6, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+36] = np.array([n6, n14, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+37] = np.array([n14, n7, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+38] = np.array([n7, n15, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+39] = np.array([n15, n4, n_nds+i*6+4]) tris_conn[j+40] = np.array([n0, n8, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+41] = np.array([n8, n1, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+42] = np.array([n1, n9, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+43] = np.array([n9, n2, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+44] = np.array([n2, n10, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+45] = np.array([n10, n3, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+46] = np.array([n3, n11, n_nds+i*6+5]) tris_conn[j+47] = np.array([n11, n0, n_nds+i*6+5]) if disps is not None: disps_c[6*i] = np.sum(disps[[n0, n1, n5, n4, n8, n17, n12, n16]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+1] = np.sum(disps[[n1, n2, n6, n5, n9, n18, n13, n17]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+2] = np.sum(disps[[n2, n3, n7, n6, n10, n19, n14, n18]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+3] = np.sum(disps[[n3, n0, n4, n7, n11, n16, n15, n19]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+4] = np.sum(disps[[n4, n5, n6, n7, n12, n13, n14, n15]], axis=0)/4. disps_c[6*i+5] = np.sum(disps[[n0, n1, n2, n3, n8, n9, n10, n11]], axis=0)/4. return tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val, disps_c def tetra4n_to_4tris(tetras4n_conn): """Get triangles connectivity. Four-node tetrahedron is subdivided into four triangles Args: tetra4n_conn (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn_subdiv (ndarray): """ n_tetras, _ = tetras4n_conn.shape # n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape tris_conn_subdiv = np.zeros((4*n_tetras, 3), dtype=int) for i, tetra4n_conn in enumerate(tetras4n_conn): j = 4*i n0, n1, n2, n3 = tetra4n_conn # triangles connectivity tris_conn_subdiv[j] = np.array([n0, n1, n2]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+1] = np.array([n0, n3, n1]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+2] = np.array([n0, n2, n3]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+3] = np.array([n1, n2, n3]) return tris_conn_subdiv def tetra10n_to_16tris(tetras10n_conn): """Get triangles connectivity. Six-node triangle is subdivided into four triangles Args: tetra10n_conn (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn_subdiv (ndarray): """ n_tetras, _ = tetras10n_conn.shape # n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape tris_conn_subdiv = np.zeros((16*n_tetras, 3), dtype=int) for i, tetra10n_conn in enumerate(tetras10n_conn): j = 16*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9 = tetra10n_conn # triangles connectivity tris_conn_subdiv[j] = np.array([n0, n4, n6]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+1] = np.array([n1, n5, n4]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+2] = np.array([n4, n5, n6]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+3] = np.array([n2, n6, n5]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+4] = np.array([n0, n7, n4]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+5] = np.array([n4, n7, n8]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+6] = np.array([n1, n4, n8]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+7] = np.array([n3, n8, n7]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+8] = np.array([n0, n6, n7]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+9] = np.array([n6, n9, n7]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+10] = np.array([n2, n9, n6]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+11] = np.array([n3, n7, n9]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+12] = np.array([n1, n5, n8]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+13] = np.array([n5, n9, n8]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+14] = np.array([n2, n9, n5]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+15] = np.array([n3, n8, n9]) return tris_conn_subdiv def tris6n_to_4tris(tris_conn): """Get triangles connectivity. Six-node triangle is subdivided into four triangles Args: tris_conn (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn_subdiv (ndarray): """ n_tris, _ = tris_conn.shape # n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape tris_conn_subdiv = np.zeros((4*n_tris, 3), dtype=int) for i, tri_conn in enumerate(tris_conn): j = 4*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 = tri_conn # triangles connectivity tris_conn_subdiv[j] = np.array([n0, n3, n5]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+1] = np.array([n3, n1, n4]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+2] = np.array([n3, n4, n5]) tris_conn_subdiv[j+3] = np.array([n5, n4, n2]) return tris_conn_subdiv # def plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, eles_conn, lw=0.4, ec='k', ax=False): def plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, eles_conn, lw=0.4, ec='k'): """ Plot 2d mesh (quads or triangles) outline. """ nen = np.shape(eles_conn)[1] if nen == 3 or nen == 4: for ele_conn in eles_conn: x = nds_crd[ele_conn, 0] y = nds_crd[ele_conn, 1] plt.fill(x, y, edgecolor=ec, lw=lw, fill=False) elif nen == 6: for ele_conn in eles_conn: x = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[5]], 0] y = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[5]], 1] plt.fill(x, y, edgecolor=ec, lw=lw, fill=False) elif nen == 9: for ele_conn in eles_conn: x = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[5], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[6], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[7]], 0] y = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[5], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[6], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[7]], 1] plt.fill(x, y, edgecolor=ec, lw=lw, fill=False) elif nen == 8: for ele_conn in eles_conn: x = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[5], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[6], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[7]], 0] y = nds_crd[[ele_conn[0], ele_conn[4], ele_conn[1], ele_conn[5], ele_conn[2], ele_conn[6], ele_conn[3], ele_conn[7]], 1] plt.fill(x, y, edgecolor=ec, lw=lw, fill=False) # def plot_stress_2d(nds_val, mesh_outline=1, cmap='turbo', levels=50, # fig_wi_he=False, fig_lbrt=False, ax=False):
[docs]def plot_stress_2d(nds_val, mesh_outline=1, cmap='turbo', levels=50): """ Plot stress distribution of a 2d elements of a 2d model. Args: nds_val (ndarray): the values of a stress component, which can be extracted from sig_out array (see sig_out_per_node function) mesh_outline (int): 1 - mesh is plotted, 0 - no mesh plotted. cmap (str): Matplotlib color map (default is 'turbo') Usage: See example. """ node_tags, ele_tags_all = ops.getNodeTags(), ops.getEleTags() ele_tags = stress_2d_ele_tags_only(ele_tags_all) n_nodes, n_eles = len(node_tags), len(ele_tags) ele_classtag = ops.getEleClassTags(ele_tags[0])[0] if (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.tri3n): nen = 3 elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.tri6n): nen = 6 elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.quad4n): nen = 4 elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.quad8n): nen = 8 elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.quad9n): nen = 9 # nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tags[0]))[0] # idiom coordinates as ordered in node_tags # use node_tags.index(tag) for correspondence nds_crd = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2)) for i, node_tag in enumerate(node_tags): nds_crd[i] = ops.nodeCoord(node_tag) # from utils / sig_out_per_node # fixme: if this can be simplified # index (starts from 0) to node_tag correspondence # (a) data in np.array of integers # nodes_tag_count = np.zeros((n_nodes, 2), dtype=int) # nodes_tag_count[:, 0] = node_tags # # correspondence indx and node_tag is in node_tags.index # after testing remove the above eles_conn = np.zeros((n_eles, nen), dtype=int) for i, ele_tag in enumerate(ele_tags): ele_node_tags = ops.eleNodes(ele_tag) for j, ele_node_tag in enumerate(ele_node_tags): eles_conn[i, j] = node_tags.index(ele_node_tag) if (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.tri3n): tris_conn = eles_conn nds_crd_all = nds_crd nds_val_all = nds_val elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.quad4n): tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val = \ quads_to_4tris(eles_conn, nds_crd, nds_val) nds_crd_all = np.vstack((nds_crd, nds_c_crd)) nds_val_all = np.hstack((nds_val, nds_c_val)) elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.tri6n): tris_conn = tris6n_to_4tris(eles_conn) nds_crd_all = nds_crd nds_val_all = nds_val elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.quad8n): tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val = quads_to_8tris_8n(eles_conn, nds_crd, nds_val) nds_crd_all = np.vstack((nds_crd, nds_c_crd)) nds_val_all = np.hstack((nds_val, nds_c_val)) elif (ele_classtag == EleClassTag.quad9n): tris_conn = quads_to_8tris_9n(eles_conn) nds_crd_all = nds_crd nds_val_all = nds_val # 1. plot contour maps triangulation = tri.Triangulation(nds_crd_all[:, 0], nds_crd_all[:, 1], tris_conn) plt.tricontourf(triangulation, nds_val_all, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) # 2. plot original mesh (quad) without subdivision into triangles if mesh_outline: # plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, eles_conn, ax=ax) plot_mesh_2d(nds_crd, eles_conn) plt.colorbar() plt.axis('equal') plt.grid(False)
# see also quads_to_8tris_9n def quads_to_8tris_8n(quads_conn, nds_crd, nds_val): """ Get triangles connectivity, coordinates and new values at quad centroids. Args: quads_conn (ndarray): nds_crd (ndarray): nds_val (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val (tuple): Notes: Triangles connectivity array is based on quadrilaterals connectivity. Each quad is split into eight triangles. New nodes are created at the quad centroid. See also: function: quads_to_8tris_9n, quads_to_4tris """ n_quads, _ = quads_conn.shape n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape # coordinates and values at quad centroids _c_ nds_c_crd = np.zeros((n_quads, 2)) nds_c_val = np.zeros(n_quads) tris_conn = np.zeros((8*n_quads, 3), dtype=int) for i, quad_conn in enumerate(quads_conn): j = 8*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 = quad_conn # quad centroids # nds_c_crd[i] = np.array([np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 0])/4., # np.sum(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3], 1])/4.]) # nds_c_val[i] = np.sum(nds_val[[n0, n1, n2, n3]])/4. nds_c_crd[i] = quad8n_val_at_center(nds_crd[[n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7]]) nds_c_val[i] = quad8n_val_at_center(nds_val[[n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7]]) # triangles connectivity tris_conn[j] = np.array([n0, n4, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+1] = np.array([n4, n1, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+2] = np.array([n1, n5, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+3] = np.array([n5, n2, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+4] = np.array([n2, n6, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+5] = np.array([n6, n3, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+6] = np.array([n3, n7, n_nds+i]) tris_conn[j+7] = np.array([n7, n0, n_nds+i]) return tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val # see also quads_to_8tris_8n def quads_to_8tris_9n(quads_conn): """ Get triangles connectivity, coordinates and new values at quad centroids. Args: quads_conn (ndarray): nds_crd (ndarray): nds_val (ndarray): Returns: tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val (tuple): Notes: Triangles connectivity array is based on quadrilaterals connectivity. Each quad is split into eight triangles. New nodes are created at the quad centroid. See also: function: quads_to_8tris_8n, quads_to_4tris """ n_quads, _ = quads_conn.shape # n_nds, _ = nds_crd.shape tris_conn = np.zeros((8*n_quads, 3), dtype=int) for i, quad_conn in enumerate(quads_conn): j = 8*i n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8 = quad_conn # center nodeds already present in quad 9n # triangles connectivity tris_conn[j] = np.array([n0, n4, n8]) tris_conn[j+1] = np.array([n4, n1, n8]) tris_conn[j+2] = np.array([n1, n5, n8]) tris_conn[j+3] = np.array([n5, n2, n8]) tris_conn[j+4] = np.array([n2, n6, n8]) tris_conn[j+5] = np.array([n6, n3, n8]) tris_conn[j+6] = np.array([n3, n7, n8]) tris_conn[j+7] = np.array([n7, n0, n8]) # return tris_conn, nds_c_crd, nds_c_val return tris_conn def quad8n_val_at_center(vals): """ Calculate values at the center of 8-node quad element. """ val_c1 = -np.mean(vals[[0, 1, 2, 3]], axis=0) + 2*np.mean(vals[[4, 5, 6, 7]], axis=0) # noqa: E501 # val_c1 = -np.sum(vals[[0, 1, 2, 3]], axis=0)/4 + np.sum(vals[[4, 5, 6, 7]], axis=0)/2 # noqa: E501 # val_c2 = -np.sum(vals[[0, 1, 2, 3]], axis=0)/4 + np.sum(vals[[4, 5, 6, 7]], axis=0)/2 # noqa: E501 # val_c3 = np.mean(vals[[4, 5, 6, 7]], axis=0) # val_c4 = np.mean(vals[[0, 1, 2, 3]], axis=0) # val_c5 = np.mean(vals, axis=0) # return val_c1, val_c2, val_c3, val_c4, val_c5 return val_c1 def plot_stress(stress_str, mesh_outline=1, cmap='turbo', levels=50): """Plot stress distribution of the model. Args: stress_str (string): stress component string. Available options are: 'sxx', 'syy', 'sxy', 'vmis', 's1', 's2', 'alpha' mesh_outline (int): 1 - mesh is plotted, 0 - no mesh plotted. cmap (str): Matplotlib color map (default is 'turbo') levels (int): number and positions of the contour lines / regions. Usage: :: opsv.plot_stress('vmis') plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('y [m]') See also: :ref:`opsvis_sig_out_per_node` """ ndim = ops.getNDM()[0] if ndim == 2: _plot_stress_2d(stress_str, mesh_outline, cmap, levels) # if axis_off: # plt.axis('off') # not implemented yet # elif ndim == 3: # _plot_stress_3d(stress_str, mesh_outline, cmap, levels) else: print(f'\nWarning! ndim: {ndim} not implemented yet.') # # call this from main py file for more control def _plot_stress_2d(stress_str, mesh_outline, cmap, levels): """See documentation for plot_stress command""" # node_tags = ops.getNodeTags() # ele_tags = ops.getEleTags() # n_nodes = len(node_tags) # second version - better - possible different types # of elements (mix of quad and tri) # for ele_tag in ele_tags: # nen = np.shape(ops.eleNodes(ele_tag))[0] # avoid calculating and storing all stress components # sig_out = sig_out_per_node(stress_str) # switcher = {'sxx': 0, # 'syy': 1, # 'sxy': 2, # 'svm': 3, # 'vmis': 3, # 's1': 4, # 's2': 5, # 'angle': 6} # nds_val = sig_out[:, switcher[stress_str]] nds_val = sig_component_per_node(stress_str) plot_stress_2d(nds_val, mesh_outline, cmap, levels)